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Valley of the Dead: Chapter 1 "A gathering of heroes"

Myth and Legend

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Adelaide nods at both mens' remarks and seems to be distant for a moment, before replying. "Yes, you are right both of you. You seem to be experienced and wise, which is all i needed to know. After all, I must get to know the men alongside which I will be placing my life on the line. - The Paladin smiles, with rainwater running down her face and hair. - The Undead - she makes a disgusted face, and grabs the hilt of her sword which on closer inspection is a Holy Symbol of Lathander. - are a vile abomination and must be purged from the lands. This Valley: I am at a loss of how it has been spared for so long. I hear that it has been here since before the first hut was even built, which is strange, since it is supposed to be a burial ground - graveyards, tombs and mausoleums. Without Angelwatch or the surrounding tows, I can't see who else might have made use of it."

At her words, Bran shouts from the back, trying to overcome the noise of the rain and thunder above. The group is quickly getting drenched in cold rainwater, but Adelaide seems to be taking it with determination. "Valley's been 'ere since before Muirlane existed. I heard dat it was a part of an old empire, like thousands o' years ago. I dun never seen anyone bury their loved ones there - hell, da gate's been locked an' chained fer twenty years at least. How them deaders got out is what i wanna know. Ferviel told me once when we was drinkin' dat the whole place be under strong magics, one o' which being a barrier, not lettin' anything get out if it ain't goin' trough dat lychgate."

[sblock]There is a reason for Adelaide to act like that when she talked to the innkeeper. If Alevyth is interested he can bring it up later on tonight, as she could not see his reaction when she was talking - he was standing behind her.[/sblock]


The Wizard's eyes light up and he smiles, apparently relieved to some extent. He reaches in to his bag of holing and produces a leather cylinder, out of which he retrieves a scroll tightly wrapped and bound with a red piece of string, a thin booklet made of thick yellow paper and two heavy purses that ring with a promising metallic sound. He places them on the table before Latham in a neat row and leans in, talking with more excitement now.

[sblock=Elven]"Your terms are acceptable! As a show of good faith, I will provide you with two thousand gold as a prepayment. Now, the matter of the Geas must be taken care of, and you can research the items for yourself."[/sblock]

With that, the Wizard unbinds the scroll with slow and precise movements, and reads the magic on it. The parchment glows with a dim blue tint as the letters ignite with a contrasting red glow in unison with the Wizard's chanting. "Umbelria brantoren salaalmiha norsilе biandrel undarsk movidin." he speaks the beginning of the verbal components of his spell, and places his hands on the tables. It takes several minutes of energy flowing from the other spellcaster towards Latham, during which the older man speaks.

[sblock=Elven]"Your Geas is to retrieve any artifact that you can recognize from the ones i present to you in this book. You must attempt to possess and keep hold of the item or items and return with it or them as soon as you are able and present them to me. You are bound to keep the artifacts safe and ensure they reach my person in tact. You are bound to do everything in your power to obtain them. You are bound to relinquish them to me alone. You are bound not to keep them for yourself. So it has been spoken."[/sblock]

Latham can feel the energies of the Geas spell gripping his person and taking place deep in the roots of his very being. He can already feel the urge manifesting, a desire to fulfill his mission and obtain these items. The desire is bearable, as if he were hungry, and under control for now.

The Mage smiles and slides down the bags of gold and the booklet.

"These are for you. Study this manual well, it will be crucial for your effort. Once you begin reading it, the book will be deciphered for your eyes, and will stay encrypted for anyone else attempting to view it's pages."

[sblock=Spellcraft DC: 21]The mage casts Geas.[/sblock]
[sblock]Latham receives 2 x 100 pp. (put that in your sheet, but after he has had the time to count the platinum). Reading the booklet will take 10 minutes on the first try.[/sblock]

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Latham grabs the booklet and quickly pockets the coin bag, lest someone unsavory takes note of its presence and creates a scene. The ease of his demands being met makes the young Enchanter wonder if he shouldn't have asked for more, but power, gold, artifacts, this is what he sought and this is what he's found, at least the opportunity.

Once the Wizard finishes his instructions, Latham raises his hand, two fingers raised together and brings it right back down. The serving wench takes note and starts to scuttle over before Latham stops her with a glare, not moments before Keht reappears and takes his place behind the Enchanter's right shoulder. "I'll find you when I return, or more precisely, I'm sure you'll find me." He stands up, nods to the Wizard, and starts moving to exit the tavern, booklet in hand.

Myth and Legend

First Post
The Wizard nods and flicks his wrist. He continues to sit there, and eyes the surroundings with a dull stare.

