[TV] Doctor Who


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Best episode of the season so far. Brilliant stuff, really mythic and epic in scope.

I wouldn't agree with that. It wasn't bad (certainly better than The Beast Below or Victory of the Daleks), but far from brilliant or epic.

I also disagree with the premise of characterisation that the Doctor hates himself more than anyone else in the universe does - that seemed off-character to me. Sure, during Tennant's tenure they delved into the loneliness and anger frim time to time, but self-loathing is a new one which I don't like at all. Doctor Who has always been a joyous, fun show to me.

So - if I understand this - it was all caused by those hallucinogenic seeds which he found in the TARDIS at the end, and the whole episode was a dream (both realities. They were perfectly safe, just suffering a 45-minute shared hallucination.

Did they explain where those seeds came from, or were they just random detritus from some unseen previous adventure? Rory referred to "the TARDIS days" as though he'd experienced more than just Vampires of Venice which suggests there was a time gap between the two episodes.

Also - where does Amy (and companions before her) get her clothes from? She's wering something different in each episode. Does the TARDIS wardrobe contain clothes enough for anyone who might find themselves on board?

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Also - where does Amy (and companions before her) get her clothes from? She's wering something different in each episode. Does the TARDIS wardrobe contain clothes enough for anyone who might find themselves on board?
I was under the impression that the interior of the TARDIS is massive, containing loads of rooms that we never see in the new DW episodes.

I really liked Amy's choice. Good story & acting from everyone.


Ivan Alias
Also - where does Amy (and companions before her) get her clothes from? She's wering something different in each episode. Does the TARDIS wardrobe contain clothes enough for anyone who might find themselves on board?

I seem to recall there being a wardrobe room in prior seasons. I remember Romana trying on several outfits after her regeneration, including one that looked like Tom Baker's iconic outfit complete with scarf, as well as Peter Davidson looking for a change of clothes in the TARDIS shortly after his regeneration. Granted, it's been a long time since I saw those, so I may be mistaken.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Oh, there's certainly tons of rooms, and one if those is certainly a wardrobe (and a library, a swimming pool, living areas, and much more) - that's been clear for decades!

My question was more about the contents of that wardrobe. Does it contain a massive variety of womens' clothing in various styles and sizes?


First Post
I was under the impression that the interior of the TARDIS is massive, containing loads of rooms that we never see in the new DW episodes.

I really liked Amy's choice. Good story & acting from everyone.

It would be nice if they showed us some more interior areas of the Tardis but they most likely don't want to fabricate a whole new set for that.


Oh, there's certainly tons of rooms, and one if those is certainly a wardrobe (and a library, a swimming pool, living areas, and much more) - that's been clear for decades!

My question was more about the contents of that wardrobe. Does it contain a massive variety of womens' clothing in various styles and sizes?

Evidently yes :)

Either that, or there are shopping expeditions that don't warrant a TV episode - Dr Who and the Next dimension, for example.
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First Post
Oh, there's certainly tons of rooms, and one if those is certainly a wardrobe (and a library, a swimming pool, living areas, and much more) - that's been clear for decades!

My question was more about the contents of that wardrobe. Does it contain a massive variety of womens' clothing in various styles and sizes?

In the first epsode with Rose the Dr. told here he had clothes for every sort of occasion. That isn't the exact wuote but it was similar to that.


I liked the episode, but found it a bit lacking after the Weeping Angels and even Vampires. I liked the premise, but the payoff was lacking for me.


First Post
Morrus, you have a lot of questions about this latest episode. I have one for you: did you see him do it? Did you see it do what I said it did? Do you see what I'm talking about? Don't pretend not to know. :cool:

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