TUW: The Outpost


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Y 0: D 201: Doldrums 51: Grass Spiders, part 8

OOC: Adisakti: 10(Impetus) + 19(Sequence) + 81(d100) - 36(armor) - 50(weapon) = 24
Spider: 21(Sequence) + 75(d100) - 20(bite) = 76 - 10(daze) = 66

Adi will continue attacking the spider...this time he'll attempt to bring his staff down between the segment.
GM: Despite the slight daze, the yellowish-brown spider proves to be quicker than expected.

OOC: Spider: 20(lethality) + 21(attack) + 75(d100) = 116
Adisakti: 12(konokoro) + 10(defense) + 81(d100) = 103
Damage: 116 - 103 = 13% * 3 = 0: ineffective

GM: Though quicker, the spider is unable to effectively attack.

OOC: Adi: 11(fury) + 19(lethal) + 18(attack) + 81(d100) = 129
Spider: 20(defense) + 26(defend) + 75(d100) = 121
Damage: 129 - 121 = 8% * 20 = 2
Mind: 6 - 2 = 4: dazed

GM: The blow is not as forceful as would have been hoped, but the spider is even further dazed.
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
OOC: Vittero: 10(Impetus) + 22(Sequence) + 97(d100) - 32(armor) - 100(way) = -3
Spider: 21(Sequence) + 75(d100) - 20(bite) = 76
Taylar: 9(Impetus) + 20(Sequence) + 94(d100) - 36(armor) - 100(weapon) = -13
Spider: 21(Sequence) + 75(d100) - 20(bite) = 76 - 40(daze) = 36

GM: The barely hurt spiders is, once again, on Vittero before he can react.

OOC: Spider: 19(lethal) + 26(attack) + 75(d100) = 120
Vittero: 10(konokoro) + 14(defense) + 97(d100) + 75(luck) = 196

GM: Vittero luckily avoids the jumping spider and ,deciding to change tactics, swings his bow like a staff as it goes by.

OOC: Vittero: 11(fury) + 22(lethal) + 22(attack) + 97(d100) + 75(luck) = 227
Spider: 19(defense) + 26(defend) + 75(d100) = 116
Damage: 227 - 116 = 111% * 10 = 11
Mind: 7 - 11 = -4: unconscious
Body: 8 - 4 = 4: injured

GM: The lucky blow does not kill the spider but it does render it unconscious.

Similar to his strategy with the beetles, Taylar will swing his weapon looking to smack his spider and lift it off it's feet. He considers letting one bite him to help him gain an immunity to any venom they might possess, but then decides he can glean venom from them after they're dead.
GM: Despite his preparedness, the daze spider is still faster.

OOC: Spider: 20(lethal) + 23(attack) + 75(d100) = 118
Taylar: 8(konokoro) + 9(defense) + 94(d100) + 63(luck) = 174

GM: The clumsy attack of the dazed spider has no chance of making contact as Taylar brings his large stick around to engage it.

OOC: Taylar: 11(fury) + 20(lethal) + 23(attack) + 94(d100) + 63(luck) = 211
Spider: 20(defense) + 23(defend) + 75(d100) = 118
Damage: 211 - 118 = 93% * 30 = 28
Mind: 3 - 28 = -25: unconscious
Body: 9 - 25 = -16: dead

GM: It might be difficult to recognize that the remaining mess was once a spider after Taylar hit it.

GM: Adisakti easily finishes his injured spider. All spiders are now dead or completely incapacitated.
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Gamer Extraordinaire
In triumph Taylar holds up his upgraded club dripping with spider innards, and then wipes it off in the grass. He checks to make sure there are no spiders hiding around. He then sees what he can scavenge from the carcasses. He checks for venom sacks.

He says to the group, "Have any of you ever eaten a spider before? Want to try it?"


Taylar...says to the group, "Have any of you ever eaten a spider before? Want to try it?"
Raven Elk surveys the battle scene. Any spiders not dead, but severely dazed or left unconscious from his friends' first attacks, are easily dispatched.

He hears Taylar's comment, but knows spider is not a very palatable meal.
Raven Elk walks away from the spider he killed, heading over to Maka; he then claps him on the shoulder as each of them would do for each other after a victorious game of Pekitwe (La Crosse).



Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Y 0: D 201: Doldrums 51: Grass Spiders, done

(Taylar) says to the group,
"Have any of you ever eaten a spider before? Want to try it?"
Vittero cocks his head to the side like a dog when asked a query.
"I am game. Why not? Although out here in the grasses, there is not really any wood to speak of for making a fire. We might have to hold onto them a bit until we find some scrub. I think there is a copse of trees on the edge of the horizon, in the direction we were traveling. It is difficult to tell from this distance. While we are at it, I would like to collect those fangs as well."

GM: Awarded Experience:
Innovative Ideas or Problem Solving: 4 (all characters)
Individual Posts:
  • Raven Elk: 6
  • Maka: 7
  • Taylar: 9
  • Adisakti: 7

OOC: It is recommended that all characters develop all core abilities to 10 ranks, first.

GM: Taylar is able to collect all 5 poison glands, intact. Vittero is only able to collect 4 pairs of the fangs.
Party Inventory

Holding the fangs in his hands, Vittero senses something of Way within them. He calls Raven Elk and Adi over asking them if they can sense it, too. He then asks Taylar to let them hold the venom glands, which also indicate a proclivity of Way. He stands for a long while holding one of each after asking Raven Elk and Adisakti if they can determine anything.
OOC: Identify Proclivity:
Range: Touch
  • Essence + Cohesion +
  • Mind + Knowledge + Will +
  • Collegiate
Time = 1 day * complexity / (Effectiveness + d100)
This active Basic task is used to determine the specifics of an item that can augment the natural abilities of the possessor or bolster a particular manipulation.
Raven Elk: 24(IP) + 99(d100) + 77(luck) = 200
Vittero: 32(IP) + 97(d100) + 75(luck) = 204
Adisakti: 21(IP) + 81(d100) = 102

GM: While it takes only a few minutes for all to come to the same conclusion about the spider fangs, it takes considerably more time for the venom glands.
Spider Fangs: +1 Cohesion
Venom Gland: Weaken x3

OOC: Each character can receive the benefit from carrying a pair of spider fangs. No one yet has the skill necessary to make use of the venom gland which will be expended when it can be used.
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Gamer Extraordinaire
Taylar will add the fangs to his bracelet. He looks around and says, "It seems as if the world is more in focus." He shrugs and grabs a handful of grass to wipe his club with. He collects enough of the spider to have a few bites, not to make a meal of.


Raven Elk uses Way to sense the "gift" of Way that these spider fangs may offer.

After finding out their "power/focus" (as it were), Raven Elk will also wear the spider fangs on the necklace as a charm.

"It seems we ARE becoming more focused.", Raven Elk muses aloud. "Not just individually, but as a team on this adventure."
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Y 0: D 202: Doldrums 52: Onward Still

The Highland Plains are not exactly like the rolling hills of those farther south. The terrain is periodically broken with crags, fissures, and rises. The grassland, also being randomly dotted with small copses of trees. Travel in a straight line would be ridiculous to expect.

The crew moves from the dead meerkat village back to their original path of travel, deducing that had the people they are following must have continued farther to the east with straying toward the mounds or they, too, would have encountered the spiders.

Less than an hour after being underway, smoke can be seen ahead. The smoke is indicative of a campfire, about an hour off in the distance that the party is already traveling.


Raven Elk, seeing the smoke from a campfire, calls his friends together, pointing to the drifting grey line:

"Should we just go in as a group along our path here, or should we send Maka up ahead to scout it out while the rest of us flank the area ahead, two to a side?"
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Sylvar B.

Not long after the group leaves the encounter with the spiders, and before they spot the smoke from the fire.... Adisakti looks at Taylar...
"What were you doing when you touched the ground back there, before we fought the spiders. If it's some sort of good luck thing I want in. Kissing that giant stone at the edge of town isn't working. Besides, it's hard to find a place that Vittero hasn't already laid his disease ridden lips."

Adi gives Vittero a good natured shove with his staff and runs away a few paces, then spits three times in quick succession as if trying get something off his lips.

In the present moment, answering Raven Elk,
"If those are the culprits they won't take kindly to being seen by anyone. I think we should be quiet and stealthy as possible, until we know more. Maka should scout, the others flank, but we should have a signal for all clear and one for back off. For all clear Maka should cry out, 'cah-CAH, cah-CAH'; for back off, Maka could go 'Mooooo'."

Adisakti, grins at everyone like it's the best idea in the world.
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