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First Post
Hah! There's an orphanage! Excellent!

That's a good hook for Thorn. I shall say that she was, once, a ward of that very orphanage...yesss....thus she will be interested in those kidnappings...

James Heard

Black Colo
Male Aasimar Swift Hunter Druid 1
NG Medium Outsider (Native)
Init +4; Senses Listen +6 Spot +10, Darkvision 60 feet
Languages Common, Druidic, Celestial, Sylvan
AC 18, touch 18, flat-footed 10; + 4 dex, +4 wis
hp 10 (1 HD)
Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +6
Resistances Acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5
Speed 30 ft.
Melee +2 Shortspear 1d6+2 OR +0 sleeve blade 1d4+2
Ranged +4 Shortspear 1d6+2 RI 20ft
Special Actions Daylight once per day (CL1), Favored Enemy (Evil Outsiders) +2, Avenging Strike (+2 atk/dmg melee atk vs Evil Outsider, 2/day)
Base Atk +0; Grp +2
Combat Gear shortspear, sleeve blade
Abilities Str 14, Dex 18, Con 15, Int 12, Wis 18, Cha 15
SQ Aasimar keen senses, AC Bonus (as Monk), Wild Empathy, Nature Sense, Animal Companion
Feats Druid Weapon Proficiencies, Track, Avenging Strike
Skills Concentration +6 (4 ranks), Diplomacy +6 (4 ranks), Knowledge (Nature) +10 (4 ranks), Spot +10 (4 ranks), Survival +10 (4 ranks)
Experience Points: 0
Possessions combat gear plus tricorn hat, oilskin suit w/hidden inside pocket, traveler's outfit, backpack, bedroll, flint & steel, holly & mistletoe, waterskin, belt pouch, & signet ring
Druid Spells Prepared (3/2, CL 1st, +4 ranged touch, +2 melee touch):
  • 0th— (DC 14) Cure Minor Wounds, Dawn, Mending
  • 1st— (DC 15) Beast Claws, Lesser Vigor

Colo, as his nickname implies, is unusual looking for one of his heritage. His skin is as black as night, and his eyes as white as stars - the both of them hanging upon an impressively muscled and refined frame often draped in loose cotton clothes as sparse in coloration as the rest of him. His hair is as dark as his skin, and has rarely been cut. Long, elaborately braided hair falls to the backs of his thighs.

Colo favors a dark blue tricorn hat and a large matching blue coat to shed Cauldron's constant rains to wear over his looser, drab clothes. In hand or hung from a hook at his side, his dull bladed shortspear is never far from hand.


Colo's father spoke very little of his mother, only that she was dark of skin and kind in nature, dead soon after Colo was born fighting in the Demonskar. The eldest son, it might have been expected by some that Colo would take up the family business and become a brewer, but Colo was always wild at heart and his half-brothers and sisters much more suited to it. Still, Colo feels he has betrayed his father and the mother who raised him by not accepting the responsibility.

Colo tries to spend much of his free time tending to his younger siblings, a duty that grows ever more difficult as his responsibilities grow larger.

L1>Swift Hunter Druid 1 UA58 HP: 10 SP: 20
Skill (ranks)
Concentration (4 ranks), Diplomacy (4 ranks), Knowledge (Nature) (4 ranks), Spot (4 ranks), Survival (4 ranks)
1st Feat: Avenging Strike,Swift Hunter Bonus: Track
Languages: Common, Druidic, Celestial, Sylvan

Equipment Worksheet
Starting Gold = 80GP
000.00 traveler's outfit (one free outfit to hide naked adventurers)
001.00 shortspear 3lb.
015.00 tricorn hat 1lb.
010.00 oilskin suit 10lb.
001.00 (w/ inside pocket (tiny))
004.00 sleeve blade (as dagger, -2 to hit, DC 15 Search to discover) 1lb.
000.10 bedroll 5lb.
001.00 flint & steel
005.00 signet ring
001.00 belt pouch .5lb.
002.00 backpack 2lb.
000.00 holly & mistletoe
001.00 waterskin 4lb.
005.00 spell component pouch 2lb.
33 GP 9 SP remaining, 28.5lb. light load

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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
James Heard said:
Okay, so I was getting a "gosh, where to fit in Girl" feeling from everyone so I started pondering other concepts. Even though I think mechanically he's a little bit more out there than Girl, Colo is definitely more of a "everyday joe adventurer" with ties to Cauldron and everything. His sheet isn't all the way done, but I thought I'd post what I had to check people's reactions to him compared with the other concept.
I liked Her, but she is a bit different in terms of mind set (and changing a thousands year old archetype of woman to 1st level is a bit of work). Colo is using one of the UA druid variants (wildshape->unarmed and tracking), correct?


