Traveller Open Content - New Programme on the Way

Mongoose Publishing has announced that the Traveller sci-fi RPG will be moving away from the Open Gaming License (OGL), and adopting Paizo's upcoming new Open RPG Creator License (ORC). In light of recent events, Mongoose Publishing is going to be introducing a brand new Traveller Open Content programme, allowing gamers and publishers to build their own projects using the most recent...

Mongoose Publishing has announced that the Traveller sci-fi RPG will be moving away from the Open Gaming License (OGL), and adopting Paizo's upcoming new Open RPG Creator License (ORC).


In light of recent events, Mongoose Publishing is going to be introducing a brand new Traveller Open Content programme, allowing gamers and publishers to build their own projects using the most recent edition of Traveller rules.

We will be working with existing Traveller OGL publishers to build a new SRD based upon the Traveller Core Rulebook Update 2022, using their feedback to ensure best utility, and a logo licence will be made available to clearly mark compatible products.

At this time, we are looking to the ORC licence to maintain openness, now and in the future.

The current TAS programme on Drivethru, which allows the publishing of material set in the official Charted Space universe, will continue to run separately, but alongside, Traveller Open Content.

More news as it develops!

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Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
Mongoose is a licensed version, incorporating a lot of the old parts from previous editions, with some new parts. However, much like GURPS or T20 Traveller it has its own feel. I mean like where 80's Traveller felt closer to Asimov's Foundation, now mongoose is much more influenced by Star Wars. Cepheus is wide open, with a variety of settings as well as different rules sets, though generally to me overall cepheus feels more rules light than either mongoose, or T5.
Notably, the Cepheus Engine is used for Hostile, which was the preferred RPG for doing stuff like Alien before the Alien RPG or Mothership came along.


Let Cepheus live!
Hey there,

I have just posted the following on Reddit:

Okay, Rumour Control.

As things stand, we have told the Cepheus publishers that, in the event that WotC nuked the OGL1.0a and everything published under it tomorrow, we would cover their work, legally and indefinitely. Everything else is up for discussion.

At the start of our conversations with the CE publishers we made it clear that we knew both parties were starting from two different positions and that we were looking to find a path that ran between the two of them. We are all Travellers at the end of the day,

We have recently laid out another set of proposals to the CE to be discussed. Still waiting for feedback but it seems some are positive, some are on the fence and one is dead set against them. So, we keep talking to find a way through - however, our offer to cover their work means there is no time pressure and we can talk things through properly. There is no need to resolve this overnight.

In short, nothing is decided yet but we will cover Cepheus until it is.

Hey there,

I have just posted the following on Reddit:

Okay, Rumour Control.

As things stand, we have told the Cepheus publishers that, in the event that WotC nuked the OGL1.0a and everything published under it tomorrow, we would cover their work, legally and indefinitely. Everything else is up for discussion.

At the start of our conversations with the CE publishers we made it clear that we knew both parties were starting from two different positions and that we were looking to find a path that ran between the two of them. We are all Travellers at the end of the day,

We have recently laid out another set of proposals to the CE to be discussed. Still waiting for feedback but it seems some are positive, some are on the fence and one is dead set against them. So, we keep talking to find a way through - however, our offer to cover their work means there is no time pressure and we can talk things through properly. There is no need to resolve this overnight.

In short, nothing is decided yet but we will cover Cepheus until it is.
Solis with little difficulty can be played with 2e rules, it is just that anything that hurts my friends is less than ideal. I also think that saving open gaming is a worthy effort in and of itself.


B/X Known World
Hey there,

I have just posted the following on Reddit:

Okay, Rumour Control.

As things stand, we have told the Cepheus publishers that, in the event that WotC nuked the OGL1.0a and everything published under it tomorrow, we would cover their work, legally and indefinitely. Everything else is up for discussion.

At the start of our conversations with the CE publishers we made it clear that we knew both parties were starting from two different positions and that we were looking to find a path that ran between the two of them. We are all Travellers at the end of the day,

We have recently laid out another set of proposals to the CE to be discussed. Still waiting for feedback but it seems some are positive, some are on the fence and one is dead set against them. So, we keep talking to find a way through - however, our offer to cover their work means there is no time pressure and we can talk things through properly. There is no need to resolve this overnight.

In short, nothing is decided yet but we will cover Cepheus until it is.
Mostly good to hear. So why not simply release Traveller under a new open license, such as ORC (when it arrives, depending on terms, etc)? What’s there to negotiate unless Mongoose wants to close Traveller off?


Mostly good to hear. So why not simply release Traveller under a new open license, such as ORC (when it arrives, depending on terms, etc)? What’s there to negotiate unless Mongoose wants to close Traveller off?
The very OP states they will be moving to ORC.

Voidrunner's Codex

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