WotC Vecna Eve of Ruin: Everything You Need To Know

WotC has posted a video telling you 'everything you need to know' about Vecna: Eve Of Ruin.

WotC has posted a 19-minute video telling you 'everything you need to know' about Vecna: Eve Of Ruin.
  • Starts at 10th level, goes to 20th.
  • Classic villains and setting, famous characters, D&D's legacy.
  • Vecna wants to become the supreme being of the multiverse.
  • Vecna is a god of secrets and secrets and the power of secrets are a theme throughout the book.
  • A mechanical subsystem for using the power of secrets during combat.
  • Going back to Ravenloft, the Nine Hells, places where 5th Edition has been in the last 10 years.
  • It would be a fun 'meta experience' for players to visit locations they remember lore about.
  • Finding pieces of the Rod of Seven Parts, pieces throughout the multiverse.
  • Each piece in one of seven distinct planes or settings.
  • Allustriel Silverhand has noticed something is wrong, puts call out to Tasha and Mordenkainen, who come to her sanctum in Sigil.
  • The (10th level) PCs are fated to confront Vecna.
  • Lord Soth and Strahd show up. Tiamat is mentioned but doesn't appear 'on screen'.
  • Twists, turns, spoilers.
  • It's a 'love letter to D&D'.

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Distracted DM

Distracted DM
It was somewhat of a surprise to me too to see how strongly the whole group was in favour of milestone levelling. I had to push to convince them to use point buy stats.
Two questions:
1. When you say milestone leveling you mean "you finished this big task, you level up," right? Not milestone xp, which is basically quest xp. A poll could be interesting.

2. What did you do before point buy stats? Rolling? And was it "you have to stick with what you rolled" or "you rolled bad, so roll again or use point buy/standard array, etc" basically preventing bad stats? Because some/many players will want the higher stats that rolling can produce, especially if there's little to no chance of them getting bad stats, or stats that are lower than what point buy would get them anyway :'D Plus there's the chance for 17's/18's which you can't buy.

Two questions:
1. When you say milestone leveling you mean "you finished this big task, you level up," right?
Not milestone xp, which is basically quest xp. A poll could be interesting.

2. What did you do before point buy stats? Rolling? And was it "you have to stick with what you rolled" or "you rolled bad, so roll again or use point buy/standard array, etc" basically preventing bad stats? Because some/many players will want the higher stats that rolling can produce, especially if there's little to no chance of them getting bad stats, or stats that are lower than what point buy would get them anyway :'D Plus there's the chance for 17's/18's which you can't buy.

I get the impression that's it's not really milestone leveling that's the "problem", but that the published adventures have the milestones so close to each other that you level up much faster than you would if you were collecting XP. If you see "Levels 1-10" on an adventure and expect it to have enough content to level from 1 to 10 with XP, I can see milestones being dissappointing.

Nothing inherent about milestone leveling, you could write a 500 page adventure with milestones from 1-3 if you wanted to. I prefer to look at the thickness of the book when judging the amount of content, not the level range.


Golden Procrastinator
I'm sure XP Leveling is still very common, but milestone is very normal nowadays.
Obviously, I have no real data, but in my personal experience, all the 5e games that I've run or played in have been with milestones, except for when I ran the Starter Set the first time, back in 2014.
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I get the impression that's it's not really milestone leveling that's the "problem", but that the published adventures have the milestones so close to each other that you level up much faster than you would if you were collecting XP. If you see "Levels 1-10" on an adventure and expect it to have enough content to level from 1 to 10 with XP, I can see milestones being dissappointing.

Nothing inherent about milestone leveling, you could write a 500 page adventure with milestones from 1-3 if you wanted to. I prefer to look at the thickness of the book when judging the amount of content, not the level range.
It’s certainly very uneven in a couple of WotC adventures I’ve played. One of the reasons I was reluctant to adopt It. It’s a lot easier with homebrew.

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