First Post
Because there have been some changes along the way, the submissions at this point are:

Shayuri - Thorn, Tiefling Specialist Conjuror, NG
Creamsteak - Grimmjack Jaggerjaw, Hill Dwarf “Fighter-Styled” Rogue, LG
stonegod - Eladra, Jaebra Warlock, CG
stonegod - Eladra, Jaebra Copper Dragon Shaman, CG
James Heard - Girl, Human Swordsage, LG
James Heard - Colo, Aasimar “Swift Hunter” Druid, LG
ethandrew - Hedowann, Gnome Illusionist, NG
s@squ@tch - Delkat Krotan, Human Cleric of Pelor, NG
EvolutionKB - Simon, Human Factotum, CG
Voadam - Voadam, Aasimar Wizard, NG
drothgery - Ariel Tanara, Human Warblade, LG
Nazhkandrias - Kaelestis the Silver Gale, Human Paladin of Freedom (Archer), CG
Caliber - Koen Al'Veren, Human Swordsage of Fharlanghn, NG
Mandy Pandy - Kali Belios, Tiefling Rogue, TN
Tailspinner - Zurg Bravehelm, Hill Dwarf Cleric of Hanseath, CG

Lorthanoth - Human Hexblade?

gabrion - opted out
Insight - opted out
WarlockLord - opted out
Bloodcookie - opted out
Voda Vosa - ?
hero4hire - ?

If I have missed anyone, let me know. UA is getting much use it seems.
Recruitment is closed; I just needed a summary and thought it might help others as well.
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First Post
OK, here's the stats and info for Kaelestis, the Silver Gale.

[sblock=Kaelestis, the Silver Gale]Male Human Paladin of Freedom 1
Medium Humanoid (Human)
Hit Dice: 1d10+1 (11 hp)
Initiative: +4
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 17 (+4 Dex, +3 armor), touch 14, flat-footed 13
Base Attack/Grapple: +1/+3
Attack: Greatbow +5 ranged (1d10/x3) or bow blade +1 melee (1d4+2/x3) or dagger +3 melee (1d4+2/19-20) or knee blade -1 melee (1d6+2/19-20)
Full Attack: Greatbow +5 ranged (1d10/x3) or bow blade +1 melee (1d4+2/x3) or dagger +3 melee (1d4+2/19-20) or knee blade -1 melee (1d6+2/19-20)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Smite evil 1/day
Special Qualities: Aura of good, detect evil
Saves: Fort + 3, Ref +4, Will + 2
Abilities: Str 15, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 16
Skill Ranks: Bluff 4, Heal 4, Knowledge (nobility and royalty) 4, Sense Motive 4
Feats: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (greatbow), Point Blank Shot, Ranged Smite
Alignment: CG
Equipment: Traveler’s outfit, Studded leather armor, greatbow with bow blade, 60 arrows, knee blade (right knee), dagger, backpack with waterskin, sack, belt pouch, bedroll, wooden holy symbol of freedom, signet ring, small steel mirror, flint and steel, hooded lantern, 3 pints of oil, 4 days trail rations, 1 lb. of soap
Coins: 4 gp, 8 sp, 7 cp
Weight Carried: 61 lbs.
Weight Capacities: Light – 66 lbs., Medium – 133 lbs., Heavy – 200 lbs.
Languages: Celestial, Common[/sblock]

