[TV] Doctor Who

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Viking Bastard

RTD did claim later that CE's departure was planned from the start as it happened, but it contradicts both his own and others' earlier comments. We don't know exactly what happened, but we know some things.

CE has refused to comment much upon it, other than it was his decision and that he doesn't like to do any one thing for too long.

There's a lot of good (and even more bad, of course) discussion on this around, like this thread on Gallifrey Base.

You need to register to read the thread, so I'll quote one post which summarized the most widely believed theory:

Gallifrey Base user Wilf said:
CE was signed up for one year with an option for a second.

It is believed he was unhappy about the quality of the first three episodes he filmed, and it is believed he had family problems to deal with shortly afterwards.

It is rumoured that after he expressed his unhappiness to the production team, RTD sounded out David Tennant as a potential replacement should Chris decide not to stay, and that Chris's discovery of the fact that a replacement had been lined up so quickly made his mind up to leave.

RTD confirmed to him in January 2005 that he could make Chris's Doctor go out on an epic high, and rewrote the end of The Parting Of The Ways accordingly. Tennant was then approached formally about the role, and had given his acceptance before April (which is when he filmed his half of the regeneration).

And, of course, the press got wind of Chris's departure shortly after his first episode was broadcast.

Please note that the second and third paragraphs are rumours, not facts - no-one has ever confirmed exactly why Chris left. There are many rumours flying about, but these seem to be the most plausible/credible.

Chris was never intended to be a one-season Doctor from the outset, and the 'fear of typecasting' thing was an unauthorised untruth concocted by an incompetent publicity department (who since apologised to Chris for misrepresenting him).

Viking Bastard

Aw, that's a shame. :(

Do you happen to remember any links, or any quotes? I'm not doubting you, I'm just curious as to the substance of his complaints.

The first series had a lot of production issues which made him and others very frustrated. He also complained of the quality of the first few scripts ("Rose" & "Aliens of London/WWIII"). I don't think he's commented more upon it than that, but I'm not sure.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Aw, that's a shame. :(

Do you happen to remember any links, or any quotes? I'm not doubting you, I'm just curious as to the substance of his complaints.

It was nearly 5 years ago, I'm afraid. But I recall that he didn't take the show seriously and seemed to consider it beneath him (which was odd since he then went on to guest-star in Heroes). I think the basic tenor was that he didn't want to be remembered as Doctor Who.


First Post
It was nearly 5 years ago, I'm afraid. But I recall that he didn't take the show seriously and seemed to consider it beneath him (which was odd since he then went on to guest-star in Heroes). I think the basic tenor was that he didn't want to be remembered as Doctor Who.
See, I've heard differently. Chris said that working on Doctor Who was an honor and that he had nothing bad to say about the program, just the BBC and their mucking up the PR about his departure. He also said that he was touched by the response from children when he played the Doctor, and that he'd treasure it for a long time.

I do get the sense that he and Russel T. Davies parted on less than amicable terms, which is a shame. As Chris said, the fact that Davies was working on the program was what got him interested.

And yeah, Chris has no right to talk that Doctor Who was beneath him, as he did went on the star in GI JOE. :lol:

Well, if Chris and Davies were unhappy with each other, it is possible that he might go back if Steve Moffat approaches him. But there are so many ifs and uncertainities it seems pointless to really speculate further. Especially if there is no such script requiring him back. ;)

Viking Bastard

See, I've heard differently. Chris said that working on Doctor Who was an honor and that he had nothing bad to say about the program, just the BBC and their mucking up the PR about his departure. He also said that he was touched by the response from children when he played the Doctor, and that he'd treasure it for a long time.
He's also said that. And it doesn't really contradict the perceived reasons for him leaving: He may have great respect for the program and love having been the Doctor, but still have not enjoyed making it.

My feeling is that whatever problems he had with his time on DW, he's over it.


First Post
Well, new episode review here.

Amy's Choice - Wow. I honestly didn't expect much from the previews, but this episode was cracking. Great suspense filled yarn with some great character development for the 3 leads. [sblock]And it's nice to see that Rory and Amy's relationship won't be on standby for the duration of their stay in the TARDIS. As the title of the episode suggests, Amy made her choice, and I feel it was a particular triumph of Karen Gillan's acting that she gave that moment real weight. And Rory continues to grow on me as a companion, look forward to seeing more of him as the season goes on.

As for the revelation of the Dream Lord's identity, well, I personally liked it. And c'mon, I think we all know that for all his heroism, the Doctor can be as vicious and cruel as any of the monstrosities he's faced. There are numerous examples throughout the series long history of the Doctor's hidden darker depths. It's just never been given a voice until now. [/sblock]

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