Unearthed Arcana Unearthed Arcana: Barbarian and Monk

Unearthed Arcana makes an unexpected return (the last one was back in May) with a three-page PDF containing two subclasses -- Path of the Wild Soul for the barbarian, and Way of the Astral Self for the monk.

Unearthed Arcana makes an unexpected return (the last one was back in May) with a three-page PDF containing two subclasses -- Path of the Wild Soul for the barbarian, and Way of the Astral Self for the monk.

Screenshot 2019-08-15 at 20.27.07.png

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"Diegetics", by L. Ron Gygax
Charisma is not an attribute that impacts skill in a physical activity. And you aren’t using anaerobic methods when casting a spell. This is what I mean. You’re just changing the definitions of words to get the bonuses, so why bother having stats at all?

“Are you sure you can break through that door Bob?”
“Of course! After all, I won my debate team.”
I have thoughts, but this isn't really the thread for arguments on the intrinsic value of stat-replacement mechanics, so I'll leave it.

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Book-Friend, he/him
Yea, but it's not like the UA article on spore druids mentioned Golgari or Ravnica anywhere. Replacing the generic "Feywild" with the Eberron-specific "Thelanis" is a simple text replacement before it goes to print.

I personally don't think this is for Eberron, but the presence/absence of any specific place names can't be used as evidence for any interpretation. They're simply not going to tip their hand this early.

Heck, the Centaur/Minotaur article actively provided a plausible "you know, for Greek Myth settings!" flavor text.

Yea, but it's not like the UA article on spore druids mentioned Golgari or Ravnica anywhere. Replacing the generic "Feywild" with the Eberron-specific "Thelanis" is a simple text replacement before it goes to print.

But why mention it at all if you intend to replace it?

As with the Ravnica subclasses, they didn't mention anything to do with Ravnica, but they didn't mention anything that wasn't Ravnica either.

Barbarian Wild soul: use magical reserves on cleric and have cleric use level 1 slot to heal you. As long as they have a wis of +4, you will break even on a healing roll of 1, but keep going it’s unlimited free healing.

Or, you know, goodberry to just fix the entire party.


Not all that secretly, yes, WotC has basically done that, but with nicely presented packages. I wouldn't be surprised if there is something like that by the end of the edition.

Considering the life expectancy of an edition is roughly 10 years Id hazard a guess that we may see this in 5-7 years when 6E comes along, or like you said a prototype at the end of this edition.


Barbarian Wild soul: use magical reserves on cleric and have cleric use level 1 slot to heal you. As long as they have a wis of +4, you will break even on a healing roll of 1, but keep going it’s unlimited free healing.

Or, you know, goodberry to just fix the entire party.

I totally missed that it didn't have a use per day limit. In addition to feeling that it should have a "no reducing this damage" clause, probably should only work so many times a day. Since the subclass already uses Con, I'd say Con modifier uses a day.

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