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Still thinking. Right now, I'm crazy enough to consider Swordsage 2/Warlock 4, with the thought of doing JPM. The problem isn't just the requirements precluding warlocks (not that it surprises me -- I only hope that some decent prestige classes come out in the Complete Mage along with the additional invocations and the like), but the fact that not only is it not full-caster progression, but I also lose out on the warlock stuff like the fiendish resilience, the potential inherent in imbue item and the like.

gabrion: You mentioned in the previous thread about the prospect of incentives for pursuing the Jade Phoenix Mage. What sort of incentives did you mean, or has that been subsumed into the bonus that everyone's getting?

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First Post
Azaar said:
gabrion: You mentioned in the previous thread about the prospect of incentives for pursuing the Jade Phoenix Mage. What sort of incentives did you mean, or has that been subsumed into the bonus that everyone's getting?

The only general incentive I was going to offer is that the PrC requirements change so that you only need 8 ranks in concentration, so you can jump in at 6th level rather than 7th. But for character bonus, you could make the PrC full casting and for a warlock, you could make the requirement Caster Level 3rd rather than ability to cast 2nd level spells.

However, if you do this you'll also have to present me with alternative abilities for the class taht require sacrificing spell slots, since a warlock has not spells slots and simply allowing him to fuel the abilities with a use of an invocation would be overpowered.


First Post
A little update. I'll have the background and appearance descriptions typed out soon (still constructing them in my head). Also still working on equipment. Aside from these things, I have a mostly complete character!

(Note that AC will obviously be a bit higher once I've bought equipment.)

Names:      Ramist Moroder
            Vytelle Oru Naequian
Class:      Beguiler 4 / Warblade 2
Race:       Changeling
Template:   Dark (LA+1)
Size:       Medium
Gender:     Variable
Age:        25
Alignment:  Chaotic Good

Str: 17 +3    Level:     6    XP: 18,000 / 21,000
Dex: 14 +2    BAB:      +4    HP: 43 (4d6+2d12+0)
Con: 10 +0    Grapple:  +7
Int: 16 +3    Speed:    40'   Fort: +4
Wis:  8 -1    Init:     +2    Ref:  +5 (+3 when flat-footed)
Cha: 18 +5                    Will: +3

AC:   12        Languages:    Common, Elven, Dwarven, Draconic
FFAC: 10        Weapon Prof.: All simple, all melee martial, hand crossbow
ToAC: 12        Armor Prof.:  Light, medium, all shields (except tower shields)

Perception Skills: Total = Ranks + Ab Mod + Misc
  Listen               3 =   4   +  -1        
  Spot                 3 =   4   +  -1        
  Sense Motive         5 =   4   +  -1    +  2

Other Skills:      Total = Ranks + Ab Mod + Misc
  Balance              5 =   3   +   2        
  Bluff               14 =   7   +   5    +  2
  Concentration        8 =   8   +   0        
  Diplomacy           10 =   3   +   5    +  2
  Disable Device       3 =   1   +   2        
  Disguise            12 =   7   +   5
    (additional +2 on checks to act in character)
  Escape Artist        3 =   1   +   2        
  Hide                17 =   7   +   2    +  8
  Intimidate          12 =   3   +   5    +  4
  Jump                 6 =   3   +   3
  Martial Lore         4 =   1   +   3        
  Move Silently       15 =   7   +   2    +  6
  Open Lock            3 =   1   +   2        
  Search               8 =   5   +   3        
  Sleight of Hand      5 =   1   +   2    +  2
  Tumble               4 =   2   +   2        
  Use Magic Device    10 =   5   +   5

Arcane Spellcasting (Beguiler)
  Caster level:    4th
  Spells per day:  6 / 7 / 4
  Spells Known:    Full beguiler list plus Net of Shadows (SC)

