Unearthed Arcana Unearthed Arcana: Sorcerer and Warlock

There's a new Unearthed Arcana from WotC today, hot on the heels of the recent one for barbarian and monk. "Two classes, the sorcerer and the warlock, discover new playtest possibilities this week. The sorcerer receives a new Sorcerous Origin feature: the Aberrant Mind. Meanwhile, the warlock gains a new Otherworldly Patron feature: the Lurker in the Deep. We’ve also included a new cantrip...

There's a new Unearthed Arcana from WotC today, hot on the heels of the recent one for barbarian and monk. "Two classes, the sorcerer and the warlock, discover new playtest possibilities this week. The sorcerer receives a new Sorcerous Origin feature: the Aberrant Mind. Meanwhile, the warlock gains a new Otherworldly Patron feature: the Lurker in the Deep. We’ve also included a new cantrip: mind sliver."

Screenshot 2019-09-05 at 23.57.22.png

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I think the Soulknife in Happy Fun Hour was subclass of Monk. It could be worked into the Rogue, but I think it was more likely the Rogue was going to get the Lurk (3.5e psionic rogue base class).

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I think the Soulknife in Happy Fun Hour was subclass of Monk. It could be worked into the Rogue, but I think it was more likely the Rogue was going to get the Lurk (3.5e psionic rogue base class).
The Lurk wasn't that interesting of a psionic rogue. Dreamscarred Press's Cryptic on the other hand... :love:


Divine Soul sorcerer gets some.

Giant Soul (also UA) gets them as well.

Divine Soul and Shadow Magic Sorcerer get one each.

They didn't get more then that because it was seen as unfair to the other Sorcerer subclasses as the one weakness of Sorcerers is universally few spells known, to make up for their other powers.

I like the Aberrant Mind, it reminds me of the Foulborn, other then the balance issue around the bonus spells.

Love the Lurker of the Deep. Release the Kraken. Also great for Dagan, Istishia (Primordial/God of Water in FR), Archelementals of Water, Marid Princes, some 4e Primordials, Aboleths, Leviathan.

Also it's a safe bet we are getting a Psionics book of some sort, although it might not be a Setting book, neither of these fits Darksun and the Other (Wilder Barbarian, and Astral Monk) two fit Darksun even less.

But this appears to also rule out Rick and Morty.

I think this will be a major splatbook, with the Psion class and various Psionic subclasses.

Also I think we know why the Archivist did not make it into the new Eberron book even though it was more popular then Alchemist, it's the Psionic subclass for Artificer that going in this new book.

If we get traditional none Darksun, Psionic Races in UA, that will confirm it. Like Elan, Maenad, ect...
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Kinder reader Inflection wanted
I actually like the Aberrant Mind Sorcerer being similar to the GOO warlock. I used the GOO warlock to make a scout but I really wanted a sorcerer caster version. My only disappointment is that it doesn't get Shadow of Moil or any "Psychic vision" but I don't see anything I would particularly want to change to get it, which is a decent indication that the subclass is pretty good. I can't find anything that makes me say "ugh, what a waste I don't want that". … It might be a little broken with quicken spell (Mind Sliver), Psionic Sorcery (hard to counter spell), and heighten spell; however, since I never see anyone use heighten spell it would be nice to have a build that promotes that meta magic.

The Lurker in the Deep Parton warlock seems to reflect the idea of Fjord on critical role and really leans into a pact of the blade providing some non-concentration AoE spells, bonus action melee in the form of summoned stationary tendrils, a 100% chance to resist 50% of 1 missive damage attack 5 times, and the ability to gain and recharge some temporary hit points.... its an interesting way to lean into a melee warlock without adding armor proficiencies, sheild, and absorb elements. I don't think its tough enough to tank but it would make a great "melee dpr / support fighter"...

That's just my opinion for what its worth. I kind of like them both. They are both unique to there class if not to the game, thought I do worry "Mind Sliver" might become the new caster favorite, just being too good with a Int save, but wizards and warlocks have other cantrips they might prioritize (toll the dead, eldritch blast) it might be nice for some sorcerers to have a good save spell other than Frostbite.


The elements from this UA seems related BG3. Descent into Avernus is a prequal to BG3 and it seems like BG3 is all about mind flayers and creepy illiad stuff, just like the sorc archetype presented here. I think there might be some sort of companion book to come out supporting BG3 and these might be archetypes in there.


Book-Friend, he/him
The elements from this UA seems related BG3. Descent into Avernus is a prequal to BG3 and it seems like BG3 is all about mind flayers and creepy illiad stuff, just like the sorc archetype presented here. I think there might be some sort of companion book to come out supporting BG3 and these might be archetypes in there.

Interesting point: Mearls indicated that we would see some Ranger related UA this Summer to match what they are doing to the Ranger in BG3...

Ash Mantle

To me this hints at a setting in the Upside Down. You want creepy psionic powers in a semi-known place and then blow it out with more lore?

Upside Down.
It's about time for a book set in Australia!

The below will be perfect for the vehicle rules.


Something involving the Upside Down would be awesome though, eventually it'd be ideal if Wizards could devote a book to the Shadowfell and Feywild, and any other planes.
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Guest 6801328

I'm gonna quote myself and add some more....

And a monk that can astrally project.

And a paladin who thinks things should stay on their own #$%#ing planes.

Paladin is "Oath of Get Off My Lawn. I mean Plane."

Bards: College of Nihilism? College of Madness?

Druids: This one is tough. Some of of unnatural focus. "Circle of Blackness." Can shapeshift into Aberrations instead of beasts (might need to add some low CR aberrations).

Wizard: for some reason I picture the Wizard surrounded by astrolabes and telescopes and clockwork mechanisms. Using science and rationality to keep from going crazy.

Rogue: time bandits

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