Unearthed Arcana Unearthed Arcana: Sorcerer and Warlock

There's a new Unearthed Arcana from WotC today, hot on the heels of the recent one for barbarian and monk. "Two classes, the sorcerer and the warlock, discover new playtest possibilities this week. The sorcerer receives a new Sorcerous Origin feature: the Aberrant Mind. Meanwhile, the warlock gains a new Otherworldly Patron feature: the Lurker in the Deep. We’ve also included a new cantrip...

There's a new Unearthed Arcana from WotC today, hot on the heels of the recent one for barbarian and monk. "Two classes, the sorcerer and the warlock, discover new playtest possibilities this week. The sorcerer receives a new Sorcerous Origin feature: the Aberrant Mind. Meanwhile, the warlock gains a new Otherworldly Patron feature: the Lurker in the Deep. We’ve also included a new cantrip: mind sliver."

Screenshot 2019-09-05 at 23.57.22.png

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"Diegetics", by L. Ron Gygax
The last 2 UAs are pointing in a Manual of the Planes type direction, to me. Not "Sigil and factions", more "this is how to use the planes in your adventures."

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Book-Friend, he/him
The last 2 UAs are pointing in a Manual of the Planes type direction, to me. Not "Sigil and factions", more "this is how to use the planes in your adventures."

There is basically no difference between the products that you describe: any Planar extension will be a Planescape setting book.

Some Race and Class stuff would just be a Chapter 1 in a theoretical Planescape Setting book: and basically the only part that would be playtested in UA.


"Diegetics", by L. Ron Gygax
There is basically no difference between the products that you describe: any Planar extension will be a Planescape setting book.

Some Race and Class stuff would just be a Chapter 1 in a theoretical Planescape Setting book: and basically the only part that would be playtested in UA.
That's probably true; if they can pull off Ravnica guilds with only a light mechanical touch, they can probably do PS factions the same way.

My only caveat would be that there's nothing here in the UAs with nods towards anything that is PS-specific; while that doesn't contraindicate anything, of course, it also doesn't mean it's definitely Planescape. I would quibble with the idea that ANY planar extension is de facto Planescape, a book describing the Inner and Outer Planes in detail, but with no mention of Sigil or factions is a D&D multiverse book, not a Planescape one.

All that being said, they're probably just throwing up massive curveballs for their combined Spelljammer-My Little Pony setting book anyway. :)


Personally, that canttip seems scary good.

Better than mockery across the board and next save is bigger than next attack.

At-will save penalty cantrip for a sorcerer makes me really really nervous.


Book-Friend, he/him
That's probably true; if they can pull off Ravnica guilds with only a light mechanical touch, they can probably do PS factions the same way.

My only caveat would be that there's nothing here in the UAs with nods towards anything that is PS-specific; while that doesn't contraindicate anything, of course, it also doesn't mean it's definitely Planescape. I would quibble with the idea that ANY planar extension is de facto Planescape, a book describing the Inner and Outer Planes in detail, but with no mention of Sigil or factions is a D&D multiverse book, not a Planescape one.

All that being said, they're probably just throwing up massive curveballs for their combined Spelljammer-My Little Pony setting book anyway. :)

They wouldn't make a Planar book that didn't detail Sigil, though: it's in the PHB and DMG as part of the core cosmology, and they wouldn't extend that without bringing Sigil along.


Lost in Dark Sun
The sorcerer sub-class. My thoughts

Invasive Thoughts
Nice flavor.

Warped Being
If extra spells means no +1 hp every level, I’ll accept it.

Psionic Spells
I take it the number of complaints about sorcerers not getting enough spells might possibly have reached some kind of critical mass and become self sustaining . . .

Dissonant Whispers. Me likey.

Evard’s Black Tentacles. I would have preferred Giant Insect, but that is just me.

Modify Memory. YES! I’ve always felt Sorcerers should get this one.

Rary’s seems kind of redundant with Invasive Thoughts though. I’d switch out this one for Telekinesis.

Psionic Sorcery
My current DM will never let me use the spell points variant to get the most use out of this feature . . .

Psychic Defenses
Very nice.

Revelation in Flesh
Option three reminds me of the Hospital Monster in Stranger Things season 3.

Warp Reality
For some reason, I’m reminded of the color out of space.

All in all, feels very H.P. Lovecraft and Stranger Things.

EDIT = Mind Sliver cantrip

Ooh. Might want to lower the damage to 1d4. Might.

EDIT 2 = Don’t want to Double Post

This seems weird for a reason tho: if these are tests for a conjoint psionic archerypes + Dark Sun book, why does it offer a warlock themed with the depths of water? I think I remember a silt kraken in the 4e book, but Dark Sun lack large water pools, right?

I guess we already have a psionic flavoured patron as the Great-old-Ones, but this one would be out of place in a Dark Sun setting, IMO. Is there another setting where psionic makes a huge part of the theme while having something to do with lovecraftian stuff?

Eberron too. Daelkyr love messing with the baseline of a given species.

At least, according to Keith Baker’s blog
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Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
Usually I’m pretty “meh” about reskinning spells as psionic Powers, but these work pretty well for me. It helps that they’re subclasses rather than a new class. “This Sorcerer’s spells come from the alien worm in their brain” feels better than “here’s a brand new class that totally isn’t just another wizard, we promise.”

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