Maneuvers and Stances (Warblade)
  Initiator level: 4th
  Man. Known:      4
    1st: Steel Wind (Iron), Leading the Attack (White)
    2nd: Disarming Strike (Iron), Mountain Hammer (Stone)
  Man. Readied:    3
  Stances Known:   1
     1st: Stance of Clarity (Diam)

Changeling Traits
  +2 racial bonus on saves vs sleep and charm
  +2 racial bonus on bluff/intimidate/sense motive
  Natural Linguist (speak language always class skill)
  Minor Change Shape

Dark Template Traits
  Extraplanar subtype
  +10 speed
  Superior low-light vision
  Darkvision 60 ft.
  Hide in plain sight
  Resistance to cold 10
  Hide+8, Move Silently+6

Beguiler Features (63 skill points)
  Armored mage
  Cloaked casting (+1 DC)
  Surprise casting
  Advanced learning (Net of Shadows)

Warblade Features (14 skill points)
  Battle clarity (Reflex saves)
  Weapon aptitude
  Uncanny dodge

 (1) Evasive Reflexes (ToB)
 (3) Vexing Flanker (PHBII)
 (6) Racial Emulation (RoE)


Point. I didn't read closely enough (or forgot) about those parts of Arcane Wrath, Mystic Phoenix Stance and Firebird Stance -- my bad. I initially considered offering the prospect of sacrificing the use of a warlock invocation for the combat encounter to fuel it, but that won't work, especially given some of the lower-level 24-hour duration invocations. So, I'll ditch Warlock -- maybe some game, I can figure out a good concept to play a Warlock in a game that actually lasts past the first week or two of posting before dying off. :)

So, back to basics. In the end, I think my initial concept has the most potential, and I've got an idea as for how to pull it off, which may work. So, here we go...

Lorana Brightflame: NG Female Human Swordsage 2/Warmage 4 (intention to pursue Jade Phoenix Mage PrC)

Lorana Brightflame was raised from infancy at the Temple of the Nine after an unknown stranger brought the newborn baby girl and left her there. To the instructors, a message was given: the child was not only to be trained in the Sublime Way, but also in the arcane arts -- specifically, to undergo additional training as a warmage. The stranger would return when the time was right, and then the truth would be known. The note ended with a strange riddle: What rises must fall, but what has fallen will rise again.

Lorana, of course, was unaware of the instructions left by her unknown benefactor, but took to her studies with a fervent zeal once she reached the minimum age to begin her training. Most of her training centered on the combined martial and arcane arts of the warmage, complemented by her ability as a swordsage. What intrigued her instructors, however, was her skill with fire spells, and the ease with which she wielded them. What intrigued them more was the fact that she could alter other spells to become fire spell.

What worried them, however, was that her fire spells did not possess the appearance of normal flame. The fire was emerald-green instead.

The truth was that Lorana was the latest reincarnation of the ancient Jade Phoenix Master known as the Brightflame. Her unknown benefactor, himself a reincarnated Jade Phoenix Master, had brought Lorana to the Temple of Nine to prepare her for the destiny that awaited her. The time of destiny is finally at hand, although Lorana remains unaware of the truth at present. What happens after she learns of her destiny, however, is anybody's guess...

Description: 5' 9" in height; fiery-red hair past her shoulders; emerald-green eyes; slim, athletic build (if I can find a picture, I'll post).

Stats to come (likely will be edited in once I get them ready).

Notes: Virtually nothing past this has been set in stone, other than this background (which can be altered if necessary -- I wrote this spur-of-the-moment) and the class breakdown. Not certain what my class bonus will be (I'm not worried about reducing the Concentration requirement by one rank, although I may opt for full-caster progression, as I don't know of a LA +1 template that would fit in). I'm also uncertain about whether it's kosher to have emerald flame effects for my fire spells; this might require Spell Thematics from Magic of Faerun -- admittedly 3.0 material, since I don't think the feat was updated for 3.5 -- unless you want to just allow it as something interesting as a character trait. Energy Substitution (fire) is likely a definite feat selection.

