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Two Kingdoms [Group 2]


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The combat was a flurry of movement as the mercenaries sprung into action. Caught unaware, the paladins sprung into action, only to have thier very movements brought low, sword arms swinging slowly, feet barely moving them.

And then came the badgers, the celestial creatures actually halting the paladins in thier swings for a moment, though they quickly overcame thier aversion when combat was joined, the camp no longer a silent isle in the forest so much as a cacophany of sounds that send birds scattering.

The men seemed to be giving a good accounting of themselves, wounding two of thier opponents, the bleeding badgers going into a vicious rage. Worse yet for one, was the burning blade of sharptail, her first thrust slipping neatly through his fullplate, cutting a deep gouge.

[sblock=ooc]Alright, first off an appology. My router is still having problems loading En World. Sometimes its quick, sometimes its an hour a page. I'm on my week off now, so I'm going to try and fix things up.

Now for updates!

Cyrus, Please include DC's for your spells just to save me the time. Speeds up my updates when I don't have to dig for them. That said? They all Fail and are slowed for 10 rounds.

Buddy, Just clarifying that you did have an action this round. Surprise round was you all getting out of the holes. ;)

Also, I believe you forgot the charging bonus, though sadly your rolls were just too bad =.=;

Sharptail, You're flanking. You're a rogue. SNEAK ATTACK!!!! That adds 17 to your damage, making it a total of 31.

You also made the tumble check to tumble around the guard without provoking AoO. ^_^

The guards are numbered 1-4 counterclockwise from thier starting corners.

Guard 1 - Fighting Sharptail, Takes a single attack. Missing horribly.

Guard 2 - Fighting a badger, Hits and deals 10 damage.

Guard 3 - Moves forward 10 feet. Slowed, he can't reach combat this round.

Guard 4 - Fights his badger, Hits and deals 10 damage.

And thats it for the round. New map is included. Guards are black squares. Badgers Orange, Elaine is green, Buddy is yellow, Cyrus is blue, Carlax is purple. Empty cirlces are holes, and the door of the tent is 'north'

Everyone goes now.

One last heads up, When including your AC, HP etc, please included it in the post not the title. To update I have like six windows open, and titles don't appear on the overview. Thankies![/sblock]


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Guest 11456

Elaine 'IcyHot' Sharptail

AC: 21; HP: 64/64

Elaine swings 'Hot' twice at the man in armor and then swings 'Icy' twice as well. Her movements are a blur of action.

Attack rolls: 20, 12, 26, 17 (Note: I forgot to add the +2 flanking bonus in the rolls so I added it to the results)
Damage rolls: 6, 5; 5, 5; 6, 2; 5, 3 (Note: regular damage then fire/cold damage)
Sneak attack damage roll: 17 (Note: only on first attack)

Walking Dad

First Post

Glad that he slowed the fanatics /paladins, Cyrus casts his next spell, that causes a spectral hand to appear nearby.

[sblock=ooc]He doesn't use his buckler to avoid spell failure.

Cyrus, AC 20 (T14, FF17), HP 103/91, F +7,R+5,W+7

0 (4) - disrupt undead - detect mgic, light, message, mage hand
1 (6) - chill touch - ray of enfeeblement x2, shield x2, protection from good, sleep
2 (6) - ghoul touch - spectral hand x2, false life x3 x2, scare
3 (5) - vampiric touch - ray of exhaustion x2, slow, dispel magic x2
4 (4) - fear - bestow curse, enervation x3
5 (3) - waves of fatigue - feeble mind, telekinesis x2

Aargh, I forgot to roll for temporary HP from false life.
False life (1d10+10=13)

Spectral Hand HP (1d4=1)[/sblock]


First Post
Buddy, HP 93/93, AC 30 (28 after charging), Initiative 14

Buddy mounts up on the riding dog as the badgers attack, then gets the hound running toward the same enemy his nearest badger just attacked, while the gnome raises his mace to smack the 'paladin' in a ride-by clubbing. "Surround him, badger!" he tells his badger in Celestial.

