Unearthed Arcana Unearthed Arcana Introduces The Artifcer

I don't think anyone saw this coming!

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This thing is crazy OP. Even if you took the servant and made it a familiar at 6 (or took ot away entirely) its too good. The rogue needs to have a party member within 5' and only gets single target. These guys get single target or splash to whatever at will for high damage. Wth? And good utility? How is this balanced? Maybe if he got casting like a 1/3 warlock with a crappy spell list and his pet were a familiar. Even then, would feel imbalanced.

Make the pet a familiar. Cut the damage by 25%. Remove the last batch of free magic items and limit the attunement to 4. Also, make the spell casting like a 1/3 level warlock.
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I would actually like to see any actual "spellcasting" of the artificer removed in favor of infusions. But I would also say that the artificer should have wands, staves, and such as arcane foci and possibly some cantrips to replicate their wand-mastery without having to worry about the mostly identical quasi-sneak attack of the alchemist and gunsmith. Maybe artificers should be able to infuse mundane items (arcane foci materials) with whatever magic they find from scrolls, potions, and such they can find up to fifth level? It would just be nice to see the 5E artificers behave more similarly to what they did in 3E.

I'm not sure about the alchemist, but I figure the gunsmith is relatively balanced damage-wise.

That big damage requires their entire turn, action shoot, bonus action load. And other than sharpshooter there is really no way to increase that damage.

The alchemist, double checking, yep, just like the Gunsmith special shots, it is Save for no damage. That might help balance it out, along with the small radius.

So I think it is actually relatively balanced out.

Its not balanced at all because the gunsmith is broken too. Its rogue sneak attack (close analogue) without the need for a distracting ally plus an aoe he can do plus a cr2 pet plus magic plus magic items plus crazy utility. Its broken. The cunning action, evasion, etc doesnt come close to making up the difference for the amount of op that this class gets.

Again, take that pet, make it a familiar. That cuts down some of the early level brokenness while keeping the late game utility. Reduce the number of magic items to 4 (remove the final tier) and start getting them at five (bunmp them back). Take that damage and dial that crap back. It should not equal a sneak attack. Maybe, maybe it could equal a warlock's eldritch blast (or slightly exceed it on the gun due to bonus action reload needs) The aoes should be tiny (like acid splash tiny or maybe a 10 ft square) and their damage should be at most fire bolt damage). Also, the spell casting shouldnt be its own wierd progression. Too many corner cases is not what 5e is supposed to be about. Consider 1/3 warlock and have it be like the Warlock where you have to choose your spells. That will rein in some of their sillyness.

If the above is done, its still a useful, viable and fun class. It just isnt some kind of ranged juggernaut that makes warlocks and rogues useless.

The rogue needs to have a party member within 5' and only gets single target.

I'd like to gently remind you of the swashbuckler: the objectively best rogue archetype that sneak attacks under basically every circumstance and never has to spend his bonus action because of getting the best part of the mobile feat.

Additionally, the gun and acid only affect single target. The AoE flask scales slower.

Rogues can sneak attack at ranged. Rogues can make two attempts to get the damage. Rogues have their bonus action free. Rogues are less MAD. Rogues have evasion. Rogues have uncanny dodge. The list goes on.

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