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Valley of the Dead: Chapter 1 "A gathering of heroes"

Voda Vosa

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The barbarian looks with contempt while his sword tores a chunk appart from such foul creature. He grins a mouthful of fangs when the specter tries to scare him out, his own face quite more ugly than the cadaver's one. He swing his sword again, this time with more power, waving it once and then another time! Although the first attack found it's mark, the second pass right through, harmlessly. Unaware of why, Thok said "Why not cut twice?"

[sblock=Actions and rolls.]
Thok's will save: 20+2: 22 I assume I save it
Thok's power attack: Rolls:
Roll Lookup
Results: Hits with first attack for 20 dmg.
Misses second attack due to insubstantial foe.[/sblock]

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Thy wounds are healed!
His breath frosting in the chilled air, Kye quickly raises his visor to better see what is happening. Seeing the doll in the hands of the White Lady spurs the young helmite into action.

"Unhand thy Tatters!" he bellows thrusting out with Yasaderian. The changeing vintage of the creature causes only a moments pause in the warrior.

Will save = 22
Attack = 25
Damage = 10
Roll Lookup [/sblock]


First Post
Sensalar moves unobtrusively behind the recognized mercenaries.
"*ahem* I apologize for interrupting but if I may address this esteemed gathering, perhaps these gentlemen," indicating the individuals eyeing currently eyeing the exits, "could help enlighten us to the cause of the initial disturbance, given their proximity to the incident in question when I observed them upon arrival outside."


First Post
Peth utters a surprisingly vicious Orcish curse, at the same time narrowing his eyes as he swiftly analyzes the Lady's gathering powers.

No time to research at all, how am I to have my best spells prepared if I have no time to research? he snarls to himself.

Snapping his heavy crossbow up, he aims at the Lady's wavering form and fires.

Then he sees Merry and Jill racing towards the rime-covered Tatters. "Jill!" he cries. "Kye, protect the child!"
[sblock=Actions and rolls]
Will save. (1d20+10=12)

Move Action: Assuming Peth can still act :p, he'll use his Dark Knowledge to grant a save bonus vs the Lady.
Knowledge (religion) (1d20+16=20)
Everyone within 60' of Peth receives a +1 bonus (untyped) to saving throws against the Lady's abilities. (I did not count this in my Will save above, Myth.)

Standard Action: Fire crossbow Attack roll; miss chance; damage. (1d20+7=19, 1d20=10, 1d8+1=6)

boy, the dice hate me today! :D


First Post
"Your words ring with truth young warrior, as i have long since learned to discern lies from honesty. Your intentions were noble, and your love for the laws of this land is commendable. I would ask you for your aid in carrying out this trial, as a witness and source of information, but should you choose otherwise you are free to go. Although, frankly I would rejoice at having a young man of worth such as yourself join us in our expedition in the Valley."

Alevyth nodded appreciatively before responding.
"I give you my thanks for your compliment. I will remain here until I am no longer needed, and when we are finished here, perhaps we can further discuss how I may best aid Angelwatch in this trying time..."

After this he fell silent, his attention slowly moving from person to person, though particularly on Lazarus and Adelaide.


First Post
With a turn of his head, the enchanter briefly acknowledged Ferviel's enthusiasm. Latham wasn't expecting to get off this easy, he let the dimension door spell fade from his lips, sensing no need for it at the moment. Having the mooks of the paladins clearing his path could be beneficial. Death by lich, not so much. He measured his next words carefully, not wanting to press his good fortune too far too soon, "I will aid you, Lazarus, given that a few simple conditions are met. First, that whatever mercenaries or fodder you bring with you will have no authority over me, and will follow my given orders if directed. I will report to you and Ferviel alone. Secondly, that I can, at any time, end this arrangement and venture off alone without recourse. My arcane might for these concessions. Agreed?"

Myth and Legend

First Post
Peth shouts out to the Cleric and both prepare their weapons, but are frozen in place for a moment, as the stare of the undead being bores a hole trough their souls. Merry too, is motionless and staring with a blank gaze at the floating apparition that was once Livy Brenson.

