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Unearthed Arcana Unearthed Arcana Revisits Psionics

The latest Unearthed Arcana from WotC revisits some psionic rules! “Shine with the power of the mind in this installment of Unearthed Arcana! Today we revisit several psi-themed options that we released in the past few months. Studying your feedback on those options, we’ve crafted this new collection of subclasses, spells, and feats, found in the PDF below.“...

The latest Unearthed Arcana from WotC revisits some psionic rules! “Shine with the power of the mind in this installment of Unearthed Arcana! Today we revisit several psi-themed options that we released in the past few months. Studying your feedback on those options, we’ve crafted this new collection of subclasses, spells, and feats, found in the PDF below.“



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Heh... well, I suspect it's really about whatever particular bugaboo someone has about what is or isn't a psionic character. For one person like @Flamestrike, it's having 30 different psychic abilities available that would instill the feeling of having a psion... but then for someone else, all they'd need to see is the phrase "spell components" still connected to them to instantly throw the entire blanking system out. All that particular player needs is to see "No components" and "can't be dispelled/counterspelled and works in an anti-magic field" and the class could have just like 2 abilities and everything would still be hunky-dory.

People are going to get hung up on whatever they get hung up about. But at the end of the day WotC ain't gonna please everyone with whatever they come up with... so everyone is just fighting tooth and nail for the scraps that are out there so that they are the ones who end up with the closest approximation of what they want once WotC gets through.

I think there are some subsidiary issues here, like:

1) A significant proportion of people want to have input on Psionics, but don't like Psionics, and would rather it just went away or became a subset of Arcane magic. There's no way to tell who this is unless they say it (though sometimes they do!), but it's a big issue, because it leads to a lot of suggestions or even demands from people who actually just want this to be a non-option.

2) The is actually one common theme in what people who like Psionics want from Psionics - an actual Psionic class. That the designers appear to be saying this is "too hard" seems beyond ridiculous. Literally all the reasons they give for the Mystic not being okay are reasons the Artificer shouldn't be in game, and frankly several of the base classes (especially the Bard), should not be in the game.

3) WotC were able to work out that the Psionic Wizard was a terrible idea, but apparently were unable to understand that this was in large part because they weren't a Psion/Psionicist. This shows that they have some serious problems here, either with internal politics (as I strongly believe - someone high up at WotC really hates Psionics and wants it to not happen), or with

4) Re: you "two skills with no components, can't be counterspelled, and working anti-magic fields", well, the latter aren't a thing anymore, and not having components inherently makes a spell impossible to counterspell, according to Jeremy Crawford, anyway. And yeah I think that's true - people who want Psionics, tend to want Psionics. Not spells. This isn't a hugely complex issue, I'd suggest. People overcomplicate it. Yes less abilities, but ones specific to the class would probably be more pleasing.

5) There's a lot of Athas talk in this UA, and I maintain that doing Athas without Psions/Psionicists is a lot like doing Dragonlance, but not having any dragons in it. Yet it looks awfully like that's precisely what they intend to do.

The subclasses are thus not a disaster, but they're an awful lot like having Eldritch Knight and Arcane Trickster, but not having Wizard or Sorcerer.


Because if it's optional, there's an almost overwhelming probability that people aren't going to take something that doesn't improve their main concept-- the game is designed to actively discourage this,.

Yeah, it would. That would be fine. It will probably be a great house rule if DS ever comes out.
OK, but options can improve your main concept. If your main concept is playing psionic character, then psionic options improve that concept.

Or, is this all about character power? Are you saying no one would select psionic options if those options didn't also make their character more powerful than other characters without the psionic options? So, do you think psionics have to, by default, be OP?


Perhaps WoTC is also afraid of how to calculate monster's defense against Psionics. In 3.5, a monster with high spell resistance but low Psionics resistance could have no means of defending against Psionics. And then having two forms of resistances would clash against 5E's design philosophy.


Wel,, the one thing we have learned throughout 5E is that WotC is not in the habit of making things for specific types of players... they make things to add to the general pool of features for every single player. So you are right, they aren't making a psionic class specifically catered to the people who love psionics as an entity and have very specific ideas about what psionics are and aren't. It looks like they are making a more generic in-road into psychic abilities and those that can use them, because they want it to be the most palatable and usable to the most players.

Now that'll piss off the hardcore obviously... but that's what they've always done. The hardcore 4E fans didn't get the really involved tactical combat system they wanted, the hardcore artificer fans didn't get the really involved options for all manner of magic item infusion and creation, the hardcore Realms fans haven't gotten a really in-depth gazeteer of the entirety of Faerun as it currently stands, and so on. And the same will hold true with this... they aren't going to create the massive Expanded Psionics Handbook for 5E like the hardcore psionics fans want. Because that is what their modus operandi has been this entire edition... stop making really intensely intricate and uber-specific game things that only a handful of people will actually use. Because it is not worth their time to do so, and they have an entire system set up for third-party creators to do the job for them.

I think they WANT people like KibblesTasty or SterlingVermin to take their basic stuff and then really blow things up and out into these huge systems and ideas. That way it is available for those that want these huge, complex and at oftentimes unwieldy game systems... but they don't have to spend their precious hours doing it. WotC has enough stuff to deal with then trying to get all into the weeds building this massive psionics engine that only 2% of the player populace actually cares about.

The biggest stumbling block is (as it always is) convincing people that using 3PP isn't an anathema to enjoyable gameplay. And to all those who constantly refuse to use 3PP because they have this belief that anything 3PP is inherently unbalanced... those people need to learn how to game balance themselves so that they can recognize the 3PP stuff that actually is. Then they can start using all the fantastic stuff that is out there, rather than constantly mope that WotC isn't giving them what they want.

Nope. I want psionics, but prefer it as an extra sideline for existing classes. Feats + subclasses suits me fine. This is closest to the 1st edition Gygax model. Never liked psion since it was introduced in 2nd edition.

I think it's fair to say that the percentage of players and DMs who want something to work a way it last did in 1988 (when most current D&D players were either small children/infants or not born) and earlier is probably in the low single digits.


I feel like the psionic rules are making good progress, and I'm actually kinda interested in playing a Soulknife now, or maybe a Soulknife/Psionic Soul if I can find a DM that lets the Psionic Die increases stack.

I'm agreeing with the opinion that these rules aren't ready for Dark Sun yet. I feel like Wizards really needs to understand that dedicating your subclass or your extremely limited and optional feats to psionics doesn't replicate the feeling of having a wild talent.

Been a problem in Third, been a problem in Fourth, looks it's gonna be a problem in Fifth. If you want psionic talents to work for Dark Sun, they've got to be on top of your normal development tracks.

Make Dark Sun specific Races that grant Psionic access. Done.

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