[sblock=ooc]Alright, Buddy's other action from the first round would've been to mount up, since I thought climbing outta the holes used up part of our first turn. This round, he charges the same target as his badger did, moving in to support it and keep the paladin busy. With Ride-By Attack, he charges the paladin and continues about 5 feet past him, still within melee reach, and hopefully his badger will move around as commanded to flank the paladin. Summoned creatures act at the beginning of Buddy's turn, so it won't help either of them hit right now, but it could help next turn. Buddy's Ride bonus is +9, so he doesn't even have to roll to guide the riding dog with his knees.

Buddy's attack is an 18 to hit, for 4 damage. Yeah, sucky rolls again.
Spirited Charge with mace against paladin (1d20+9=18, 2d6=4)

Badger 1 (24 hp) fights by Buddy and rages at the paladin that wounded it, clawing at 16 and 16 for 10 damage and 8 damage respectively, then bites with a 14 for 6 damage
First badger raging claw, claw, bite versus paladin (1d20+8=16, 1d4+6=10, 1d20+8=16, 1d4+6=8, 1d20+3=14, 1d6+3=6)

Badger 2 (34 hp) flanks with Tyrla and claws feebly at the paladin, with attack rolls of 9 (natural 1) and 15, for 6 and 6 damage respectively, then tries to bite with a 9 for 4 damage
Second badger flanking claw, claw, bite versus paladin (1d20+8=9, 1d4+4=6, 1d20+8=15, 1d4+4=6, 1d20+3=9, 1d6+2=4)

Badger 3 (24 hp) in the northwest corner, rages and claws the paladin with attack rolls of 25 and 21, for 10 and 8 damage respectively, then tries to bite him with an 11 attack roll for 6 damage
Third badger raging claw, claw, bite versus paladin (1d20+8=25, 1d4+6=10, 1d20+8=21, 1d4+6=8, 1d20+3=11, 1d6+3=6)

Summoned Celestial Dire Badgers: 34 HP each (24 badger 1, 34 badger 2, 24 badger 3), 16 AC (13 touch, 13 flat-footed), speed 30 (burrow 10), Fortitude +9, Reflex +6, Will +4, medium size, full attack: 2 claws +6 melee for 1d4+4 damage and bite +1 melee for 1d6+2 damage
Enters a Rage on its turn after being injured (claws +8 for 1d4+6, bite +3 for 1d6+3)[/sblock]
Last edited:


First Post
The combat was so far swift and brutal. The mercenaries and thier 'allies' swarmed over everything, the paladins spending most of thier time fighting off and striking those beasts rather than thier masters.

It was thier fatal mistake, attention so focused on the ravening beasts that they offered themselves up for further attacks. One fell to Carlax's spinning halbard moments before he could reach the slightly more vunerable Cyrus. Another, to the burning and freezing blades of the tiefling woman.

As those death cries and sounds of battle rang out, new cries came to join them, angry battle cries as four warriors burst from the tiny tent, weapons at the ready. They were regular army it seemed, certainly not paladins, thier beaten up chainmail and rugged demenor attesting to that, as if the curses spilling from them did not.

[sblock=ooc]Enworld is back up, and personal drama is subsided. So update time.

Haven't seen anything from Avalon so I'm gonna have to NPC.

Avalon - Beatsticks his opponent to death. ^_^

Cyrus - Casts his spell.

Buddy - Badger 3 deals a total of 18 damage. All others are misses. Stop rolling suck! ^_^

Elaine - Murders hers on the first hit. Also, when flanking, sneak attack is applied on every hit.

Guards 1 and 3 are dead.

Guard 2. Misses.

Guard 4. Hits Dealing Eight. to his badger.

Finally, four guards exit at the north of the tent (The door). The occupy the two squares directly in front of the door, and the squares to the diagonal left and right of the door.

You guys are much easier to update for ^_^;[/sblock]


First Post
Buddy, HP 93/93, AC 30, Initiative 14

Buddy calls out in Celestial, "Attack the newcomers, badger!" to his badger near Tyrla, and it rushes to comply. Meanwhile, he uses his feet and a bark to get his riding dog into the fight, attacking the paladin while Buddy and his nearest badger do the same. The third badger continues to bite and claw in frothing rage at the paladin that has wounded it.

