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Urn Your Pay (Rae judging)


[sblock=survival]Just to make sure we're thinking the same thing, that's 20d20, not 2d20, so a max of 400 feet away (210 average). Still within shouting distance, and only a few rounds away at a full run, but possibly out of sight, depending on the terrain. If something comes up, I'll roll for the situation. Still ok?[/sblock]

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First Post
Ter-raen follows at the back of the party, walking with a slower pace than normal. It's hardly a problem for him, it's been quite a while since he's been on an adventure with other people. Inwardly, he's quite pleased to be with his present company. Funny group of people to go on a wild goose chase with. Dwarf and gnome, both with different levels of bad talking. Young man, eager to hunt. As he walks, he hears the dwarf talking his gibberish again, and occasionally catches a glimpse of the gnome in the front.

[sblock=OOC]Would my survival rolls count as assisting Erf, or separate? In the back, but still overall as a group entity.[/sblock]


serow said:
Would my survival rolls count as assisting Erf, or separate? In the back, but still overall as a group entity.
You can do either, if you like. I see three options:

1. You walk on the road, 10' behind Gildrim, not doing any survival checks, and eating trail rations.
2. You make your own survival checks to hunt/forage independently. Taking 10 for a total of 16, you could feed yourself and three other people -- i.e. the whole party, if Erf is feeding himself -- but you'll be ranging up to 400 feet away from the group, independently of Erf.
3. You can follow Erf and assist him (or have him assist you). In that case, you'd both be ranging up to 400ft from the party, but together.

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Jerrand Redband

First Post

[sblock=ooc]How long will making the checks take? If they range out only for say an hour or so they could do that before we make camp, right? So marching order in the begining of the day, hunt in the evening while Gildrim and Cyian make camp. Everything looks really good to me (marching order, watches, etc.) Listen = 11
maybe Gildrim should be up front lol[/sblock]

[sblock=coviathe]Cyian is still trying to hide his bardic nature. But he will pull out his harp every other evening to go threw exercise, mainly because it has a calming effect. This is Cyians first time out in the wild. After the first week out he will start plucking the notes softly and he only does this about an hour into his watch. If anyone hears it or mentions it he will say he heard the notes too but they sounded far away. If anyone wakes up he'll hide the harp in his bedroll and cast ghost sounds max distance to match the melody he was playing before. I have bluff but can't use against PC's right? Well if caught will take it from there but like to stay hidden a little while. Please help as you can.[/sblock]
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Rae ArdGaoth

[sblock=Divine Beauty Sleep: ]Hi, Trouvere!

While we're talking about rules in spoiler blocks, I figured I'd toss this one in. From the SRD:
...a divine spellcaster does not require a period of rest to prepare spells.


[sblock=Jerrand]Ok, that's fine. According to Trouvere's suggested schedule, Cyian has the first watch, around twilight, so there's a possibility that other characters will still be awake for part of his watch, but assuming they all want to get 8 hours of sleep, there should still be at least two hours of his watch with no one else awake. As for bluff... we don't have PvP in LEW except by prior agreement with everyone involved, including the DM, but that doesn't mean your character can't lie to other characters while roleplaying. I think bluff checks are perfectly appropriate in this case.[/sblock]

[sblock=sblocks]One thing I probably should have mentioned in the first post, but forgot. Some DMs here are quite protective of their sblocks, and get really upset if you read inside an sblock that's not for you. Not me. Things in sblocks not addressed to your character are things that your character doesn't know; I don't mind if you, the player, read them. I do expect that we'll all be careful to keep in-character knowledge separate from out-of-character knowledge, not metagame too much, and so forth. If there's something that I want to tell you-the-player without other players knowing, I'll use email. Likewise, you should feel free to email me if sblocks don't seem appropriate for whatever reason.[/sblock]

Jerrand Redband

First Post

edit after reading post below:

Cyian trudges along with the party taking in the road and scenery. Sometime during the second day out he asks," How long will it take to get to this village anyway? I didn't know adventuring would be like this, all this walking. You never hear about this in the stories or balla...," he trips catching himself before falling over. "Well how far is it?" He asks again, while massaging his foot.
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As you ride out of Orussus, the skies are bright. By noon, the puddles from the previous evening's storm have dried, leaving a warm, clear day. The eastward road out of Orussus is well traveled, and you pass a number of merchants and farmers, and are passed in turn by couriers, occasional guard patrols, and other travelers whose business you can only guess at. The land is green and gentle. The road weaves between rolling hills dotted with stands of pine trees and the occasional dense forest. This close to the road, predators are scarce, and small game is abundant.

Towards evening, you reach a side road heading south, signposted for Lathirn. (ooc: I assume that...) You consult your map and take the southern road. It is much smaller and quieter; the wagon ruts shallower and softer, with occasional weeds growing in the bottom of them. In fact, you appear to have to road entirely to yourselves: by the time your legs begin to grow tired, you have not come across any other travelers on this road.

Picking a likely spot, you make camp. The evening is clear and pleasantly cool, and the watches pass uneventfully. The next day dawns, overcast but not immediately threatening rain, and you resume your journey southward. The forests here are thicker and closer to the road, and the land begins to flatten. You pass one guard patrol and one large merchant party, both passing the other way. (You may talk to them, if you wish.) By late morning you can hear the murmur of running water to the south. Soon you see a sturdy stone bridge ahead of you, spanning the wide, calm-looking river. Erf and Fenenn emerge from the forest and join the rest of the party, and eyes are wary as you pass the natural ambush point, but nothing happens. South of the river, you resume your march.

ooc: Pausing here to confirm that everyone's happy with the travel arrangements, and give you a chance to talk to passers-by if you're so inclined. I also need a decision from serow on what Ter-Raen is doing for survival checks, if anything.


Jerrand Redband said:
"I didn't know adventuring would be like this, all this walking. You never hear about this in the stories or balla...,"
"Then ye main nae be listenin' tae th' reit tales, lad; ye want tae hear th' story ay Thogrim Vonthur, wha socht fur his lost wife Olbrynn Glanisi in th' tunnels an' caverns ay th' underdeeps fur aichty twalmonths withoot a rest afair he foond her, an' wore oot aicht pairs ay adamantine shaes in th' seekin'."

"But tae answer yer quaisten - nae mair than a week fur us."


First Post
As the group set up camp Erf watched the sunset with an expression of simple contentment upon his face, his fingers skillfully kneading behind Fenenn's ears. On the small fire Erf has proudly set up a total of four rabbits, two and a half of which Fenenn will gulp down after Erf has had his fill from one and another to supplement the groups rations. He also has a couple of pheasent eggs cooking in the hot ashes on one side of the fire and and a half dozen wild onions doing the same.

Whilst not keeping an eye on his dinner Fenenn rolls around in the grass his tongue lolling out comically as he stalks bugs.

"What a great day! I got to talk to a girl whose dad killed a troll! And then me and Fenenn saw a badger mom 'n her babies and she chased us off when she thought me slobberin' friend here was eye'in the bitte ones the wrong way. I hope its this interesting everyday adventurin'!"

Erf says to the group as he deftly skins the last of the rabbits and prepares its spit.

[Sblock=OOC]Fenenn suceeds on aide another.Fenenn survival check 1. (1d20+1=14)

Erf's sleeping listen check is a 16 - distance mods meaning he probably hears Cyian playing, but after a quick glance to make sure its not some mischevious Fey he thinks better of bringing it up since Cyian has evoidently decided not to share his musical abilities with the group. He allows the music to wash over him as he sinks back into sleep.Erf's sleeping listen check. +9 listen, -10 for sleepng. (1d20-1=15)[/Sblock]
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