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Urn Your Pay (Rae judging)

Jerrand Redband

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[sblock=Trouvere] Halford why are you looking here? lol You have your own block. Sorry Trouvere your messages is thanks for all the cool dwarf talk I am using alot of it, most anyway. As I play Ragnok in ToEE gave me two new words to add to his vocabulary mair= more and quaisten= question thanks again.[/sblock]

[sblock=Halford] And what mister are you doing?? lol No problem really just keep my secert. I'm actually glad your along when Cyian sees your healing in action he may just turn to the priesthood. lol Was planning on taking cure light for lvl 1 spell, already bought holy symbol. But remember Cyian isn't playing the first week will probably take 10, 20 if I'm allowed. And you forgot distance modifiers, everyone does probably only -2 don't want to go to far out. DC = 10/20 + bluff? + distance = 18/28 (hope I can take twenty) Bluff because I'm pretending to play at first.[/sblock]

Cyian eagerly listens to the tale of Thogrim and has the dwarf repeat when nessacary, which ends up being alot. The tale takes his mind off his feet as Gildrim tells the story during the long days of walking. In the evenings after a great meal (thanks to Ter-raen and Erf) he asks questions about some of the parts of the days story.

[sblock=ooc] Cyian won't talk to any strangers leaving that to the s. So I 'm good on the arrangements and what I will be doing till we hit an encounter or the village.[/sblock]

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End of another day. Much walking we did, but feet are feeling much better now. Good food is important. Ter-raen muses to himself. With some ale it'd be better. Listening to the dwarf relate his tale and the young man eagerly listening to it, Ter-raen has a tiny moment of self-pity. Young man can tell what dwarf is gibbering on about. Good ears, better than mine. Can't make out what dwarf says most of the time. But it lasts only a moment, as he eats the rabbits. Nice! He turns his head to Erf, and tells him so. "Your rabbit tastes good!"

[sblock=OOC]Ter-raen will do some hunting too. Taking 10 for the Survival check to get me 16.[/sblock]
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Erf beams,

"Thanks Ter-raen! I see you got quite a haul yourself! Thank Vedante's green thumb nobody has to eat those rations, bleck!"

Sensing a kindred spirit, and someone whose proximity would be far more restful than his energetic companions, Fenenn moves over and lays down next to the Half-Orc. The Wolfhound's moist soulful black eyes fix on every scrap of meat hopefully...

Jerrand Redband

First Post

"Yes Ter-raen is right the rabbit is good, and I don't mind the rations they can be eaten on the go." Cyian smiles and throws some scraps of meat to Fenenn."If I could go out hunting with one of you sometime, I think I'd like to learn a little and give my new sling a go too." He sits back full only after 1/4 of a rabbit.

[sblock=ooc]Didn't think of it before but Cyian is at that growing age. Where young men eat alot more than normal, so he probably still eats one days worth of rations on the road and dinner also. I think this is a good group not only characters but the players too. Posting seems not to be a problem this should be all and all a good adventure. Glad I got to join.[/sblock]
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Fenenn wags his tail enthusiastically and wolfs down the proffered scraps. Erf chuckles at the dogs antics.

"I don't think I have ever seen him full, he's already had three squirrels today as well."


OOC: Slight frown. Jerrand, I'd prefer it if you could refrain from describing actions taken by Gildrim in your own postings. It probably wasn't clear in the dialect, but Gildrim only said that Cyian should hear the story, not that he'd tell it. If pressed, he'd have said "Och, laddie, firs' ye'll need tae be learnin' Dwairrrven sae Ah kin dae it justice," or something similar.


"Naethin' wrang wi' traiveler's rations; they'll keep jer jaws strang and tell ye if ye hae a bad tuith. But Ah coud fin' mah ain fuid, if Ah haed time enaw, ye ken. Ah kin fin' puddock-stuils an' scuttlin' gollachs an' ruits tae chew, an' wirms are awwhaur! Ah'd hae had ain ay them brock bairns tae, if Ah'd bin verra hungert...." Gildrim's voice trails off as he settles down in his makeshift canvas bedroll with his backpack as a pillow. "Wak' me up whan it's time tae watch."


First Post
Erf regards Gildrim skeptically,

"Well I'll leave the jaw strengthening to ye Gildrim pal! My jaws just fine as it is. I'm on last watch right? Wake me if ye need anythin'."

The little Gnome stretches and snuggles into his bedroll. Fenenn soon moves over and Erf drapes an arm around his companions neck - green skin contrasting with grey fur.


First Post
Ter-raen watches as both the gnome and the dwarf settle off to sleep. I wonder why spell masters must always sleep so much. My weapons are heavy, but I can do with less sleep. Maybe their spells are heavier, somehow. Maybe I'll ask one of them some day. Maybe the young man knows? Ter-raen takes another glance at the young man, trying to decide if he should. But the night is still relatively young, and he can spare a little time to chat before his turn to rest for his watch later.

"Cyian. Why must spell masters sleep so much?"


South of the bridge, the road widens again, though it remains nearly deserted. The forests thin, replaced by flat, grassy land with banks of dense bushes. The air is mostly still, but when the breeze comes from the south, you catch a whiff of stagnant water. Hunting is still easy for the group's experienced wanderers, and when the time comes to camp for the night again, no one has to eat trail rations.

The next days begin to blur into a routine. Erf and Fenenn and Ter-raen continue to enjoy success in their hunting efforts, and the weather holds, clear and cool, with clouds drifting reluctantly across the sky like adventurers leaving a tavern. On the fourth day, shortly after noon...

[sblock=Erf and Ter-raen]The circuit of your independent hunts has brought you both together on the road due north of Gildrim and Cyian. You can see them, just over 200 feet away, and beyond them, you catch a glimpse of a brightly dressed figure, who appears to be talking. From here, you cannot make out any words. As you watch, you can see three men step out of the woods with shortbows, surrounding Gildrim and Cyian! Initiative, please.[/sblock]

[sblock=Gildrim and Cyian]You see a man in bright yellow and purple motley step out onto the road from behind a clump of trees about 50 feet in front of you. "Pardon, friends!" he says, with a bow and a flourish of his jingling cap. "Please, stop a moment on your tiresome journey and listen to my sorry tale! It all began on a day much like this, fair as a maiden's kiss, as I walked along this very road, a song in my heart and a smile on my lips. I was thinking, you see, of fair Esmerelda, the daughter of the Johannes Stronginthearm, and the most beautiful girl I had ever seen in my young life, when suddenly I heard..."

ooc: Make a will save, DC 20, or be fascinated and take -4 on these checks:

[sblock=spot DC 5 or listen DC 8]While the jauntily dressed man is talking, you sense some kind of movement behind you. Turning to look, you see that three hard-looking men have stepped out of the woods, holding shortbows with arrows at the nock. There is one on each side of the road directly to the east and west, and the third is about thirty feet north of you on the east side of the road. Initiative, please.

ooc: Argh, natural 1 on a hide check! They should have taken 10, I suppose...
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