Unusual Food Thread


Staff member
There’s an Indian-owned pizza place just around the corner from me- takeout/delivery only- that has a limited but surprisingly good menu.

They do nothing better than any of my other favorite pizza joints*, but everything they do is good enough that we often buy from them because they’re closer. We’ve used them for the better part of a decade, and I’ve probably tried 85% of their menu. But recently, we decided to try a couple of things we hadn’t yet.

Well, as it turns out, their cheesy garlic bread is pretty good. And their Buffalo wings are too. Again, not as good as my faves, but definitely good enough.

The Buffalo wings will probably be bought more frequently than the other apps because theirs are milder than most, but cooked to tender, juicy perfection. So, what they lack in punch, they make up for in texture. And the fact that they’re mild will appeal to my parents a bit more.

* except their Indian fusion pizzas, of course

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There’s an Indian-owned pizza place just around the corner from me- takeout/delivery only- that has a limited but surprisingly good menu.

They do nothing better than any of my other favorite pizza joints*, but everything they do is good enough that we often buy from them because they’re closer. We’ve used them for the better part of a decade, and I’ve probably tried 85% of their menu. But recently, we decided to try a couple of things we hadn’t yet.

Well, as it turns out, their cheesy garlic bread is pretty good. And their Buffalo wings are too. Again, not as good as my faves, but definitely good enough.

The Buffalo wings will probably be bought more frequently than the other apps because theirs are milder than most, but cooked to tender, juicy perfection. So, what they lack in punch, they make up for in texture. And the fact that they’re mild will appeal to my parents a bit more.

* except their Indian fusion pizzas, of course

Cheesy garlic whatever works well. Garlic breads an old favorite here. Pizza place serves it up with parmesan cheese in a shaker.

Some if our closet places are turning into favorites, breakfast menu anyway.


Staff member
Cheesy garlic whatever works well. Garlic breads an old favorite here. Pizza place serves it up with parmesan cheese in a shaker.

Some if our closet places are turning into favorites, breakfast menu anyway.
I’ll be making some tomorrow, in fact. My paternal aunt brought us a big loaf of what the locals call french bread (it isn’t), so I thought I’d season it up and give it a trip through the ol’ toaster oven.


Staff member
Mostly that, yep.

I’ve got parsley, black pepper and garlic powder. There’s also loads of butter, and a few cheeses on hand that would work very well residing in my fridge. Some of the recipes- yes, recipes- I've seen include extra virgin olive oil or outright sub out butter with it.


Mostly that, yep.

I’ve got parsley, black pepper and garlic powder. There’s also loads of butter, and a few cheeses on hand that would work very well residing in my fridge. Some of the recipes- yes, recipes- I've seen include extra virgin olive oil or outright sub out butter with it.

Sounds familiar. The classic one is french baguette garlic butter. All sorts of bread and condiments now.


Pre D&D session vegetarian falafel iskander.


There's some rice in there somewhere.


Staff member
No pix, but I had a falafel sandwich for lunch. Kinds like a po-boy, but with tahini and tzaziki instead of mayo, a pita instead of French bread, and falafel instead of oysters.

Pretty good!

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