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Undead Origins


Monarchies of Mau Core Rulebook
Undead, Undead Monster: ?
Undead Servant: Animate Dead spell.
Create Undead spell.
Bone Burr: Small, silver insects often infest bones scattered in the wilderness. Through some sort of strange magic, the bugs animate the bones and attack anyone who comes too close.
Animate Dead spell.
Create Undead spell.
Zombie, The Walking Dead: Occasionally, the spirits of the dead can reclaim their original bodies, whether through a mancer’s spells or the machinations of the Unseen. Occasionally, some strange magic left behind by the Old Ones gets into the dead and animates them for bizarre and alien purposes. Whatever the method behind their resurrection, the walking dead are monstrosities that many adventurers face.
Animate Dead spell.
Create Undead spell.
Monstrosity: ?

Animate Dead
Mancer Level 4
Casting Time: 1 minute Range: 10 feet Duration: Instantaneous
This spell creates an undead servant. Choose a pile of bones or a corpse within range. The target becomes a bone burr (p. 194) if you chose bones or a zombie (p. 208) if you chose a corpse.
On each of your turns, you can use a bonus action to mentally command any undead you made with this spell if the undead is within 60 feet of you (if you control multiple undead, you can command any or all of them at the same time, issuing the same command to each one). You decide what action the undead will take and where it will move during its next turn, or you can issue a general command, such as “guard that chamber” or “follow that dog.” If you issue no commands, the undead only defends itself against hostile characters. Once given an order, the undead continues to follow it until its task is complete.
The undead is under your control until the next sunset, after which it stops obeying any command you’ve given it. To maintain control of the undead for another day, you must cast this spell on the undead again before sun sets. This use of the spell reasserts your control over up to four undead characters you have animated with this spell, rather than animating a new one.

Create Undead
Mancer Level 5
Casting Time: 1 minute Range: 10 feet Duration: Instantaneous
This spell creates up to three undead servants. Choose up to three piles of bones or corpses within range. Each target becomes a bone burr (p. 194) if you chose bones or a zombie (p. 208) if you chose a corpse.
On each of your turns, you can use a bonus action to mentally command any undead you made with this spell if the undead is within 60 feet of you (if you control multiple undead, you can command any or all of them at the same time, issuing the same command to each one). You decide what action the undead will take and where it will move
during its next turn, or you can issue a general command, such as “guard that chamber” or “follow that dog.” If you issue no commands, the undead only defends itself against hostile characters. Once given an order, the undead continues to follow it until its task is complete.
The undead is under your control until the next sunset, after which it stops obeying any command you’ve given it. To maintain control of the undead for another day, you must cast this spell on the undead again before sun sets. This use of the spell reasserts your control over up to six undead characters you have animated with this spell, rather than animating new ones.

