D&D 5E Using "D&D 2024" instead of "5e24"


It doesn't have to be purist. It just has to be basically 5e, but not following all the playstyle and content dictates that WotC follows. A lot of 3pp, nearly all of it, already does that.
I'm not sure that needs a moniker that separates it from D&D though. Most everyone agrees that WotC stuff has a different tone than say, Darrington or Ghostfire. I assumed it was projects like Doctors and Daleks that don't use anything resembling the PHB (or deviation thereof).

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I'm not sure that needs a moniker that separates it from D&D though. Most everyone agrees that WotC stuff has a different tone than say, Darrington or Ghostfire. I assumed it was projects like Doctors and Daleks that don't use anything resembling the PHB (or deviation thereof).
The point of a different moniker is that it would pre-emptively stop a number of WotC 5E purists from bothering to show up in discussions and threads and such... which would then reduce the amount of WotC 5E stans arriving and feeling the need to defend WotC and WotC's choices for D&D in said threads.

If someone makes a thread here about some product that uses the 5E game engine and calls it a '5E' product, and said thread gives a thumbs up to the product because it goes against a lot of WotC policies on their 5E products... those WotC defenders will arrive to defend WotC's decisions (rightly or wrongly). But if those posts could be made elsewhere and away from the prying eyes of WotC 5E defenders under some other umbrella term than 'D&D' or '5E'... those posters could just talk amongst themselves. It would basically be no different than the Level Up - A5E board we have here on EN World now... that is populated and posted in by pretty much only people who are interested in Level Up and the rest of us WotC D&D people never bother to look through.

The non-WotC 5E game engine stans sound like they'd like a similar space, that's all.


I don't believe in the no-win scenario
As I just offered up over in the 5E Revival thread... I'd suggest using the term 'd50'.

d50 games are ones (like D20) that use the standard 20-sided die style of engine, but are built off the version of the engine that was in existence for the 50th Anniversary of D&D... the 5E game engine.
"Dee fiddy" has a ring to it.


Mod Squad
Staff member
The point of a different moniker is that it would pre-emptively stop a number of WotC 5E purists from bothering to show up in discussions and threads and such... which would then reduce the amount of WotC 5E stans arriving and feeling the need to defend WotC and WotC's choices for D&D in said threads.

Folks will figure it out in like 2 seconds.

Now that you've publicly said it, the ones you are really worried about will now come to such threads specifically to cheese those trying to exclude them.

And, lastly, making a pigeonhole for people before the conversation even starts is problematic.

So, how about.... not.


I tend to use the term "2024", such as to distinguish the 2014 Players Handbook from the future 2024 one.

Otherwise I just say "5e", including for indy products. When searching, I google "5e" plus whatever topic.

If I say "D&D", I tend to have the "traditions" of every edition and variant in mind − plus often include Pathfinder, 13th Age, and other indy d20 systems.

In 2024 and beyond I'm going to continue to use the term "5E", when talking about 3rd party compatibility because those products will be compatible with the 2024 ruleset (at least as compatible as A5E, or ToV, or other clones with their own differences). If a 3rd-party 5E-compatible product was published in 2019, It's still going to fine enough to consider buying even after I have the 2024 products, just like buying a 2019 Wizards product would be usable.

You can't have it both ways. You're not going to be able to call 5E clones compatible and the 2024 book not compatible. The differences aren't looking like they are going to be big enough to cause any real compatibility problems.

It's all 5E, even if there are slight variations. It wouldn't prevent DMs from using their own variations. It's still going to work.

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