[sblock]Noticed that I messed up Buddy's attack roll earlier, by forgetting the Tower Shield's attack penalty.

Buddy and raging badger 1 (hp 24) flank their target and attack in unison, while the riding dog joins in.... Buddy easily makes the Ride check for his mount to fight with him (1d20+9 is always at least 10). Lots of bad rolls again somehow, even though most of the damage rolls are good. I guess the badgers fight best alone, like badger 3, eh?

Badger 1 claws at 16 for 10 damage, again with 12 for 7 damage, and bites at 9 for 8 damage.
Badger 1, raging, flanking with Buddy, claw, claw, bite (1d20+10=16, 1d4+6=10, 1d20+10=12, 1d4+6=7, 1d20+5=9, 1d6+3=8)
Buddy attacks with a 27 (natural 20! but no crit) for 1 (T_T) damage, while his dog bites with a 6 (natural 1...) for 9 damage.
Buddy's mace and riding dog's bite, flanking (1d20+7=27, 1d6=1, 1d20+5=6, 1d6+3=9)
Critical hit confirmation versus paladin (1d20+7=12, 1d6=4)

Badger 2 (hp 34) charges the nearest of the new arrivals by it and Tyrla. Claw 26 for 5 damage.
Badger 2, charging claw attack against nearest newcomer (1d20+8=26, 1d4+4=5)

Badger 3 (hp 16) continues to rage and maul the paladin that's been wounding it. Claw 20 for 10 damage, second claw 17 for 9 damage, and bite 19 for 7 damage.
Badger 3 continues its frenzied, solo assault (1d20+8=20, 1d4+6=10, 1d20+8=17, 1d4+6=9, 1d20+3=19, 1d6+3=7)

Summoned Celestial Dire Badgers: 34 HP each (24 badger 1, 34 badger 2, 16 badger 3), 16 AC (13 touch, 13 flat-footed), speed 30 (burrow 10), Fortitude +9, Reflex +6, Will +4, medium size, full attack: 2 claws +6 melee for 1d4+4 damage and bite +1 melee for 1d6+2 damage
Enters a Rage on its turn after being injured (claws +8 for 1d4+6, bite +3 for 1d6+3)[/sblock]


Guest 11456

Elaine 'IcyHot' Sharptail

AC: 21; HP: 64/64

Elaine moves forward toward the closest warrior. She swings 'Hot' at the man while holding 'Icy' at the ready.

Attack roll: 23
Damage rolls: 9, 6 (Regular then fire)

Walking Dad

First Post

If Cyrus can act before his companions are in the spellarea, he will cast fear on the newcomers. If not, he will use his spectral hand to deliver a ghoul touch at one of them.

[sblock=ooc]He doesn't use his buckler to avoid spell failure.

Fear: DC25 partial will save.

Cyrus, AC 20 (T14, FF17), HP 103/91, F +7,R+5,W+7

0 (4) - disrupt undead - detect mgic, light, message, mage hand
1 (6) - chill touch - ray of enfeeblement x2, shield x2, protection from good, sleep
2 (6) - ghoul touch - spectral hand x2, false life x3 x2, scare
3 (5) - vampiric touch - ray of exhaustion x2, slow, dispel magic x2
4 (4) - fear - bestow curse, enervation x3
5 (3) - waves of fatigue - feeble mind, telekinesis x2

Active spells on Cyrus/his familiar i.a.:
message (with his companions), shield, protection from good, spectral hand, false life



First Post
[sblock=readme]Alright, was planning on doing a bit of an update, but I'm going to give the you two time to revise your actions in lieu of the fact that all four new arrivals are terrified.

I'll be updating tommorrow afternoon for you guys if you haven't changed anything by then. Also, anyone seen avalon? Respond in the ooc if you need to =) [/sblock]

Walking Dad

First Post
Caros said:
[sblock=readme]Alright, was planning on doing a bit of an update, but I'm going to give the you two time to revise your actions in lieu of the fact that all four new arrivals are terrified.

I'll be updating tommorrow afternoon for you guys if you haven't changed anything by then. Also, anyone seen avalon? Respond in the ooc if you need to =) [/sblock]
[sblock=Caros] They are not simply terrified but panicked, including drop anything and run away.[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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