D&D (2024) Two long rests PER LEVEL

the Jester

A second wind makes sense within the narrative of the game world.

Even in reallife, second winds happen.

Moreover, ingame, most of the damage is nonphysical damage. So to refresh any "fatigue" and "sloppiness" and "loss of luck", requires no special narrative.

Only the recovery from an injury at zero hit points requires special attention.
Where are things like wizard spell slots and recovery of HD in this system? Maybe I am misunderstanding your intention here.

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"Diegetics", by L. Ron Gygax
It's a smart idea. I've noticed before that there are actually relatively few encounters between levels in the great majority of games I've played. We typically only go about 3-4 sessions between levels, so that's maybe between 10-15 hours of gameplay time. Even doing something encounter intensive like a dungeon crawl, you're probably only going to see about 8-10 encounters in that time frame.

I also definitely feel like modern play skews towards infrequent but more potent and climatic encounters, which means for a lot of games you might only see 4-5 encounters before a level.

It does have knock-off effects on world-building, of course, especially for our contingent of players that use PC type builds for NPCs. I would probably state that the majority of spell-wielders in the setting are short-rest casters, probably using warlock-type mechanics. A few spells a day, bolstered by at-will invocations and lots of rituals. I would probably also have item-crafting be much more a focus; would-be wizards aren't waiting for their spells to come back, they spend their making potions, scrolls, and wands to bolster their spellcasting. Having abilities like Arcane Recovery be strictly short-rest abilities (no wait for a long rest to gain it back) could also be on the table.

I would also probably have some in-game items capable of recharging long-rest abilities at a cost, some kind of mana potion or something along those lines. I might do some house-ruling around individual long-rest abilities if I felt that some kind of regular recharge fit their fiction better. Barbarian rage is an ability I might change to maybe give a level of exhaustion, for example, the "rages per long rest" can be used to ignore exhaustion a few times before taking the long rest.


I can still see problems where fighters want to keep resting to get 2nd wind back and not use hit dice and clerics wanting to save healing spells. Everyone can play an archer rogue.

Worse would be something where Bob goes all Nova with his paladin along with Sue and her wizard. Long rest, long rest, and now they suck after 3-4 encounters with just basic attacks and cantrips. Me and the other players can just say too bad and you should have thought about that or maybe next level you will get the point of my fun. You might end up with those players skipping the next couple weeks until the PCs level up. Stupid and petty I know, and I would not want to play with them either, but I can see it happen.

I can see where your levels would go by faster since you are counting all encounters as something that gains XP.


Where are things like wizard spell slots and recovery of HD in this system? Maybe I am misunderstanding your intention here.
All rests are short rests.

A Wizard can only refresh the spell slots, if the player changes one of the short rests into a long rest.

In other words, a Wizard can only refresh the spell slot twice per level.

A spell nova is possible but then there will be encounters with only combat cantrips and noncombat rituals. So novas happen judiciously.


In addition to worldbuilding concerns, I'd be concerned about the potential for the PCs to end up in an impossible position. Under default rest rules, if the characters are low on HP and out of hit dice after an encounter, they can attempt to withdraw and rest, accepting whatever story consequences that entails. If the characters are low on HP and hit dice and can't long rest without 3 more encounters worth of experience, though, it doesn't seem like they can even attempt to get out of that dilemma without throwing themselves into a probably lethal encounter.

Well, I'm highly in favor of this idea!

It would need some further tuning, like how long rests are also how you get your hitdice back, but how much you need those kind of depends on whether healing potions can be bought at any corner store. And I think certain type of people might try to wring too much out of their slots with this ('I'm not going to long rest before tomorrow's boss fight, I have one lv1 slot left!'), but that's their choice.


13th Age does a similar thing, but flipped: you get the equivalent of a long rest (I think they call it a full recovery) every four encounters, regardless of how much time it takes in between them (though reading between the lines, if you've finished a thing it's probably time for one even if it's only been two or three encounters – but in that case you would probably be leveling up instead). You can also force a full recovery, but at the cost of a something bad happening (e.g. the cult finishes its sacrifice). I think this accomplishes more or less the same thing, except that the connection to encounters feels more natural than the connection to levels.


13th Age does a similar thing, but flipped: you get the equivalent of a long rest (I think they call it a full recovery) every four encounters, regardless of how much time it takes in between them (though reading between the lines, if you've finished a thing it's probably time for one even if it's only been two or three encounters – but in that case you would probably be leveling up instead). You can also force a full recovery, but at the cost of a something bad happening (e.g. the cult finishes its sacrifice). I think this accomplishes more or less the same thing, except that the connection to encounters feels more natural than the connection to levels.

Based on a related discussion in an other thread, I will include:

A Downtime of at least a week of rest counts as a free long rest.


Based on a related discussion in an other thread, I will include:

A Downtime of at least a week of rest counts as a free long rest.

Voidrunner's Codex

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