gabrion: Let me know how this looks when you get a chance. If I need to make changes, that's not a problem. At least now I have a concept to build on. I'll try to have stats ready in the next day or so -- if there's anything you think I should add or tweak, feel free to point out the possibilities. :)


First Post
Azaar said:
gabrion: Let me know how this looks when you get a chance. If I need to make changes, that's not a problem. At least now I have a concept to build on. I'll try to have stats ready in the next day or so -- if there's anything you think I should add or tweak, feel free to point out the possibilities. :)

Looks great so far. As for the fire having a different visual look that's perfectly fine.


First Post
gabrion, what do you think of Brther Eclipse? Is there anything you would want to see changed? Can a spot be found for him on the team?

You've commented on every other submisssion but haven't posted anything about him. :heh:


First Post
Dracomeander said:
gabrion, what do you think of Brther Eclipse? Is there anything you would want to see changed? Can a spot be found for him on the team?

You've commented on every other submisssion but haven't posted anything about him. :heh:

Hehe...don't take that as a negative, I just usually respond to direct questions or if something in particular strikes me that needs commenting on. Brother Eclipse looks pretty solid so far and he has a chance of getting into the game, but no guarantees.

Speaking of which, everyone should know that I'm planning to have five players in this game. I'm going to give an advantage in the selection process to those who posted in the original thread, but they aren't guaranteed spots. I'm not sure exactly how long I'll wait before choosing, but it shouldn't be more than a week.


Here's a more fleshed out character with background. I stole parts of the myth along with the name, but I think it worked out in an interesting way.

[B]Name:[/B]       Icarus
[B]Class:[/B]      Warblade 5/Bloodstorm Blade 1
[B]Race:[/B]       Winged Human
[B]Size:[/B]       Medium (6'1", 178 lb)
[B]Gender:[/B]     Male
[B]Alignment:[/B]  Chaotic Good       

[B]Str:[/B] 18 +4   [B]Level:[/B]     6     [B]XP:[/B] 18,000 / 21,000
[B]Dex:[/B] 18 +4   [B]BAB:[/B]      +6     [B]HP:[/B] 67 (6d12)
[B]Con:[/B] 11 +0*  [B]Grapple:[/B] +10
[B]Int:[/B] 14 +2   [B]Speed:[/B]    30'    Fly 50' (Perfect)
[B]Wis:[/B] 10 +0   [B]Init:[/B]     +5
[B]Cha:[/B] 16 +3  

* Amulet of Health +2, +1 @ 4th level

                      [B]Base  Armor  Shield  Dex  Size  Misc[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B] 20             10     +5     +0     +4   +0    +1 (Deflection)
[B]Touch:[/B] 15
[B]Flat:[/B]  16

                      [B]Base  Mod  Misc[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B]  +6              +6    -1   +1
[B]Ref:[/B]   +6              +1    +4   +1
[B]Will:[/B]  +7              +1    +3  +2,+1

[B]Weapon                Attack  Damage  Critical  Type[/B]
Spear               +11/+6    1d8+9     20/x3     P
Spear, Thrown       +11/+6    1d8+7     20/x3     P       (Range 20')

Common, Auran, Celestial

Battle Clarity
Weapon Aptitude
Uncanny Dodge
Battle Ardor
Returning Attacks

Point Blank Shot [Human]
Weapon Focus: Spear [1st]
Precise Shot [3rd]
Iron Will [Warblade 5]
Weapon Specialization: Spear [6th]
Throw Anything [Bloodstorm Blade 1]

[B]Skill Points:[/B] 63    [B]Max Ranks:[/B] 9/4

[B]Skills:               Ranks  Mod  Misc[/B]

Balance +11            8     +4
Concentrate +6         7     -1
Diplomacy +14          8     +3     +3
Heal +4               4cc    +0      
Listen +4             4cc    +0
Sense Motive +4       2cc    +0
Spot +4                4     +0
Tumble +11             8     +4
Use Magic Device +10  4cc    +3     +3