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Monster Monster Vampire
Battle-Hardened Vampire: Perhaps it’s the remnant of an once proud and noble warrior that suffered a terrible fate at the hands of a more powerful vampire and was turned to a monster or it could be a degenerate warlord that sought to prevent old age through the curse of undeath.
Demonic Vampire: Some particularly vile men and women may be rewarded with a special “life insurance policy.” If slain, they rise from the dead as a form of vampire that is part undead, part extra-planar… and all evil.
Feral Vampire: ?
Seductive Vampire: ?
Urban Vampire: ?
Black Anne, Demonic Vampire: For decades, Black Anne and her cult of witches terrorized remote northern islands. While coven members came and went—claimed by old age, sacrifice to the dark powers they drew power from, or the weapons of righteous adventurers, Anne avoided death’s icy grip. She was a favored servant of a god of ultimate evil, and she maintained her youth through evil rites that involved bathing in the blood of children.
Eventually, a union of villagers who were tired of their children vanishing, and a group of outraged and devoted adventurers, cornered Anne and her coven and slaughtered each and every one of them. For Anne, they reserved the traditional witch’s death—burning at the stake—and as the fire consumed her, she screamed a promise that she would rise again and end the bloodlines forever of all who were involved in her downfall.
It may take days, weeks, or centuries, but the dark forces that favored Black Anne make sure that she can deliver on her promise. She rises from the ashes of her pyre as a demonic vampire and sets about her revenge.
Death's Whisper, Urban Vampire, Vampire of Advanced Age: ?
Chief Ajuras, Battle-Hardened Vampire, Full Vampire: Chief Ajuras was once a proud warrior defending his father’s lands from the creatures of the night. When his father died, Ajuras, now chief, started the customary three days of mourning, praying and meditation secluded in a distant residence as were the customs of his ancestors when attaining the throne. In the middle of the third night he was woken by a crying, thin woman of small frame outside his door. She begged him for food. Chief Ajuras, breaking custom invited the woman in and offered her food and water. The moment Ajuras let down his guard, the vampiress attacked. As Chief Ajuras was dying, heirless, she whispered to him that it wouldn’t end there for him. He would become her plaything. But the vampiress underestimated the power of Chief Ajuras and the gods of his land. Ajuras rose as she expected, but not as a spawn under her command, but as a full vampire and destroyed the vampiress.
Undead: ?
Undead Predator: ?
Undead Warrior: ?
Vampire: ?
Vampire Warrior: ?
More Powerful Vampire: ?
Form of Vampire That is Part Undead, Part Extra-Planar . . . and All Evil: ?
Rabid Vampire: ?
City Dwelling Vampire: ?
Vampire Spawn: A humanoid slain in this way [by their hit point maximum being reduced to 0 by a battle-hardened vampire's bite attack] and then buried in the ground rises the following night as a vampire spawn under the vampire’s control.
A humanoid slain in this way [by their hit point maximum being reduced to 0 by a demonic vampire's bite attack] and then buried in the ground rises the following night as a vampire spawn under the vampire’s control.
A humanoid slain in this way [by their hit point maximum being reduced to 0 by a Feral vampire's bite attack] and then buried in the ground rises the following night as a vampire spawn under the vampire’s control.
A humanoid slain in this way [by their hit point maximum being reduced to 0 by a Seductive vampire's bite attack] and then buried in the ground rises the following night as a vampire spawn under the vampire’s control.
A humanoid slain in this way [by their hit point maximum being reduced to 0 by an urban vampire's bite attack] and then buried in the ground rises the following night as a vampire spawn under the vampire’s control.
First, he [Chief Arjunas] killed or turned to vampire spawns all claimants to the throne except of one.
Standard Vampire: ?
Zombie: Alternate Vampire Weakness: Becomes a zombie during the day.
Soulless Monster: ?
Victim of a Curse: ?
Ultimate Monster: ?
Remnant of a Once Proud and Noble Warrior That Suffered a Terrible Fate at the Hands of a More Poweful Vampire: ?
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Monsters & Demigods
Vampire Abhartach: ?
Archmage Bredon: Many centuries ago, Bredon discovered what he believes to be the secret to immortality.
Ghost Graceland: ?
Ghost Headless: Rumor has it that there are actually two Headless Ghosts who were brothers, in life. In a fight over a small treasure chest that they found in the woods near their home, they attacked each other. Although there were no witnesses to the fight, the two brothers were found headless in the woods, both gripping the chest of gold. Local legend is that—in their greed—they both somehow managed to strike the other in the neck with their short swords, ending their lives simultaneously. Because the chest of gold was empty when it was discovered, it is more likely that some wayfaring thief encountered the two brothers, killed them and stole their treasure. Regardless, the two brothers died grisly deaths and still haunt the woods and ruined village and houses where they once lived.
Ghost Ridgeway: ?
Lich, Keraptis: ?
Undead Elven Archer Demigod, Ghostly Elven Archer, Deadly Hunter, Morrigan: ?
Lord Vance: ?
Lady Vance: ?
Vathris: ?
Undead Witch, Quespa: ?
Undead, Undead Creature: ?
Lesser Undead: ?
Particularly Evil Sadistic Ghost: ?
Ancient Evil: ?
Typical Vampire: ?


Monsters Mythica: Dread Coachman
Dread Coachman, Collector of Souls: The dread coachman’s imprisonment to the whims of their master begins at their creation, which occurs when the follower or servant of a god or other immortal betrays their sacred covenant. Regardless of whether the betrayal was purposeful or inadvertent, the punishment is the same; an infinity of horrid servitude.
Spectral Horse: ?
Creature of Retribution: ?
Harbinger of Death: ?
Harbinger of Eternal Punishment: ?
Tireless Revenant: ?
Wraith: ?
Bloody Coachman: ?
Hideous Coachman: ?
Ghastly Magical Creature: ?


