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Valley of the Dead: Chapter 1 "A gathering of heroes"


Thy wounds are healed!
Surprised by the woman's actions, Kye moves a little away from the two sisters. The spellcasted on the little girl is unfamiliar to the man, but he is amazed at it's effects.

Grabbing up his helment he says, "Helm was seeing to the little mistress, and by your actions his will is done. "

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Voda Vosa

First Post
"Coward." states the more orc than man. "You be all cowards. Specially you man of metal: Running away crying like a baby. Jill more brave than you, little man." says the half orc pointing a fat finger at Kyle. Thok stood alone in the battle. Only brave Jill was at side of Thok. So Thok not alone... " Thok scratches his head before reassuming his victorious stand, puffing his chest out. He looks at Merry as she chants the spell "Ah! You be witch! Thok knew that!" he says frowning.

OOC: I'm feeling so aggressive today... xD


Thy wounds are healed!
"Ye will nay get away with such words beastman!" Kye says in a huff. With his pride already hurt and the thoughts of his weaknesses still fresh the young cleric's face grows red with anger. "The Hand of Helm is neither a craven nor a coward, ye should fear the wrath of the Fist of The Viligant One!"

Stepping over to where Yasaderian lays the cleric stands over the sword shoulders slightly slumped. "I am not worthy of ye tho, mighty Yasaderian." Kye says quietly to himself.

Myth and Legend

First Post
Jill smiles and shouts: "YAY! I'm brave! Uhmm... - she pauses and bites her finger, obviously her little head now deep in thought. - But why am I brave? I only came to find Tatters and now I'm lying on the ground. And Merry is angry at me." - Jill makes wide-eyed, apologetic expression at her older sister.

The older female blinks with confusion and raises her head at the two men. "I think she has no recollection of the encounter. And before you start fighting each other - Merry helps her little sister up and dusts off her dress with rapid motions. - I don't know what each of you saw while you know who showed up, but... I mean I'd understand if you got scared. My mind was taken over by a horrible vision, and i could do nothing but run."


Thy wounds are healed!
Shuddering at the mention of seeing a horrible vision, Kye kneels down before Yasaderian. Lifting the blade he puts it point down on the bridge and places his forehead on the hilt. Closing his eyes he prays silently to the Great Guardian.

[sblock=OOC] posting from the bus on the way to work so not much time to check everywhere but thought I would calm Kye down a bit afore something bad happened to him. :p What was it you said VV Thok is a beast LOL [/sblock]

Voda Vosa

First Post
"Ye will nay get away with such words beastman!" Kye says in a huff. With his pride already hurt and the thoughts of his weaknesses still fresh the young cleric's face grows red with anger. "The Hand of Helm is neither a craven nor a coward, ye should fear the wrath of the Fist of The Viligant One!"

Thok snorts at Kyle, and utters more insults. "Fear? Great Thok fear you? A tiny man of tin? You be expert in fear, tell Great Thok how is it." the creature laughs with his board-like thusks visible when he opens his mouth.

Jill smiles and shouts: "YAY! I'm brave! Uhmm... - she pauses and bites her finger, obviously her little head now deep in thought. - But why am I brave? I only came to find Tatters and now I'm lying on the ground. And Merry is angry at me." - Jill makes wide-eyed, apologetic expression at her older sister.

The older female blinks with confusion and raises her head at the two men. "I think she has no recollection of the encounter. And before you start fighting each other - Merry helps her little sister up and dusts off her dress with rapid motions. - I don't know what each of you saw while you know who showed up, but... I mean I'd understand if you got scared. My mind was taken over by a horrible vision, and i could do nothing but run."

"Thok not scare of flying dead slut. Me told you Thok don't like magic, and magic don't like Thok." Thok answers to Merry, and with his huge hand brushes the hair of Jill. Having not sense of tact whatsoever, the half orc tells Jill about the dangerous battle. "You Jill brave, you fight the Lady dead flying slut from the bridge, next to Thok." the warrior punctuates his puffed chest with his thumb. "But she takes doll..." the barbarian scratches his chin looking at the river. "Disappeared over there when Thok cut her with mighty blade."


First Post
Lazarus nods at the Wizard's answer and replies with slight delight on his face. "I am happy to welcome you to our Holy Crusade then. If you wish, you may leave this trial, I can have someone escort you to the temporary barracks and headquarters we have set up. You may rest, as tonight I will need you in your opinion on the planning of our assault."

Latham needs nothing further, and with that allowance he indicates his desire to leave this place, and his desire for no escort, he can find his own way to the barracks and headquarters. It was important for him to have input in the process of planning, as it will reveal insight on the nature of things, and possibly shed some light on where or what Latham needs to be searching for. There was power and knowledge to be had, for that he was certain. And he meant to obtain it all.

Myth and Legend

First Post
Latham leaves the Temple to Lathander mere moments before a large, brutish man has a loud quarrel with the Paladins on guard outside, and then proceeds to bash the doors down. The square is still packed with people of all ages, genders and trades. Curiously enough, the Wizard who had initially proclaimed the promises of gold to be had, is still standing next to the eastern end of the square with a constipated look on his face.

