True Blood #2:Keep This Party Going/S2/2009

Truth Seeker

Keep This Party Going

Sookie is forced to cope with Bill’s obligations to Jessica, as well as the romantic inconveniences the teen vampire’s presence creates. At the Light of Day leadership conference, Jason makes a favorable impression on its ambitious leaders, Steve (Michael McMillian) and Sarah Newlin (Anna Camp), though not on his jealous roommate Luke (Wes Brown). Maryann casts her spell on Merlotte’s patrons, and Sam proves helpless to stop the revelry.


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Well, my problems with the show continue into this season. Sookie is by far the least interesting character, followed by Bill.

It's fortunate that the rest of the cast is pretty awesome, and even Bill got an upgrade with regards to Jessica.

Lafayette doesn't need to be a vampire to be bad-ass. I liked Eric a lot more than his last appearances as well. While I don't see how Lafayette gets out of this alive, either as a vamp or killed, he makes a pretty convincing argument. It was just poor luck he didn't escape at the first - not that it would have mattered in particular. Eric tearing the guy apart was pretty cool too.

Jason. With all the cute girls, I'm amazed he hasn't gone all man-slut on the whole leadership conference. That said, what I really hope is going on here is that the conference is a training program for vampire hunters. Think about it - the football was mobility training, the silver ring was a weapon to punch with, the role-playing was to prepare them for scenarios. I really want to see Jason go all Jason Blemont. It would be completely badass.

My guess on Maryanne is that she's some sort of nymph, focused on water and decadence. Her promoting Tara's love and making Bon Temps dance, and Sookie hearing the strange language (Greek or Latin, I couldn't tell) suggests something along those lines.

As an aside: Belfleur dancing was hilarious.

My guess is that it will be Eric, Sookie, and Lafayette going to Dallas to find Godric, especially now that there's even more distance between Sookie and Bill.

I love that the sales clerk saw Bill compliment Eric's hair and thought they were lovers. Especially since Eric totally looks the part. Also, the hair looked horrid.

Fast Learner

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Jason. With all the cute girls, I'm amazed he hasn't gone all man-slut on the whole leadership conference.
They sure seem to be hinting that that's where he's headed.

That said, what I really hope is going on here is that the conference is a training program for vampire hunters. Think about it - the football was mobility training, the silver ring was a weapon to punch with, the role-playing was to prepare them for scenarios. I really want to see Jason go all Jason Blemont. It would be completely badass.
That's definitely my guess. I got the impression that the leaders saw exactly what they wanted in him during the roleplaying.

My guess on Maryanne is that she's some sort of nymph, focused on water and decadence. Her promoting Tara's love and making Bon Temps dance, and Sookie hearing the strange language (Greek or Latin, I couldn't tell) suggests something along those lines.
I think she's definitely some kind of sex/love thing, but despite it sounding weird, she seems like a Greek goddess to me, something really, truly old. Nymph is a good word, but doesn't quite feel like what I'm searching for in terms of a word... right on the tip of my brain. Gah.

Some more comments:

Lafayatte in the cellar was gross. And awesome at the same time. I am not sure if everyone would be able to do what he did. *shudder*

The scene where Sookie tried to explain her dealing with the loss of her grandmother and relating it to Jessica was funny, in away. She seems to have a strange mix of naivité and innocence into it, and what she said was kinda corny, but she seemed to sell it - it felt "in-character" - that's what this girl would say.
Bringing Jesssica to her parents was a bad idea, of course, from the start, and that it went as wrong as it did was no real surprise. One stands to wonder if Jessica has planned on attacking her parents or her dad, but I tend to think that this was not the case. I suppose her behavior is better explained by the "fickle" emotional state of a teenager, of course heightened by being a vampire now. (Maybe some Ritalin would be of use?)
Bill, by the way, is totally cheating. Glamoring a girl to invite him into his house! That is a totally broken use of his power, and I would immediately houserule it if I was his DM. ;)

I still have no clue what Maryanne wants to achieve. (And I find that almost more interesting then figuring out what she is.) I wonder if what she said to the new, struggling waitress will have some kind of (magical) impact on her? Or will she just use her to screw with Sam? But again, for what purpose?

I sure expect Jason to :):):):) around a little on the Light of Day conference. I haven't thought about what goal the whole thing has, except to bring in more followers. But the idea of creating vampire hunters makes a lot of sense to me now. And of course Jasons actions than would then work brilliant for them.


Wow great episode. Makes me want to get the S1 series. I suppose Maryann is like some fertility god/goddess? Lafayette as a vamp turns up all kinda possibilities.


Great episode.

The show is becoming less and less like the books with each new episode, but I don't think that's a bad thing. However, I do recommend Charlene Harris' books; they're fun, light reads with a lot of witty humor and a very interesting take on many classic supernatural critters.

Oh, and for those of you wondering what Maryann is...

She's a maenad.



First Post
The show is becoming less and less like the books with each new episode, but I don't think that's a bad thing. However, I do recommend Charlene Harris' books;

I recommend the books too. The show is definitely going its own way, so it doesn't spoil too much. Such as Maryann is much more interesting in the show than she was in the books. She had a very marginal role in the books and her big scene was mostly at the end.

As for Jason, well I've read all the books, so yes...he's a man slut
because he has faerie blood
, but he does get better.

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