[sblock=Kye]The warrior-priest of Helm finds himself on his parent's farm, just as he remembers it from his youth. The lad is wearing the leather apron of a smith's apprentice, and is facing the thatched hut that used to be his home.

The surroundings are quiet, and the sky is darkening as the sun has already hid itself beyond the horizon. Kye shouts out to his parents, but there comes no answer, as the dark windows of the house remain motionless.

The lad suddenly feels a touch on his back, nails slowly scraping on his linen shirt. He turns around and with horror regards the visage of his mother, smiling wickedly with blood dripping from her mouth. Her gaze is full of ferocity and madness, and chunks of raw flesh can be seen caught between her pointed teeth.

Her auburn hair is now brittle and dust covered, and the stale smell of an unearthed grave can be sensed coming from her. With a hideous shriek and a mad gleam in her yellow eyes, she jumps and claws at young Kye's face, ripping two deep lines across his right cheek. The lad's heart starts beating with a panicked rush as he turns away and attempts to run and save himself from this horror.[/sblock]
[sblock=Peth]The Gnome descends further down the corridor of the long abandoned mansion he had set out to explore. He is alone, with a lantern in his hands and the only sound that can be heard, is the screeching of the rotted boards beneath his small feet.

The corridor is dark, as any windows have been long since boarded up, and no torches or braziers have been light for years. The Archivist is careful and methodically analyzes the situation, as he approaches a massive oak door to his left. The lantern in his right hand begins to fade, as it is running out of oil, and for a moment Peth wanders weather he should turn back. However the Gnome's curiosity overwhelms him as he decides to explore the room, which he discovered to be a large library.

He had lost himself amongst the shelves and books, and is too late in noticing the crimson light coming from behind. The Archivist turns around, only to find out with horror that the red glow streams from the hollow eye sockets of a floating skull, adorned with a magnificently jeweled crown.

Peth immediately recognizes the Demilich, and the overwhelming danger it poses. It is too late however, as the skull laughes and screames: "I WILL HAVE YOUR SOUL, LITTLE MAN!" Peth turns around, with fear gripping his heart, and runs as fast as his short legs can carry him, while still hearing the maniacal laughter of the demilich, floating behind him.[/sblock]

After but a moment of being frozen still, Merry, Peth and Kye each shout out something, and dash towards a random direction.

Kye drops his prized sword on the ground, and heads westward, towards the bridge. Peth relinquishes his crossbow in a similar manner and dashes down the bridge, towards the opposite bank of the river. Merry shouts with fear and heads eastwards, trough the meadow and towards the woods.

Amongst the ensuing chaos, the massive frame of the Half Orc Barbarian stands unaffected. Perhaps it is the hunger, perhaps it is the lust for battle, or perhaps the Lady is unable to find an illusion of fear dwelling in Thok's subconscious at this moment, but the Half Orc simply snarls and swings his blade once more at the apparition. He has enough time now to strike twice at the Lady, but the spirit manages to phase away from the second hit effortlessly.

The Banshee hisses and faces Thok, but is taken by surprise by the tiny frame of a young girl, dashing past the Barbarian and gripping the raggedy bunny doll with her tiny hands. "LET GO OF HIM YOU DEAD BITCH!" Jill screams with a viscous voice.

The Banshee's eyes darken, as she extends her hand and lightly touches Jill's forehead with her long ghostly finger. The spot where the Banshee touched Jill is now covered with frost, and the little girl staggeres on her feet, gasping for air but still holding on to Tatters. It is apparent that Jill will not survive a second attack by the Lady.

[sblock]Peth, Kye and Merry are panicked. They drop anything they are holding and will run away until they lose sight of the Lady and will then cower until the duration of the effect is over. The duration is 1d4+1 rounds. So Peth is panicked for 4 rounds and Kye and Merry for 2 rounds. Thok rolled a natural 20 and is immune to this ability for the next 24 hours. Jill is seemingly unaffected.

Thok can make a spot check by the way.

Also, even though it's a specific mind affecting ability, it does not prevent the characters from being aware of what is going on around them. They will register it and act upon it once the duration is over.