*Armor Check Penalty: -1

[B]Maneuvers Known[/B]
1: Sapphire Nightmare Blade, Steel Wind, Steely Strike
2: Battle Leader's Charge, Emerald Razor
3: Iron Heart Surge

Manuevers Readied: 4

[B]Stances Known[/B]
1: Punishing Stance, Stance of Clarity

[B]Equipment:                    Cost  Weight[/B]
+1 Spear                    2302gp     6lb
Mithral Breastplate         4200gp    15lb

Amulet of Health +2         4000gp     -lb
Ring of Protection +1       2000gp     -lb
Cloak of Resistance +1      1000gp     1lb
Circlet of Persuasion       4500gp     -lb

Wand of Cure Light Wounds    750gp     -lb

Belt Pouch (2)                 2gp     1lb
Rope, Silk (50')              10gp     5lb
Waterskin                      1gp     4lb

                    Total  18875

[B]Total Weight:[/B] 31lb / 58lb light load
[B]Money:[/B] 125gp 0sp 0cp
[sblock=Background]My earliest memories are of flying, the wind in my hair and the bright, clear skies surrounding me. It was a simple life. I was raise by the man I called father, if I ever had a mother I knew her not. We lived in a tower that rose high into the skies, far above the clouds. In fact I would not see the ground until I was much older. I spent my youth in a carefree manner, stretching my wings and playing with sprites and air spirits among the clouds. I had few limits to my existance, my father allowed me to fly wherever I wished, as long as I returned to him in the tower at night. His only caution was to never fly too high.

For many years, I obeyed my one injunction without question. But as I grew older, I began to wonder why it was that I must not rise and see what lay above us. My father told me that the gods dwelt in the heavens above and that it was not my place to join them. But I was a brash, and proud youth. I believed that my father was wrong, and that no ill would befall me if I were to fly so close to the sun. His fears were not my fears. And so, one day I decided that I would go for myself and see what lay in the heavens above us. I flew, and I rose higher and higher into the sky. I pushed myself, further and faster than I had ever flown before. I longed to break through, but I could not reach the heavens, I merely flew higher endlessly into the skies. I felt myself becoming weak, but I knew that if I gave up now, I would never succeed. Just a little higher, and I would arrive, just a little further. Nothing would bar my path, I was Icarus, and I would fly where my father never dared. Higher . . . higher. . . my breath grew short, and ice rimed my wings, but I kept going until I could go no further. I had been prideful, and held myself on a level with the gods. And they had punished me, my will was gone, as had my strength. I closed my eyes as consciousness left me. And then I fell.

A long darkness lies in my memories, and I knew nothing for what seemed like an eternity. Eventually the wind whipping against me roused me from the darkness and I was able to see once more. But below me lay a sight as I had never seen before. A great blanket of browns and greens and blues. The clouds, the bottom of my realm lay above, far above. I had fallen through them, to whatever lay below. I barely managed to recover myself as I fell and I touched down to earth, solid ground for the first time. I had fallen so low, after striving to go too high. I immediately attempted to ascend above the clouds, but now I found that even that previously acheivable height was beyond me. Exhausted, I returned to the earth. How could I return to my father? I cursed myself for not heeding his warnings, and I railed against my fate. But nothing changed what had happened. Eventually, I fell into a slumber, exhausted and weeping.

When I awoke, I set about exploring the strange new world I had discovered, this earth. As I wandered close to the point where I had landed, I heard voices, and the ringing of metal. I moved towards the sounds and came upon a strange building, in the middle of the wilderness. I saw men there, like myself, but bound to the earth. They were practicing combat, a great flurry of metal and shouts. I sat and I watched them as the flew through the air without wings and performed amazing feats that I could barely witness, let alone duplicate. And then I understood my fate. I had been punished for my pride. If I were to return to my home, I must earn the honor, and once more acheive the glory that I had previously been gifted with. If these wingless men could become so great, imagine the glory that would be mine if I were to learn their secrets and join them with my own perfection. Then I would be worthy to ascend into the skies once more.