A lavish, gold encrusted white carriage is trying to enter the plaza from the south, with the coachman cursing at the people blocking his way and angrily waving his fist at them.

The other two streets leading out of the temple square are relatively easier to traverse, but are still quite populated at the moment.


First Post
Latham catches all the happenings with a few glances, then moves his way to the eastern part of the square. Making his way toward the gold-gifting wizard, Latham spares a look at the ornate carriage, trying to spy through the openings who would be so lavish at times like this. Reaching the wizard, he places a hand on the man's shoulder, "Sir, they asked for you in there," Latham indicates the location with a point to the cathedral from which he just emerged.

He removes his hand from the man and walks with Keht toward one of the streets that will move him away from his, this chaos, to hopefully the barracks in time.

Myth and Legend

First Post
The Gnome recovers from his own personal horror, but is very quiet and only goes back to retrieve his crossbow. He seems to be eying the surroundings with caution and is visibly still somewhat shaken from his experience.

Meanwhile, Jill gets up on her feet and approaches Thok. "Did we meet the Lady? Um i told you she is scary! I think i found Tatters though. He sometimes does that to me, and then i can't remember anything. - Merry give the Barbarian a sour look and places her hands on her hips, but before she can speak, Jill smacks Thock's muscular hip with her tiny hand. - Green man you promised me you'd help me get Tatters! Why did you lose him?"

Merry sighs and grabs her sister by the shoulder. "That's enough Jill, shut up about your doll and let's get away from this place. You are not to come here again alone under penalty of a year's grounding and only peas and broccoli for dinner!"

That apparently influences Jill more than any talk of ghosts, because her face turns pale at Merry's words and she seems to become very obedient.

Merry urges Thok and Peth to go on towards the city in the distance, while Jill stops and looks at Kye. The Helmite is still kneeling on the ground, his forehead placed against the hilt of his blade. The little girl suddenly dashes without warning and jumps on Kye's mail clad shoulders, hugging his chest from behind. "You promised I can ride on your shoulders big knight sir!" Jill says with a pleading voice, while her sister exhales and rolls her eyes.

Up above, the storm clouds have gathered and the greyness of a rainy afternoon is looming above the world.


After the intrusion, Lazarus simply stares for a moment with an amazed look on his face. The other Paladins are on edge, with their hands on their weapons, waiting for the leader's action.

Ferviel on the other hand, seems only slightly annoyed. "Damn it Bran I told you not to bring your damn goat in my temple." the Cleric grumbles, raising his hands against the Paladins. "Err.. Lazarus. This is the town Ranger i spoke of earlier. Bran's a good man, a little hot headed, but a good man..."

"GOAT!? DAMN IT FERVIEL LOBRI IS A DIRE RAM! - The red haired man spits as he shouts with anger. His voice echoes trough the hall and everyone looks at him as if he is a moron. Apparently he takes a bit of shame, as he continues with a lower tone. - Crap, if ye weren't me drinking buddy i'd break yer teeth, damn Priest."

"What is the meaning of this foolishness?!" Lazarus seems quite annoyed as he goes down the isle to face the tall man. He signals Galen with his left hand, and the red armoured warrior lowers his blade and steps back.

"Hm well your lads outside didn't want no one interruptin' yer little tea party ye see, you all with your golden armours and pretty shiny swords and all. - Bran seems he is about to spit, but reconsiders after seeing Ferviel's sour face. - Meanwhile, outside the city walls there's zombies and things, roaming around looking for someone ta chew on! - Bran seems angry, but then again that might be his usual state. He waves the long pole with the zombie heads he is holding in his left hand to emphasize his words. - So before ye all decided to go a suicidn' in da valley, I wanted to ask ye fer some backup to clear the fields so da peasants can reel da last harvest in before autumn comes."

After a brief moment of silence, where only Lobri's heavy breathing can be heard, Lazarus replies: "How many of the undead are roaming? What kinds have been identified?"

Bran thinks for a moment, scratching his head with his thick fingers. "I'd say about a score o' zombies an' some skeletons too, managed to track them last night. It's strange, them deaders never dun got past the lychgate before. I've always thought they were warded inside."
Lazarus gives a brief pause before answering with a much calmer voice:

Very well. Adeladie, take this fine young man, if he is willing
- he points to Alevyth with his mail clad fist. - as well as master Sensalar and see to it that Bran is assisted with the extermination. I hope both of you men will agree to aiding my second lieutenant? Be careful, her wit is as swift as her blade." - The aged Paladin smiles.

At his words, Ferviel is visibly relieved, and Bran raises his chest in a victorious pose, obviously happy with the result.


Outside, in the thick crowd, Latham can hear a voice in his ear just as he is about to turn the corner. "Wait my friend, you seem to have a basic grasp on magic. Let us talk of artifacts and wealth." The Keht is unable to detect anything, but Latham realizes that the other spellcaster had used magic to communicate with him. His voice is deep and measured, even if the friend part did sound somewhat artificial.

[sblock=Spellcraft DC 10 or INT check DC 10]The man has cast Message.[/sblock]
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