It takes him some time and a couple of elbows from Keht, but the Enchanter eventually makes it to the exit. It's pouring rain outside, and dusk has already settled over the town. The yellow light of windows shines down the street, dimmed by the strong storm. No one is walking the streets, all the shops have been closed and barred, it seems that Angelwatch has quickly relinquished it's crowds. "The Lone Traveler" is a simple dirty tavern with no lodgings available, but the noise coming from inside is so loud that it would hardly be possible to rest there anyway.

Back to the North, on his left, Latham can return to the Temple Square, and to the right, the street stretches down in to the dusk and rain, to what Latham assumes will be the Southern Gate leading outside from the city.

Meanwhile, Herriman has heard everything, and sees the younger Wizard leaving the establishment.


First Post
Herriman sits, thinking and waiting, until he sees the younger wizard leave. Making a snap decision, the halfling calmly finishes his drink and makes his way to the door (having paid the odious serving maid already), intent on following the young wizard, preferably getting a hold of those notes and keeping them out of other hands. He goes quietly after the wizard, staying a goodly distance behind in the dark and the rain. I knew I should've invested in those magic speed boots, the halfling thinks to himself as he progresses slowly.

Herriman will try to keep about 50 feet between himself and the mage, and the mage's bodyguard.

I'm betting there will need to be an opposed Spot-Hide and Listen-Move Silently... However, I wouldn't mind you rolling for me, Myth. Herriman's bonuses are as follows: Spot +8, Listen +15, Hide +20, Move Silently +23 (not factoring in any situational or weather modifiers).


First Post
Alevyth walked in the rain, wondering whether any of his equipment would be marred or damaged by the moisture, but tossed the thought from his mind. Such material trivialities would sort themselves out in time. Now was a time of learning. As he listened to Sensalar speak, Alevyth's brow quirked.

"I show mercy to the Undead by releasing them from their tormented prison, relentlessly destroying the prison to release the tortured soul. To stop combating an undead is to display it further cruelty and damn it to still more torment until someone finally does destroy it. I find many do not understand mercy as I do, and so I don not expect either of you to agree with this stance. Just know that when fighting alongside me, I will do anything in my power to prevent harm befalling any of you."

His own face was obscured slightly by his helm, some locks of blonde hair sticking down about the boy's eyes as he kept his visor up. Even in the rain the girl was lovely, though her manners at the inn gave him pause. Perhaps once they were a bit more settled he should discuss the matter...


First Post
Upon seeing the downpour outside, Latham places the booklet in an inside pocket of his vest to prevent it from getting wet. He looks at Keht for a moment and then nods their head in the Northern direction.

They set off at a brisk pace, heading back to the temple to discern the location of the planning meeting he intends to attend, Latham in front of the large cloaked Githyanki, rain soaking the both of them in the dimming light.

Myth and Legend

First Post
Herriman sets out to follow Latham and Keht, staying 50 feet behind them and keeping to the shadows. There is still sufficient light to make following at such a distance easy enough for the Halfling. His steps are light and he avoids the puddles of water that litter the cobblestone path, and his two targets do not hear anything but the splashing of rain and the thunder up in the sky above.

Latham continues forward, unconcerned with the seemingly empty road that he leaves behind, but the silent Githyanki Monk is thorough and suddenly turns around to check for pursuers.

Herriman's reactions are fast, as he ducks in the shadow of a large barrel next to a carpenter's shop, but his luck betrays him as at that precise moment, a bolt of lightning illuminates the heavy black clouds above, and sheds sufficient light for the monk to spot him.

[sblock]Herriman: Move Silently: 1d20+23=26 VS Latham's Listen: 1d20+3=9 and Keht's Listen: 1d20+12=15.

Latham doesn't turn back. Keht does turn around to see if anyone is following. (50/50 rolls are as follows: 1 to 10 = heads, 11 to 20 = tails)

Herriman's Hide: 1d20+20=24 vs Keht's Spot: 1d20+12=31. However thre is a +1 DC to spot checks for every 10ft. of distance in the SRD, which nets a 29 hide check. With +1 for rain it's 30 vs 31. Overall though Keht's high roll and Herriman's low roll are too far apart.[/sblock]
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Voda Vosa

First Post
"Paladain? What that be? Does it taste good?" the orc replies to Merry
Thok doesn't understand quite well what was the water for, so he gave it a big drink, before being pointed out to what to do exactly. He proceeded to wash his hands and then eat abundantly before burping soundly.
"Thok ready, Takes Merry in back, Thok runs fast." he states, matter of factly, not seeming to be expecting a contradictory answer.