[sblock=Description]Age: 22
Height: 6’1”
Weight: 180 lbs.
Skin: White, lightly tanned.
Hair: Long, glossy silver hair that he keeps in a loose ponytail that hangs to about shoulderlength.
Eyes: Deep blue.
Physical Appearance: A tall, lean man with long silver hair. Kaelestis has very good posture, always standing straight up with his chest out. He tends to be smiling a lot, which alludes to his overall good nature. Kaelestis wears silver-studded leather armor, with the leather being tanned and bleached to give it a white complexion. He wields a massive bow in combat, made of bleached-white wood.
Personality: Kaelestis is fun loving and rarely takes things seriously, unless he feels particularly strongly about something, at which point he instantly becomes firm and somewhat cold. Despite his troubled youth, he has found new light in his life, and always seems to be fairly happy, or at least content. When angered, however, he is a fearsome man, indeed.
Clothing: Kaelestis usually wears street dress underneath his armor, preferring blues and whites. As he says, “Armor is for business, and should be taken seriously – but, honestly, clothes are for the good times, or at least when nobody’s out to kill you!”[/sblock]

[sblock=Background]Kaelestis was born to Constantina and Johannes in the settlement of Kingfisher Hollow. His family was not particularly wealthy, since his mother was a librarian and his father was a soldier in the militia, but they were happy, and they were never in danger of starving. Kaelestis’ childhood was fairly normal – he obeyed his parents, he helped out around the house, and his neighbors generally saw him as a pleasant, well-mannered young boy. His mother used to read to him every day, and he quickly became a sharp, articulate child. His father even taught him a little archery and swordplay, from time to time. Kaelestis was perfectly happy with his fairly enjoyable life, until, one day, while he and his family were enjoying a picnic outside of a nearby sugarcane field, the unforgettable happened.

It all transpired so fast – the galloping of hooves, his mother running with him into the sugarcane fields, his father drawing his blade. The clash of steel and the sounds of hooves striking earth seemed to permeate the air around him, but all Kaelestis could hear was his father’s final yell, below the noise, but louder than anything else to his young ears. His mother, frantic and sobbing, dragged him through the fields, urging him to run faster. And they ran, but a new sound emerged – the sound of sugarcane being trampled by ironclad hooves. Within minutes, the raiders caught up to him and his mother, and his mother whirled around, rock in hand, ferocity in her eyes. Not caring for the consequences, she hurled herself at the first rider that she saw, leaping at him and striking such a solid blow to his unarmored head that he fell to the ground, skull split. A moment later, the whistle of an axe and the sound of her limp body striking the ground were all that Kaelestis noticed. He didn’t notice the raider behind him, he hardly even felt the sharp crack of an armored fist striking the back of his head. All he felt was hopelessness, and then the embrace of darkness.

The next several years of Kaelestis’ life are a blur of toil and misery. He spent the next six years of his life in slavery to a band of brigands – he and others that had been picked up from small settlements around the countryside toiled day and night, cutting lumber, excavating rocks, skinning hides, all under the cruel lash of the whip. The goods were then hauled off to a faraway town, and vast amounts of gold and silver came back. That was all Kaelestis knew – the labor, the whip, the money, and the misery. So great was the strain of the work and the hopelessness in his heart, that his head of brown hair turned completely grey, and everything but the tiniest spark died in his blue eyes. From a mere eleven years of age until he was seventeen years old, his entire life was a pit of despair and hopelessness. He saw others collapse under the whip, falling to the ground and refusing to (or sometimes not being able to) get up. Several times he thought of giving in, but he was determined to win his life back. One day, his chance came.

