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Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
17) RPG campaigns are stories and stories need to have themes. If I'm taking the trouble of playing a character in a story I want it be about something
Taking inspiration from an article and video by @SlyFlourish, I just created a one-pager player handout for a new game I'm going to run for coworkers, and wow, does forcing everything into one page really help clarify what a campaign is about, as well as give everyone a clearer idea of who their characters are and what kind of stuff they can expect to be doing.

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Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
Dungeons & Dragons should have ended with the bankruptcy of TSR.
Nah, it needed to hang around until Ryan Dancey could Jedi mind trick the powers that be into releasing the OGL, without which, much of the game industry that D&D fans enjoy today could not exist.

WotC and every other RPG publisher could go out of business tomorrow, and D&D (and to a lesser extent, RPGs generally) will be around until humans wipe themselves out, thanks in large part to him.


Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
Alright, here are my unpopular opinions:

1) Class balance is overrated at best and actively detrimental at worst.

2) While it has plentiful problems in the details, at a macro-level Hoard of the Dragon Queen is superbly crafted to introduce new players to the multiple methods and styles of play D&D can provide before tossing them into situations to put what they've learned into use.

3) "Barbarian" comes from the Ancient Greek term for "someone who doesn't speak Ancient Greek". Less an unpopular opinion and more a fun fact, this one.

4) The Star Wars Prequels excel at memes and absolutely nothing else. Yes, even Revenge of the Sith. I would rather re-watch Solo. Or Rise of Skywalker. Or hell, even just the first two acts of Rogue One.

5) By the by, the best Star Wars storytelling right now (I mean, outside of Andor, obvs) is happening in the Jedi games. I am hyped for Ahsoka though.

6) Against all odds, somehow Hawkeye, yes, Hawkeye has managed to be the best overall Marvel TV Show. Look, I don't know either, it just happened.

7) People who crap on "story games" either (a) have never played a "story game" properly and/or (b) aren't attracted to the core aesthetics of play of "story games" in the first place, and, critically, that's okay. Not every game has to be for them.

8) Apocalypse World is one of the least well-made Powered by the Apocalypse games.

9) The Ranger has never had an identity outside of "is Strider/Aragorn" and every attempt to stray from that idea to form a more fleshed-out identity has failed miserably.

10) Combat is the best part of Dungeons & Dragons

11) Combat is the worst part of Dungeons & Dragons.

12) No I will not elaborate, I feel both statements are self-evident.

13) Dungeon World got the balance between D&D and PbtA way off

14) D&D makes the best gateway RPG not because it's actually designed well for that purpose, but because it's the thing everyone has at least heard about and will bring them to the table to play until they either eventually grok the system or complain enough to let you pitch simpler, better games.

15) THAC0 and descending AC are both extremely counter-intuitive you absolute nerds and D&D is better off for moving to attack bonuses and ascending AC. Was it really that difficult? No, it wasn't that bad. Was it objectively worse than what we have now? Absolutely.

16) For a game all about combat D&D has never figured out a good way to properly use/scale HP. It's an absolutely mess; PCs either have too few or too many HPs, enemies always have too many HPs, there being absolutely no penalties losing any amount HP short of all of them, etc.

17) RPG campaigns are stories and stories need to have themes. If I'm taking the trouble of playing a character in a story I want it be about something

18) Say what you will about Rise of Skywalker, but the whole astral-projection lightsaber duel in the... I guess the first third act? or second second act?... anyway, is one of the coolest damn things I've ever seen in a Star War.

19) Character death almost always kills more dramatic tension than it causes. True in fiction and in TTRPGs.

20) Railroading gets a bad rap. Or I should say, people are way to quick to mislabel to the expectations of player buy-in as railroading.

21) The Wheel of Time show? Actually pretty good, for the most part.
Counterpoint, Gradine Edition
1) I agree. The idea of "balance" is best left to video games.
2, 6, 8, 13) I never played/bought/watched/read it, so I can't really say for sure if I agree or not. I'll have to check it out.
3) It's true. Like we would say "blah blah blah" for someone talking a lot, they would say "bar bar bar," thus the term "bar bar-ian" came about. History is awesome.
4, 5, 7, 11, 14-20) I agree completely.
9) I dunno, I liked the "is Legolas" attempt in 3rd Edition, if you chose archery instead of two-weapon fighting. It wasn't optimal, but I don't give an airborne coitus about optimized characters.
10, 12) It absolutely is not. Exploration is the best part, hands down. Nobody wants to sit and play Weird Chess for four hours.


Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
1. The alignment system is good
2. The D&D “culture wars” are kind of pathetic and show symptoms of terminally online syndrome.
3. AD&D Second Edition is better than people remember.
Counterpoint, Divine1943 Edition
1) Hard agree
2) I'm not qualified to diagnose any illness.
3) I played one single game of it back in middle school, and then decided to stay with BECM for the rest of the century. Make of that what you will.
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B/X Known World
Nah, it needed to hang around until Ryan Dancey could Jedi mind trick the powers that be into releasing the OGL, without which, much of the game industry that D&D fans enjoy today could not exist.
That’s not necessarily a good thing for the hobby or industry. The OGL ensured that D&D would maintain its strangle hold on both. Not that they would continue to exist. RPGs won’t suddenly die if D&D dies. Even before the OGL.
WotC and every other RPG publisher could go out of business tomorrow, and D&D (and to a lesser extent, RPGs generally) will be around until humans wipe themselves out, thanks in large part to him.
That’s giving wildly too much credit to Dancey. RPGs would continue to exist with or without his efforts. He made sure D&D would continue regardless of whether the company owning it continued to exist. RPGs as a hobby and industry would keep going regardless.

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