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Valley of the Dead: Chapter 1 "A gathering of heroes"


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"I am Sensalar, descended from Erykul, Half-avoral grandson of the Blessed Fields of Elyssium, born into a long tradition of familial piety and service to the lords of good. I am sworn enemy of the dark and unnatural and friend to the church of Pelor, though not of it's ranks. Galen of the Seven Lakes suggested I speak hear when we conversed just moments ago."
"Although I could not hear the words of the fellow, I was at a unique vantage upon entering the square to notice these men, accosting the mage outside who had made mention of coin. Their discussion somehow turned to argument with some others of the men there, and soon their "discussion" seemed to hinge on the point of their swords rather than their tongues. As this was immediately before your brotherhood entered the fray, I believe these gentlemen may be able to shed some light on the cause of all this. Beyond that, I may be of little use as the square became a rather confused mess. Between wayward," *at this Sensalar looks toward Latham across the crowd and pauses briefly* "though well-meant spell of the good arcanist who just spoke and the fighting I saw little until your men restored order and the cooler heads amongst the crowd prevailed."

[sblock]sorry for the delay, been unable to get on a computer for any length of time until today due to a windows re-install.[/sblock]

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Thy wounds are healed!
Running into the field Kye drops to his knees, ripping off his helment and throwning it to the ground. Kye raises his head high and screams, "Mother! I am sorry I failed thee!"

The young warrior slumps sitting in the dirt on his knees and sobs softly to himself for his weakness in not being able to defend those in need.


First Post
"Adultery may not necessarily include the dealing out of pain to a woman. We can succumb to our base instincts, just as men can, you know. Women just have better restraint than your kind."

"Adultery is a lack of loyalty, betrayal brings pain. Again, I would rather spend a year upon the rack than cause someone such anguish. However, my words prove nothing on their own... the only way you'll know if I am faithful is to test my faithfulness..." He replied in a hushed tone to Adelaide, his face slowly shifting from a slight frown to a slight grin, almost as if he was teasing her, or inviting her to test her theories about himself. Within himself, Alevyth was certain he would not falter, nor would he prove untrue once he's found true love. Whether or not he would find that love, the Paladin did not know. After all, he first and foremost sought to avoid causing pain and sorrow. Finding true love... may just set his love up for a great deal of pain and sorrow, should he be slain. Alevyth shook his head briefly, attempting to break from that line of thought.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
[sblock=sorry for the ooc intrusion, but ...]
I am trying to find Myth and Ledgend inreguards to another game, as any one seen or heard from M and L? A known Leave of absense, perhaps? Arcandus, the DM for a game we are both in is trying to locaate M and L [/sblock]


First Post
Meanwhile Lazarus frowns for a moment at Latham's words, but replies with a calm voice. "I would expect you to adhere to the rules and code of conduct that we set upon as a brotherhood of Paladins. As such, you will be answering to your superiors in rank, myself and Dawnbringer Ferviel included, but there will be others as well. You will meet them and I will instruct you specifically. Each mercenary or conscript we bring along will be under the leadership of one of my lieutenants, as strict discipline is key in such endeavors. I also expect you to join us in the planning room, as even though you are insolent, your input on the tactics could prove useful. - Lazarus walks down from the podium and paces slowly before the gathered men, his hands firmly behind his back. - Should you, master Wizard, or anyone for that matter, decide to abandon our group to either retreat or pursue profits, and leave his comrades exposed to danger, i will brand you outlaws and subject you to justice with the utmost prejudice. We take this on as brothers in arms, or you do not come with us at all."

"Paladins," Latham stands very much under his breath as he shakes his head, his glance downward and off to the side. Interruptin the flow of the conversation Lazarus appears to be having with multiple others, Latham speaks up again, his voice authoritative and echoing throughout the large hall.

"It appears I have no choice but to help your cause, Paladin, so very well then." His face immediately turns impassive and bored, perhaps, as he leans his slight body against that of the large, silent monk next to him.

Myth and Legend

First Post
Everything happens in an instant - Peth, Kye and Merry are still running further from the White Lady, with blank stares in their eyes as they shake uncontrollably. Meanwhile, Thok's massive blade cuts two more deep scars trough the Banshee's visage, leaving wide gaps as if she were made of torn lace. Jill is still holding on to Tatters, with her gentle childish face twisted in brutal anger, and she seems to be recovering at an impressive rate from the Lady's last attack.

The spirit hisses with spite, and removes her hand from her veil, while looking Thok right in the eye. Somehow, the huge Half-Orc feels as if a great danger has passed him.

The Lady then proceeds to caress Jill's cheek with her ghostly finger. The child gasps for air as if she is drowning, and releases her grip on the raggedy doll. The little girl collapses on the ground, clenching her chest, as her lips turn blue and her pupils go up in her eyelids, leaving the milky white stare of death in her eyes.

The Lady covers her face with her hands and it appears to the Barbarian that she is crying. The spirit then turns her back to the surprised Half-Orc, and sobbing can be heard coming from her as she drifts off to the middle of the river, and the with hideous shriek, the Banshee plunges down as if she were attempting to drown herself in the violent waters below.

A splash can be heard as Tatters falls in the river and drifts down with the currents, and the Lady is nowhere to be seen.

A few seconds later, Kye and Merry come to their senses, and half a minute later Peth also breaks trough the violent illusion gripping his mind. Everyone now realities what had happened, and Jill is still lying on the ground, motionless.