The Lady attacks Jill and hits her for 4 damage. Jill is now disabled. Oh, on a further note, the whole cold theme is fluff, the Lady (and any Banshee for that matter) dos not deal cold damage, but rather a regular incorporeal touch attack.

Here is a map, and also please ask me in the OOC if you have any questions.


P - Peth, K - Kye, T - Thok, J - Jill, M - Merry, L - Lady, x - grass/dirt, ~ - river, * - trees, = - bridge, . - road.[/sblock]


Adelaide smiles faintly and leans over to the young lad. "So Alevyth, you are humble as well as righteous. We can make a Paladin out of you yet i think! - the woman whispers with an energetic tone. - but maybe you are too pretty - you might easily stray in to adultery with your looks..." The female Paladin displays wider smile and returns to her original pose.

Meanwhile Lazarus frowns for a moment at Latham's words, but replies with a calm voice. "I would expect you to adhere to the rules and code of conduct that we set upon as a brotherhood of Paladins. As such, you will be answering to your superiors in rank, myself and Dawnbringer Ferviel included, but there will be others as well. You will meet them and I will instruct you specifically. Each mercenary or conscript we bring along will be under the leadership of one of my lieutenants, as strict discipline is key in such endeavors. I also expect you to join us in the planning room, as even though you are insolent, your input on the tactics could prove useful. - Lazarus walks down from the podium and paces slowly before the gathered men, his hands firmly behind his back. - Should you, master Wizard, or anyone for that matter, decide to abandon our group to either retreat or pursue profits, and leave his comrades exposed to danger, i will brand you outlaws and subject you to justice with the utmost prejudice. We take this on as brothers in arms, or you do not come with us at all."

Lazarus' voice is stern and his gaze is demanding. He stops in front of Senslar and looks at him briefly, before continuing. "And you, what is your name warrior of the Aasimar, and what light can you shed on the events in discussion? I assure you that no one is leaving this temple until justice has been served."

At his last words the men from the mercenary company start whispering and shoving, and more than one now eyes the exits like a rat in a cage.


First Post
Alevyth frowned at the arcanist's conditions, as they very much sounded prone to ending poorly for the Paladins, thusly defeating its own purpose. Then again, he should expect no less from that wizard. His discontent was squashed for the moment as Adelaide whispered to him energeticly.

"So Alevyth
, you are humble as well as righteous. We can make a Paladin out of you yet i think! But maybe you are too pretty - you might easily stray in to adultery with your looks..."

"Adultery? Lies which would inevitably cause a lovely woman pain? You surely jest, for I'd rather spend a year on the wrack than cause a moment of grief to the innocent..." The boy whispered in return, his voice a mixture of bemusement and wounded shock both. As Lazarus spoke, Alevyth's attention returned to the wizened Paladin, grinning at the terms which most certainly would not be to the wizard's liking. His hand moved to finger his hilt as the paladin noticed the shifty looks of the bandits, his face briefly growing cold as he sensed their desire to escape justice.

Myth and Legend

First Post
Adelaide blushes slightly as she replies with a hushed tone, flicking a curly blond lock of hair off her brow. "Adultery may not necessarily include the dealing out of pain to a woman. We can succumb to our base instincts, just as men can, you know. Women just have better restraint than your kind."

The female Paladin grins and follows Alevyth's stare towards the bunch of mercenaries at the back of the room. Her eyes grow cold for a moment and her lips curl with contempt, but she says nothing and soon returns to her regular sightly smiling expression.

Voda Vosa

First Post
The barbarian looks confused at his retreating allies "Why run? No fear! Stand and fight!" Thok wide his nostrils sending a cloud of hot air out, that can be seen due to the cold air outside. "No touching little boy! Thok Kill you dead!" The warrior slashes at the witch again, hoping to tear it apart this time. "Run little boy, Thok rescue doll"

Full attack versus the banshee:
Rolled 23 and 25 for attack, 11 and 12 for the chances to hit the insubstantial, so both hit, and 22 and 23 dmg, so 45 total damage.

Voidrunner's Codex

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