D&D (2024) Two long rests PER LEVEL


By definition, "Downtime" means there is no adventure. Not a combat one anyway. So when the players do start a new combat adventure, they start fresh - as is already normal now.

If players end an adventure to go into Downtime, it means the players chose to abandon the adventure.

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A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
It might be interesting, but I don't see my players going for it. Also, I just never found issues with the current default rest mechanics. Perhaps that's because I ignore recommended encounters per day and mostly ignore challenge rating.


Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
The problem I can see is that you will get what you reward. No player is going to take a long rest PC over a short rest PC. Why would I take a wizard over a warlock? If I'm being punished by making a choice at your table, then I would not take it.
(raises hand) I chose wizard over warlock. I wanted to be able to cast more than 2 spells per encounter, and I wanted a larger variety of spells at my fingertips. I don't feel like I was being 'punished' for that choice at all.

I've played a warlock before, though. It was a lot of fun, but it got really monotonous: cast my spell in round 1, cast my other spell in round 2, then spam Eldritch Blast for the rest of the battle. Take a short rest, repeat.


By definition, "Downtime" means there is no adventure. Not a combat one anyway. So when the players do start a new combat adventure, they start fresh - as is already normal now.

If players end an adventure to go into Downtime, it means the players chose to abandon the adventure.
So your saying, 2 long rests per level OR whenever players go into downtime?


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
@Yaarel , I think this ends up with the potential for a lot more short rests between long rests, and that throws off the balance between the short-rest-recovery classes and the long-rest-recovery classes.

The rules are calibrate around ~3 uses of short/long rest recovered abilities to every 1 use of a long-rest-only recovered ability. A battlemaster fighter refreshes their superiority dice and action surge 3 times in the same space of time a paladin refreshes all of their slots.

If there was only a single encounter every day (and the party knew it), the paladin and the battlemaster would have the same rate of recovery, whioch hurts the battlemaster.

If, on the other hand, there are five short rests between long rests, the reverse happens and the battlemaster gets more uses in the same period as the paladin.

Be this warlock vs. full caster or whatever, changing the ratio of long to short rests also has repercussions on inter-class balance.


(raises hand) I chose wizard over warlock. I wanted to be able to cast more than 2 spells per encounter, and I wanted a larger variety of spells at my fingertips. I don't feel like I was being 'punished' for that choice at all.

I've played a warlock before, though. It was a lot of fun, but it got really monotonous: cast my spell in round 1, cast my other spell in round 2, then spam Eldritch Blast for the rest of the battle. Take a short rest, repeat.
You might feel punished if you can only regain your spells twice per level like what was proposed. I myself like wizard over warlock for what you are saying, but taking the ability to get spells back as often as before will make me not take it.


An extremely artificial suggestion, that attempts to control things that don’t need to be controlled.

I like the current variety and versatility of long and short rests that can be influenced by the GM and player choice, not mechanically but naturally.

The circumstances should dictate whether resting is possible and appropriate not a formula. Let tactics and common sense prevail - this isn’t a CRPG

Voidrunner's Codex

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