Monsters of Feyland
Undead, Undead Creature, Undead Monster: ?
Doom Rider: ?
Headless Horseman: ?
Mist Phantom: ?
Ruined Tree: ?
Shadow Bird, Eerie Shadow Bird: ?
Skeletal Spider, Largest of All Giant Spiders: ?
Skeleton Warrior, Largest Version of the Undead Animated Skeleton: Dark fey create these monsters for the Unseelie Court.
Shimmering Spectral Elk and Rider: ?
Hooded Figure: ?
Dark Fey: ?
Monster: ?
Strange Rider: ?
Large Undead Creature: ?
Horror: ?
Deformed Rotten Tree: ?
Unusual Undead Creature: ?
Black Bird: ?
Powerful Mount: ?
Dark Mount: ?
Tough Warrior: ?
Obedient Soldier: ?
Spider Rider: ?
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Monsters of the City
Fallen King, Frightening Fallen King: Pride ate away at this monarch until he lost his humanity. What is left is a shell of his former regal self, a shadowy echo of the past.
These leaders were killed under tragic circumstances and linger in the mortal realm. Their twisted spirits are so stubborn that they attempt to continue their former lifestyle.
Friendly Ghost: This creature is destined to remain in the mortal realm and assist others.
These ghosts were good-aligned creatures when they died. They know they have more work to do and go about it in a humble fashion.
Cursed Coachman: This horrid monster was created after a tragic crash killed him and his family.
Rich Lich: ?
Lost Soul: Lost souls are a gang of undead who were created by a vampire lord.
A humanoid slain in this way [from a lost soul's bite attack] and then buried in the ground rises the following night as a lost soul.
The Pieman: This evil monster is a baker who died filled with rage. The pieman is out for revenge and nothing is going to stop it.
Twins and Needles: The monster was created when two evil men died a gruesome death. A crazed necromancer gave them a second twisted life.
Vampire Lord, Legendary Vampire Lord: ?
Barmaid From the Shade, Ghost in a Dress, Chilling Undead Monster, Wicked Woman, Crazed Murderer, Shade: She hated all her customers in life and died one night in a fight with one. Filled with hate and envy she longs for her old life.
Shadow Rabbit: ?
Undead, Undead Monster, Undead Creature: ?
Unpredictable Undead Monster: ?
Repulsive Undead Creature: ?
Undead Minion: ?
Wrathful Undead: ?
Undead Twin: ?
Ghast: ?
Ghost: ?
Good Ghost: ?
Ghost in a Dress: ?
Ghoul: The target dies if its hit point maximum is reduced to 0 [by Wrath's skull gaze attack], and if the target is a humanoid, it immediately rises as a ghoul under Wrath’s control.
Shadow: ?
Skeleton: ?
Specter: ?
Poltegeist: ?
Vampire: ?
Vampire Spawn: A humanoid slain in this way [from a vampire lord's bite attack] and then buried in the ground rises the following night as a vampire spawn under the vampire’s control.
Wight: ?
Zombie: ?
Shell of His Formerly Regal Self: ?
Shadowy Echo of the Past: ?
Twisted Spirit: ?
Denizen of the Undead World: ?
Creature: ?
Horrid Monster: ?
Monster: ?
Wealthy Wizard: ?
Wealthy Monster: ?
Crazed Baker: ?
Strange Shape: ?
Oddly-Shaped Humanoid: ?
Hideous Creature: ?
Horrifying Monster: ?
Hideous Monster: ?
Arrogant Creature: ?
Shadow of a Tall Rabbit: ?
Large Creature: ?
Raging Rabbit: ?
Creepy Monster: ?
Violent Killer: ?
Evil Rabbit: ?
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Monsters of the Underworld
Careless Whisper: ?
Draugr: Draugr are former guardians who died while watching over treasure or an important location. They never left when they died and they are obsessed with standing guard.
Draugr Lord: Draugr lords used to be powerful warrior mages who led sizeable forces. They were tasked with protecting sacred sites and other important locations.
Lich King, The Legendary Lich King, Lich, Undead Spellcaster, Crazed Mage: ?
The Necromancer, Mysterious Diabolical Creature, Horror: Long ago the greatest dark sorcerer was defeated by a mighty wizard. However the Necromancer rose from the dead to continue his ways.
Nightmare Bear: ?
Shadow Knight: ?
Shadow Lord: ?
Shadow Spider: ?
Vampire Drow: ?
Zombie Giant: ?
Zombie King: ?
Foul Monster: ?
Monster: ?
Influential Monster: ?
Undead Foe: ?
Shadowy Stalker: ?
Undead, Undead Monster: ?
Lost Leader: ?
Magical Menace: ?
Lich: ?
Undead Minion: ?
Wraith: ?
Spirit of the Dead: ?
Literal Nightmare: ?
Dangerous Monster: ?
Scare Bear: ?
Undead Horror: ?
Shadow: ?
Powerful Undead: ?
Evil Monster: ?
Hideous Creature: ?
Shadow Creature: ?
Powerful Henchman: ?
Swift Shadow: ?
Ghostly Guard: ?
Sinister Undead: ?
Silent Spinster: ?
Undead Spider: ?
Dark Stalker: ?
Charming Undead: ?
Enormous Monster: ?
Zombie: A humanoid slain by this attack [a zombie king's life drain reducing the humanoid's hit point maximum to 0] rises 24 hours later as a zombie under the zombie king's control, unless the humanoid is restored to life or its body is destroyed.
Powerful King: ?
Minion: ?
Deadhead Disciple: ?
Crazy Trickster: ?
Undead Royal: ?
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Mystara Player's Guide
Druj: ?
Wyrd: Wyrds are the possessed bodies of dead elves.
More Powerful Wyrd: ?
Undead, Undead Creature: 3rd Circle of Thanatology.
Lord Sulescu, Undead: ?
Lord Sulescu, Vampire: ?
Undead Librarian: ?
Incredibly Powerful Undead Abomination: ?
Free-Willed Undead: ?
Undead Spirit: ?
Intelligent Undead: ?
Corporeal Undead: ?
Incorporeal Undead: ?
Undead Servant, Corpse: Undead Servant spell.
Undead Ally: ?
Banshee: ?
Ghost: ?
Ghoul: ?
The Lich Lord of Blackwood: ?
Lich: If the caster's Charisma ever reaches 0 [from using Radiance], the caster becomes a lich under the DM's control.
5th Circle of Thanatology.
Vampire: ?
Wyrd, Possessed Body of a Dead Elf: ?

