Unearthed Arcana Unearthed Arcana: Barbarian and Monk

Unearthed Arcana makes an unexpected return (the last one was back in May) with a three-page PDF containing two subclasses -- Path of the Wild Soul for the barbarian, and Way of the Astral Self for the monk.

Unearthed Arcana makes an unexpected return (the last one was back in May) with a three-page PDF containing two subclasses -- Path of the Wild Soul for the barbarian, and Way of the Astral Self for the monk.

Screenshot 2019-08-15 at 20.27.07.png

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Ok...the Wild Soul Barbarian...

WTAF??? What is this? This makes absolutely no sense to me. Granting allies an expended spell slot? Uh...no, don't like. It seems like they don't really have any clue as to what to do with this particular path.

The Astral Monk.

Cool concept. It has some nice flavor and interesting features, and it doesn't seem too OP. I can easily see a Githzerai Monk with this tradition.

Yeah, quite a bit of wackiness in that Wild Soul Barb.
Two of the best, IMO:
  • ally gains a spell slot basde on a d4 then the Barbarian takes force damage equal to five times the number rolled
  • magic surge summons exploding intangible spirits that look like flumphs!


Book-Friend, he/him
Fascinating. I'll have to mull these subclasses over a bit.

So, last year on 8/20 we got the UA for "Races of Ravnica" with time for feedback before the Guidmasters Guide went to the printer. I propose that these are probably Eberron specific subclasses for the November book.


Fascinating. I'll have to mull these subclasses over a bit.

So, last year on 8/20 we got the UA for "Races of Ravnica" with time for feedback before the Guidmasters Guide went to the printer. I propose that these are probably Eberron specific subclasses for the November book.

Hm. I'm no Eberron expert, but if they fit in some Eberron specific context, then maybe you are right.

However, these look more like something that would nicely accompany planar adventures (A Barbarian touched by the Feywild, an astral monk).

But then I might just be seeing what I want to see.


Astral monk seems like a good psychic subclass (it is almost like you are punching people...with your mind)--I wonder if this is a prelude to psychic melee subclasses.

Those poor flumphs, summoned just to blow up. I'm so sad....

Other than magic reserve, everything else looks very interesting for the wild soul barb.

Astral monk seems like a good psychic subclass (it is almost like you are punching people...with your mind)--I wonder if this is a prelude to psychic melee subclasses.

Those poor flumphs, summoned just to blow up. I'm so sad....

Other than magic reserve, everything else looks very interesting for the wild soul barb.

I really like the Astral Monk...seems pretty well balanced as well as being flavorful.

My opposition to the Wild Barbarian is mainly that I am having a difficult time wrapping my brain around the concept.


Book-Friend, he/him
Hm. I'm no Eberron expert, but if they fit in some Eberron specific context, then maybe you are right.

However, these look more like something that would nicely accompany planar adventures (A Barbarian touched by the Feywild, an astral monk).

But then I might just be seeing what I want to see.


Eberron is a gonzo high magic setting, and it has strong planar elements: the flavor on these feels right. The timing is the main thing, though: they are perfectly situated for the Eberron book based on their publishing pattern.

-So The Way of the Astral Self can attack 6 times in a round with Complete Astral Self (Astral Barrage) and Arms of the Astral Self?
-I like that there's the ability to regain Ki points in combat for the Astral Self, the option to regain Ki points is probably what the Way of the Element Monk needs.
-I like the idea of a Barbarian with Wild Surges, since it's connected to Rage instead of when the DM decides, it actually feels better than the Wild Mage Sorcerer itself.
-I picture the Wild Soul Barbarian becoming sort of Fey like when raging.
-I envision the Astral Self Monk sort of becoming like the Goddess Kali with those extra arms. My vision may also be influenced by that Borderlands 3 character Amara.

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