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Two Darks attempt to takedown the Lord of Light will they succeed?


Dagger Master
Master of the Thunderous Jaguar

Lord of Light 2 34-22 Yen 0

Apprentice of Light: Pure Spirit, Holy Warrior, Holy Day, Signature Style(Thunder)
Warrior of Light: Master of Emotions, Mastery(Thunder), Chi Strike
Knight of the Light: Signature Style(Dagger), Purity of Focus, Redeeming Light
Master of Light: Mastery(Dagger), Right of Domain(Empty Again)
Lord of Light: Signature Style(Jaguar), Mastery(Jaguar),Purity of Focus

Aura of Light: Holy Day, Signature Location (Heavens)

Kal's Hand
<MeowthBot> 1: The snake silences the garden; scatters the stab of the lightning!
<MeowthBot> 2: The monkey tumbles facing the cemetery and slides above the battlements; leaps over the throw of the chi!
<MeowthBot> 3: The dagger bashes the garden; guards against the beauty of the earth!
<MeowthBot> 4: The phoenix sweeps through the palace and scourges the steam; parries the aggression of the chi!
<MeowthBot> 5: The dagger sweeps upon the delta; leaps over the storm of the cat!
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First Post
"Ok, Kalanyr...Noir mutters something about righteous paladins. How about Mirashi and I teach you about the powers of dark."

Dark Warrior 2

SigStyle(Tiger), Sneaky Trick, Unholy warrior, Foul spirit, Master of Shadows, Dirty Trick, Poison Blade

This is a strat match between the teams of 1: Kalanyr 2: Mirashi/Noir...each team would have 12 flags..

Noir's first hand:
<MeowthBot> 1: The chopstick flies close to the grotto; dominates the touch of the honor!
<MeowthBot> 2: The fang spins through the village; silences the cut of the ember!
<MeowthBot> 3: The spider mangles the gate; absorbs the foray of the lightbeam!
<MeowthBot> 4: The staff painlessly slaughters the palace; parts the touch of the battlements!
<MeowthBot> 5: The snake breaks the mountain; scatters the terror of the scythe!


First Post
"Your lesson shall be swift yet painful, Light warrior. Come join us in the shadows; there is room for all!

Mirashi Iso
Dark Warrior 1
0 yen
Sig Style Scorpion, same powers as Noir

<MeowthBot> 1: The snake devastates the city; conceals the cut of the void!
<MeowthBot> 2: The fist dodges across the madlands; drifts below the energy of the dark sunbeam!
<MeowthBot> 3: The raven carves the castle; defends against the stab of the steel!
<MeowthBot> 4: The dagger demolishes the foothills; absorbs the push of the void!
<MeowthBot> 5: The spider sucker punches the heavens; dominates the quickening of the rain!


First Post
Kcyldyei approaches the combatants.

"Hello Noir, its good to see you again, is it not?" he asks, "I understand you require someone to declare masters. I can also provide the position of an unbiased judge, although you are fighting with a trusted allie of mine, I won't side with anyone."

The ancient masters have decreed this match to take place at the ricefield south-east of the Obsidian Tower on the dusk of the mongoose.


At Noir!
The dagger bashes the garden; guards against the beauty of the earth!

Kalanyr draws his dagger and lashes out hilt first to strike Noir in the face.


First Post
The staff painlessly slaughters the palace; parts the touch of the battlements!

Noir pulls two throwing daggers out of hidden pockets on her cloak and uses them to part Kalanyr's attack. Then using the distraction Mirashi caused, beats Kalanyr senseless while taking no damage.

"Come, Kalanyr. Join the darkness. Here let me pound into you with this staff how good the darkness is."
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First Post
Taking advantage of the Light fighter's distraction, Mirashi lunges at Kalanyr as he goes after Noir, attempting to knock the dagger out of Kal's hands and use it against him.

"Foolish warrior of Light... even your impressive powers cannot protect you against two of us! We shall latch on and drag you down like wolves on a bear, and then we shall feast upon your honor and your goodness, leaving NOTHING but a skeleton of your former self."

The raven carves the castle; defends against the stab of the steel!


First Post
Kcyldyei evaluates the round of combat and says, "Sorry Kal, flag to the bad guys."

12 Noir & Mirashi - 11 Kalanyr
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At Noir!
The phoenix sweeps through the palace and scourges the steam; parries the aggression of the chi!

Holy Day: Phoenix
I may use Purity of Focus after.

Kalanyr flys into the sky and bursts into holy flame and flying through Noir knocker her to the ground before turning around and scourging the foreign assassin with holy fire!


First Post
The spider mangles the gate; absorbs the foray of the lightbeam!

"Come to my parlor, said the spider to the fly. I think its time to catch a little lunch with my web.", says Noir while she absorbs Kalanyr's blow without pain, setting up Mirashi to land a deadly blow from the back while she mangles Kalanyr from the front.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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