Undead Servant
1st-level necromancy (sorcerer, warlock, wizard)
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Components V, S, M (a drop of blood)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute.
You animate a single medium-size or smaller humanoid corpse. The corpse has a speed of 10 feet, Strength of 10, and AC 10 unless increased by armor. The corpse has 10 hit points, and cannot be reanimated as undead again if destroyed. The corpse is destroyed if turned by a cleric or paladin. The corpse cannot attack but can lift or push objects.

3rd Circle of Thanatology
When you reach 3rd level, you can create undead.
• Create Undead: You can craft undead after a ritual. The ritual requires two weeks of research per challenge rating and 1000gp per CR. A corporeal undead needs a fresh corpse, an incorporeal undead just needs a part of a corpse. The actual ritual requires 1 hour per CR and requires an Arcana check. At the end, the undead is completely loyal to you, unlike Control Undead. Liches cannot be created.

5th Circle of Thanatology
When you reach the 5th level of Thanatology, you obtain lichdom.
• Attain Lichdom: You undertake a ritual that requires 20 weeks to complete and costs 25,000gp. At the end of the ritual, you must make an Arcana check. If successful, you immediately gain the following abilities from the Lich entry in the monster manual:
• Damage Resistance: as per lich
• Damage Immunity: as per lich
• Condition Immunity: as per lich
• Truesight 120ft
• Legendary Resistance 3/day
• Rejuvenation
• Paralyzing Touch
• Turn Resistance
• Undead
Critical Failure: You are turned into a demon of the DM's choice and removed from the game.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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