[sblock]Thok has dealt an impressive 86 total damage to the Lady. She in turn, attacked Jill once more and dealt 7 damage to her. Jill is now lying on the ground. A spot check is required:
[sblock=spot of 10 or below]The character thinks that Jill is dying.[/sblock]
[sblock=spot of 10 to 15]The character realizes that Jill is stable.[/sblock]
[sblock=spot above 15]The character realizes that Jill is actually healing.[/sblock][/sblock]


Adelaide smiles at the lad and leans over. Alevyth can smell the scent of herbs coming from her abundant blond curls, as she asks him with a low tone: "Very virtuous, I admire that in a man. So, is there a fair maiden that you have vowed your heart to?"

Lazarus nods at the Wizard's answer and replies with slight delight on his face. "I am happy to welcome you to our Holy Crusade then. If you wish, you may leave this trial, I can have someone escort you to the temporary barracks and headquarters we have set up. You may rest, as tonight I will need you in your opinion on the planning of our assault."

He then goes back to Senslar, smiling widely. "It is an honor to meet one of Erykul's descendants in the flesh. - The Paladin extends his palm and shakes Senslar's hand firmly. - You are most welcome amongst us master Sensalar, and when this is over, I would enjoy conversing with you of your forefather's deeds. I have read of your half-celestial ancestor's exploits, even if they have gone in to obscurity for the general masses. I take much pleasure in learning from the heroics of great men who lived in days past."

The Palaidn leader pauses and turns his gaze towards the group of unwashed mercenaries, some of which had been barely patched up after the beating they received from Lazarus's men. "If Galen has taken a liking to you, you must be following in Erykul's footsteps, for even if my brave Leutenant is not interested in history and reading, he is indeed a fine judge of character. It is clear to me now that..."

Lazarus' words are interrupted by a deafening smashing sound that comes from the front of the hall. The massive wooden doors swing wide open as an enormous white ram blasts them open with it's impossibly large horned head. Behind him follows a giant of a man, wielding a long pole with what appear to be zombie heads mounted atop. Behind him rush several Paladins, one of which is Galen, who now has his visor down, his blade drawn and his red kite shield raised in an aggressive stance.

The red-armoured Paladin has a most curious sword, the metal which it is made from is green, and the blade itself is wavy instead of straight. Orange flames dance back and froth on it, shedding a smooth glowing light on the warrior's plate armour.

"I SAID I'M GONNA TALK TO HIM! AND YE BEST SHEATHE THAT RAINBOW STICK YE CALL A SWORD BEFORE I SHOVE IT UP YOUR HOLY PALADIN ASS!" The man who shouts these words is large, with thick red hair left to hang freely beneath his shoulders and clad in leather armour, with an axe hanging from the holster on his hip and a grand composite longbow on his back. His voice is gruff and thunderous, and his face is red with rage.

[sblock] Wow.. Lazarus got a 36 on his Knowledge: Religion. He really does know about Erykul :)[/sblock]

Voda Vosa

First Post
Thol takes another wild swing at the thing, but it banishes into the river. The barbarian snorts like an angry bufalo looking in the direction of the fleeting spirit. The half human cleaves the sword in the ground, and kneels next to Jill. He gently takes her in his bulky arms before the others come to their senses. When the others come around, he provclamis.
"Jill brave like orc warrior! Jill fought dead slut alongside Thok. Thok and Jill crush evil dead slut! But Jill wounded, and fall like hero. She is getting better, soon she will fight with Thok again. She sturdy like big cow, Thok will call her Cow girl."
Thok turns to the others, looking them in the eyes. "Why you run? Why running from dead slut, instead of fighting like warriors?"
Spot: 16


Thy wounds are healed!
Kye looks away from the half-orcs gaze. Then seeing Jill lying on the ground the warrior priest nearly breaks into tears. "I have failed thee little one," he says knelling down next to the little girl. "I have never, wha..?" he says astonished. "Praise be to Helm, the Great Guard has watched over thee in my absence. Thank you, oh mighty Vigilant One."

And tears do start down the cheeks of the young priest, tears of joy.

Spot = 16 [/sblock]


First Post
"Very virtuous, I admire that in a man. So, is there a fair maiden that you have vowed your heart to?"

Alevyth's flawless face tinged slightly as the boy smelled the herbs, a reminder how close the woman was getting to him. He did not let much fluster show, as he whispered once more in a hushed voice.

"My heart remains my own, for the time being." Alevyth smiled faintly before the boy's gaze sweeped the room once more. He had considered adding more to his response, but shortly thereafter there was a loud crash was heard, the boy immediately whirling hand on hilt ready to draw his blade. Should the man prove hostile, Alevyth would throw himself into battle without hesitation to put the man down and protect any other lives that may be at stake, at the moment, with a particular emphasis on Adelaide.

Ready action to draw his blade should the man draw a weapon or attack.[/sblock]

Myth and Legend

First Post
Merry rushes over from her position near the edge of the woods, with fear and frustration carved in her otherwise pretty, effeminate face. "Move away! - she shoves Kye with anger. - Some priest you are! - she pouts at the Helmite and grabs her little sister's head.

"Oh Jill why are you so reckless..." - the young woman speaks softly as she examines the little girl.

"Alocara saleen dyuenn" - Merry chants the incantation with monotonous tone, and a wave of blue energy springs forth from her hands as she is still grabbing Jill's head. The magic spreads over the little girl's body and with a spasm, Jill opens her eyes and jerks her body, trying to get up. "WOOW this feels tingly every time you do it Merry!" Jill shouts and looks around.

"Umm why is everyone looking at me like that? And where is Tatters?"

Merry pushes her sister down and scolds her with both anger and relief mixed in her voice: "Stop squirming and lay still! And, you are to play only in our yard from now on young lady!" Merry then proceeds to repeat the incantation and another wave of energy washes over Jill's tiny frame.

The little girl giggles and then looks at her sister apologetically. "Sorry, it tickles..." she mumbles.
[sblock=Spellcraft DC 16]Merry casts Cure Light Wounds twice.[/sblock]

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