I went to them then, and humbly asked to join their ranks, and to learn from them. They accepted me, and I began my training. It has not been an easy path to travel, but I no that all hardships I endure will be worth the glory that they will win me. I shall rise above them.[/sblock]
Last edited:


First Post
Here's my character so far.

Archimedes LE Male Human Half Minotaur Crusader 4 / Fighter 1 / Warblade 1

Str 21 [+5] (16 base +4 Racial +1 Level)
Dex 20 [+5] (18 base +2 Enhancement)
Con 16 [+3] (14 base +2 Racial)
Int 14 [+2] (16 base -2 Racial)
Wis 12 [+1] (10 base +2 Racial)
Cha  8 [-1] (8 base)

AC 21 (10 base +4 armor +5 dex +2 natural) (-2 until opponent defeated if more than 1)
HP 75
BAB +6
Attack +12 (2d6+8 spiked chain) (+4 trip +4 AoO +2/+2 if Arch and target touching ground)
Full Attack +12/7 (2d6+8 spiked chain)
Ranged +11 (2d6+5 comp. longbow)

Flaw: Shaky / or, if allowed [url=http://realmshelps.dandello.net/cgi-bin/feats.pl?Implacable,all]Implacable[/url]
Flaw: Vulnerable / or, if allowed [url=http://realmshelps.dandello.net/cgi-bin/feats.pl?Glory-Hound,all]Glory Hound[/url]
1st EWP: Spiked Chain
1st Power Attack (human)
1st Combat Reflexes (flaw)
1st Deft Opportunist (flaw)
3rd Combat Expertise
4th Improved Trip (fighter bonus)
6th Martial Stance: Thicket of Blades

Crusader - Crusader's Strike, Vanguard Strike, Stone Bones, Leading the Attack, Foehammer, Defensive Rebuke
Warblade - Steel Wind, Wall of Blades, Rabid Wolf Strike

Crusader - Iron Guard's Glare, Martial Spirit, Thicket of Blades
Warblade - Punishing Stance

gloves of dexterity +2 4,000
large mithril chain shirt 2,200
large +1 earthbound spiked chain 8,650
15 Potions of Enlarge Person
large composite Longbow
100 arrows

Born in the slave pits of Gaathos, the bestial child that would later be known as Archimedes never saw his parents. Instead he was raised under the lash to work the mines. But when he showed promise in the gladitorial game circuit, he was auctioned off. The high bidder was the master of the Temple of the Nine Swords, who saw the half-monitaur's untrained prowess and knew that he could be taught to be a great warrior. His new master treated him as a student rather than a slave. But Archimedes could not unlearn the harsh lessons of his childhood. The weak were inferior, and it was the way of the warrior that the strong should dominate. Even the master himself seemed a bit 'soft', though the ancient's abilities were beyond question. So Archimedes was greatly pleased when it was announced that he should go forth with the other disciples and unify the nine schools, for only through conquest could greatness be achieved.


First Post
@halfrogman-Nice so far, but I have a question. If you plan to stick with Bloodstorm Blade (at least for one more level) is there a reason why he's Dex based rather than Str based? If it's thematic that's cool, but it seems like a higher Str would serve him better in the long run (or even the immediate future).

@Voidrazor-Archimedes looks pretty cool, but I should warn you about being evil. I have nothing against it, but you should know two things:
1) Most of the people at the Temple of Nine Swords are neutral or good aligned, so there may be some tension there. It looks like you've already captured this a bit in your background though.
2) More importantly, I won't put up with evil characters not getting along with the party. I wouldn't necessarily expect this (especially with LE rather than CE), but this is fair warning.

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