"True Seeing -- Seeking Truth Behind Life's Fictions in Waterdeep" (Issue #45)

"True Seeing -- Seeking Truth Behind Life's Fictions in Waterdeep" Issue #45

Cover Story -- "The Rotunda --
Tymora's glittery Dock Ward Jewel, or Fool's Gold set there by darker powers?"
by The Shadow Scribe.

What truly lies beyond the glitz and glitter at Our Lady Tymora's Rotunda? A Dock Ward casino "temple" dedicated to Tymora, what truly happens there is much more sinister than yet another casino that bilks gamblers from their hard-earned money.

My trusted and unimpeachable sources have brought me news of happenings at this temple casino that make me shake so that I fear my words will be illegible due to the trembling of my hands as I hold the quill. Word of beings so dark that Lolth's children would fear to cross them -- dark beings of the night that thirst not for wine but for blood, and beings crossing to this world from the deepest pits of the gods' realms, is this temple truly devoted to Tymora? The word from these Sources tells me that people claiming to be close to Tymora herself are said to be personally interested in this casino-temple, but if this is true, how could they allow these dark presences to enter this presumably holy ground? Or do these folk only give lip service to Tymora, while really giving their praise to darker gods?

Good people of Waterdeep, I implore you, be most wary if you cross the glittery threshold into the darkness that lies beneath the shining facade of Tymora's Dock Ward Rotunda! Dark beings haunt what should be a glowing tribute to Our Lady Luck, seeking to win more than just gold and silver. These seek to win your souls. Watch the coins you carry away with you, this blood money is the currency of the damned, and it wishes to claim you as well.
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"True Seeing -- Seeking Truth Behind Life's Fictions in Waterdeep" Issue #46

The Rotunda: The Initiates of the Dark Seluna
by: The Shadow Scribe

After hazardous sleuthing by my trusted anonymous Sources, I have another piece of the twisted puzzle that is the powers at work behind Tymora's Lost Rotunda. To protect those of their order that might be innocent of wrong-doings, I shall grant these sages the pseudonym "The Initiates of the Dark Seluna", so that those of their order who are corrupt do not paint the innocent of their number with the same dark brush of corruption.

My Sources have seen sages of this Lunar order cavorting and consorting with members of the other sinister beings that flock to this Rotunda, this glittering diadem atop the bright head of Our Lady Luck. As previously mention in our last illuminating issue, I have called into question the motives ot the proprieters of this casino and festhall, to dedicate their establishment to our Lady Luck yet cater to such dark beings. Yet, it seems it is not just beings of darkness, doom and despair that flock to its golden halls but also sages who consort and dally with them. Is it merely to study these fell creatures in a setting that causes them to lower their guard? Perhaps indeed these sages are altruistic and merely interested in knowledge. Or are these sages members of a cult that caters and delivers to the beings' dark desires and fell appetites. It is just as liely, as the numbers of the children of darkness have only grown, that the sages are in league, gestating these children of the dark in the sparkling womb of our fair City of Splendors.

True Seeing -- Seeking Truth Behind Life's Fictions in Waterdeep" Issue #47

Church of Tymora Allied With Vampires?
by the Shadow Scribe

I have mentioned in past articles on the Rotunda, a casino dedicated fo our good Lady Luck, that one who is high at this place claims to be high in her service. I have now learned that he further claims he is a Chosen of hers, such as the greatest mages of the world are Chosen of our Lady Mystra.
Why then have I now learned this man been seen consorting with undead? Specifically, a vampire who is the head of a coven likely with much to do in the spike in vampire attacks in our city? Could he truly be chosen by Tymora? If so, does this mean she would support his deeds in dallying with a vampire who so actively is involved in the spread of the curse?

The following is translated from an ancient code used by undead such as vampires:
Kindred, I offer you a chance to renew your name, restore a dead dream, and carve your mark in the pages of history books. If you, amongst many, are tired of sitting aside and watching the endless days pull by, there is hope yet to make things worth while. Find me, Kindred, I am often around and easy to spy as the lady of purple tresses and pink eyes. Listen to what I have to say, what I have to offer, it may be worth while for you. If not, you may watch the rest of Us succeed and retake that of which was ours - fear.

She clearly wishes to spread her dark taint. If this so-called Chosen consorts with her, how could he but support her cause? Does this mean he is lying in his claim of being Tymora's Chosen? Or worse yet, could this mean that a goddess we believed was good is much less so.
Another possibility is that he is indeed dark and not Chosen by Tymora. The Dark Sun has tricked even high-up priests in the past. Could it be posible that this man is instead Chosen by Cyric? If so, I wonder if he knows the blight this is to Tymora and her Church. I bet the Prince of Lies knows...
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A note is written in a clear, easy hand, flowing and elegant. It reads simply:

The Lady smiles not only on mortals, but on all manner of beings - men or otherwise. No one can predict her, and she will show her favour when you least expect but most need it - though you would be foolish to trust her or rely on her to smile on you. She may do so... or she may not. As such, she is not bound by her good nature to assist only good beings. Even a devil could have good fortune, wouldn't you agree?

I would also question your judgement of the nature of vampirism. You appear to hold the general view that such being are inherently immoral in their attitudes and approach to life. I suggest an alternative - they are doing as their nature dictates, killing and eating and reproducing where necessary. Would you call a beast of nature such as a lion 'evil' for doing the same? Are we not bound by the same rules and laws, ultimately? All beings kill to live, none are exempt.

~Jeajea Veanson, Servant to Tymora.

No hand is seen delivering the note. At some point, it's not there, and at some other point, it simply is.

*a note is placed beside Jea's, in clear cursive like handwriting it says:*

The Lady smiles not only on mortals, but on all manner of beings - men or otherwise.

Maybe... maybe... on the surface. Yet, everyone holds ulterior motives as does she.

I suggest an alternative - they are doing as their nature dictates, killing and eating and reproducing where necessary. Would you call a beast of nature such as a lion 'evil' for doing the same?

Very nice.. I love the way you defend her obvious hypocracy. If I get what you are implying, you are insulting vampires by comparing them to such a creature? First off, vampires do not need to kill to live. Some do it because it is just simply enjoyable. But a wise vampire would just keep their meal alive for feeding later, an idiot would just murder mindlessly and gain attention then have the likes of you cover their tracks with such a plea. I think someone needs to come to terms with themselves, hmm?

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