Thy wounds are healed!
After washing his hands Kye takes a few bites and then refuses anymore to eat. After Thok finishes talking he looks to Merry. "I am ready and at thy service Mistress Merry." he says making a seated bow.

Myth and Legend

First Post
Merry smiles at both men as she opens a drawer and takes out several boxes of makeup. "Paladins are men of faith, similar to master Kye here. Maybe he can explain better?" With that, the girl turns begins to apply a thick red substance on her lips using her thin index finger, and a bit of red powder on her cheeks using a small brush. Meanwhile, Jill is running around the room, giggling and poking Thok and Kye when they are not looking. With a sigh, Merry looks out the window, noticing the rain outside. "This will mess up my clothes and hair. How inconvenient." She mutters, as she heads upstairs.

The girl soon comes down with three small blankets, and hands two of them to Thok and Kye. "These will provide cover from the rain, we have about twenty minutes walking before we reach the inn." She then turns towards Jill and instructs her with a strict voice. "Alright let me hear it." With a sigh, the little girl starts reciting. "I will not open the door and I will not go outside. If anyone comes I keep quiet, and if he is a bad person I hide in the pantry behind the flour sacks."

Merry smiles and nods, and pats Jill on the head. "Good girl. And no sleeping with the oil lamp near your bed, I don't want to remind you how dangerous fire is." Jill nods with a "Yes Merry." and gives an obedient look. As the group is about to leave, Jill runs forward to the two men and hugs each one's leg. "Bye! Come and play again sometime!"

It's an uneventful, if rather unpleasant trip across the deserted Western road towards Angewatch. The splashing of rainwater, the thunder above and the fast approaching dusk are the only things keeping the group company. Merry refuses Thok's offer of carrying her on his shoulders with laughter, as she points towards her dress. "I'd have to take this off first, but I don't think master Kyelinger would approve of such indecency." the girl says with a mischievous smirk on her face.

She is making an effort to keep herself dry with the blanket, attempting to safeguard her hair and makeup, and that makes Merry walk a bit slower than normal. Still, after about half an hour, just as the night has finally settled and Angelwatch has been littered with the yellow lights of windows and lanterns, the group reaches a large three story building made of stone. Above the massive wooden door hangs a barely visible sign, showing a picture of three women in different regalia. It is too dark for Kye to see anything other than vague shapes, but Thok can clearly make out the women and the text below. Sadly, even though he sees well in the dark, the Barbarian cannot read.

"This is it, "The Three Queens" inn! Now let me warn you, some of the patrons here are... umm obsessed with me. Don't get involved though, you have gotten in enough trouble for me in one day."

With that, Merry leads the group inside.

Meanwhile, Alevyth, Sensalar and Adelaide have been sitting on a side table in the far right corner of "The Three Queens", waiting for someone to service them for the last ten minutes, while Bran has been busy out back in the stables, tending to Lobri's needs. The place is crowded and noisy, especially one group of Dwarves sitting on the longest table on the left side of the main hall. They have already succumbed to drunken stupor, singing with raspy voices in slurred Dwarven and banging their tin tankards of ale on the table.

"Well at least it's warm. - mutters Adelaide and turns around to stretch her hands towards the fireplace behind them. - The innkeeper was kind enough to provide this table, but he has forgotten about us completely." Adelaide pouts at the man in question, a middle-aged fellow with rare gray hair, a pot belly and a rugged shadow on his chin.

He seems very busy, running from table to table and yelling orders to the cooks back in the kitchen. "ROAST CHICKEN, BOILED MEATS AND POTATOES, A PITCHER OF HERBED WINE AND A PLATE OF CHEESE!" he yells at the top of his lungs while leaning over the bar, his voice overcoming the common cacophony for a moment.

Just then, the door swings open and a group of three people walk in. A tall human man clad in armour and with a bastard sword on his hip, an even taller and very muscular Half Orc with a greatsword strapped to his back, and a charming human girl dressed in a red and black dress, with a white lace shirt on top.

Nobody seems to notice them yet, apart from one of the Dwarves who slams his fist on the table and points towards the Half Orc. "OOOORC!" he bellows at the top of his lungs, launching a massive amount of spit, ale and food everywhere. The other four Dwarves turn around and immediately grab for their weapons at the sight of the muscular newcomer.

[sblock]If either group wants to make conversation, please do so. Ask the NPCs anything you like, I will edit the replies in this thread. Then you can take action. Didn't want to make you guys talk if you didn't however, so i rushed to the action. BTW i'm really wandering how come Alevyth and Sensalar didn't ask about the Valley when it was mentioned, and Kye didn't ask about the Paladins. Was that by choice or did i overwhelm you guys with posts? :)[/sblock]

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