Unearthed Arcana Unearthed Arcana Gives You Subclasses For Monk, Ranger, and Paladin

The paladin unarmored ability is pretty amusing for a druid paladin multiclass. Overall I like the flavor and ability of all three sub classes.

The paladin unarmored ability is pretty amusing for a druid paladin multiclass. Overall I like the flavor and ability of all three sub classes.

Many of the weekly UA's had "big questions" built into them. I wonder if one of this week's "big questions" was "do you want less overtly magical monk subclasses?"

It occurs to me that even if someone didn't like the specifics of the drunken master, but wanted less overtly magical monk subclasses, that it would be good to say that in the survey. Of course, I will be saying "how come we didn't get the evil, soul-sucking, bad touch, Mortal Combat monk?" or "how come the 'old guy beats up someone with a stick until they obey him', which is clearly an iconic monk thing went to the paladin instead?", but to each their own.

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Many of the weekly UA's had "big questions" built into them. I wonder if one of this week's "big questions" was "do you want less overtly magical monk subclasses?"

It occurs to me that even if someone didn't like the specifics of the drunken master, but wanted less overtly magical monk subclasses, that it would be good to say that in the survey. Of course, I will be saying "how come we didn't get the evil, soul-sucking, bad touch, Mortal Combat monk?" or "how come the 'old guy beats up someone with a stick until they obey him', which is clearly an iconic monk thing went to the paladin instead?", but to each their own.
Hmm... I usually like low-magic stuff, so I like the drunken master, but your necromancer death-touch monk has me intrigued.

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Hmm... I usually like low-magic stuff, so I like the drunken master, but your necromancer death-touch monk has me intrigued.

Sent from my LG-D852 using EN World mobile app

I admired the (early) Mortal Combat approach that "honest" martial arts would beat "superpowers", but it is a hard sell in a fantasy game. Of course, druids only wildshape into beasts, so it isn't impossible.....

I don't have specifics for my evil monk in mind, but I have always wondered why monks, which seem like the class most likely to physically touch an enemy in combat, didn't have more of a bad touch gimmick.

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