A band of wandering crusaders happened upon the bandit’s labor camp one fateful summer day, while the sun was high in the sky. He and the other slaves were hurried into a large tent, and ordered under pain of death to keep silent. This had happened several times before, and the slaves were used to this mad rush by now. However, today was different. Kaelestis heard the sounds of arguing, yelling bandits and knights alike. Questions were raised about a bloody whip left haphazardly on the ground, and soon, the clanking of armor approached the tent they were in. One of the crusaders tore open the front of the tent, his eyes wide open with rage as he saw the pitiful figures huddled there. Expecting a beating from the imposing knight, most of the slaves cringed and backed away. But not Kaelestis. He stood in awe of this noble figure, who had dared go against his cruel masters, who was finally witness to his imprisonment. Then, the man’s eyes rolled back, his face became expressionless, and he fell to the ground in front of Kaelestis, an arrow protruding from his back. Chaos erupted in the camp. The bandits suddenly jumped upon the traveling warriors, and blades were drawn in a silvery flash of steel. In the panic, many of the slaves threw themselves upon the ground, covering their ears and shaking with fright. But not Kaelestis. He felt rage, he felt hate, he felt the bile of revenge rising in his throat. He would punish those who had taken his parents, his dignity, and his freedom. Seizing his chance, he grabbed the fallen knight’s sword, and leaped into the fray, hell-bent on revenge. He swung the blade with new-found strength, and a passion which had left him for six years too long. In the course of the battle, he felled three brigands with the knight’s sword before he swung it so viciously at a raised shield that both the shield and sword broke in two. The bandit blinked momentarily, then grinned maliciously, readying his axe for a triumphant victory stroke. Kaelestis stared the man down, his eyes not full of fear or of acceptance, but of hate and contempt. The bandit faltered for a moment, his sneer replaced by a look of confusion. The look stayed as Sir Wester thundered by on his steed and smote the brigand’s head from his shoulders with his warhammer. The knight grabbed Kaelestis and deftly set him on the back of his mount, handing him a bow and a quiver as he did so. Without a moment’s hesitation, Kaelestis nocked the bow, and sighted a target. Drawing back the string with all of his strength, Kaelestis let the arrow fly, punching directly through the skull of the man who had killed his mother, six years earlier…

Five years have passed since that day. Kaelestis has since trained with Sir Wester, the same man who had saved his life and enabled Kaelestis to avenge his mother and father. Kaelestis quickly became skilled in the arts of war, especially in the field of archery, surpassing even Sir Wester. Honing his skills everyday, Kaelestis often wondered when he would be able to put his skills to some use. Sir Wester assured him that the day would come when he would see his purpose, but doubt filled Kaelestis’ mind. That is, until the day when he saw his destiny laid out before him. Four years after he began his training with Sir Wester, Kaelestis, while on a reflective walk through the countryside, happened across a commotion on the side of the road. A man, clearly drunk and blind with rage, was beating a woman with a large stick. The woman, bleeding and crying and apologizing profusely for something, didn’t even notice Kaelestis as he stared at the incident, mouth agape. The man continued to beat the woman, and finally, Kaelestis could stand no more. Something inside of him snapped, as he saw the woman cringe underneath the stick. Kaelestis hollered to the drunken man, asking him why he beat this woman so. The man replied that the woman was his wife, and that she had refused to carry his bags, and that she was a lazy whore. Without another word, Kaelestis approached the man and knocked him out with a solid punch to the jaw. The woman looked up at him incredulously, disbelief and gratitude shining in her eyes. Kaelestis helped her up, and walked her back to her dwelling, leaving her drunken husband on the side of the road. It was then that Kaelestis realized that it was his desire, nay, his duty, to see that the weak are not abused by the strong, that nobody should have to cringe underneath the whip of their oppressor, and that oppression and tyranny be scourged from the land. He would see to it that nobody should ever have to suffer as he had, that nobody should be robbed of their liberty or their dignity, and that the cruel overlords of this world learn to bow to those that they had so senselessly degraded.

Kaelestis returned to Sir Wester after this incident, and recounted the entire tale. With a slight smile, Sir Wester said that Kaelestis was ready to go forth and forge his destiny. Kaelestis glanced at his belongings, and Sir Wester gave only a knowing nod. Within the hour, Kaelestis had departed.

Kaelestis has traveled from town to town for a year now, letting his heart guide his actions and setting wrongs right with Sir Wester’s training. For a year now, he has opposed tyranny wherever it reared its ugly head, and he is ever vigilant, ever ready to strike down oppression, wherever it may be. So great is his fervor, so great is the righteous vitality flowing through his veins, that even his dull, grey hair has turned to a glossy silver, and his eyes dance with new life.

For now and evermore, Kaelestis the Slave is dead. And from the slave’s ashes, Kaelestis, the Silver Gale, is born.[/sblock]

Oh, and by the way, any info on the pantheon in this one? Default Greyhawk, or is it custom? My character probably won't be religious, unless there's a CG deity that I REALLY like.

Oh, and I'm fine with trading in the mount for Greatbow Proficiency, but since the mount is a pretty big feature, and considering (fairly) powerful mount-less variants like the Underdark Knight, would you think it appropriate to snag another bonus feat at 5th level? It still comes out a little under par, but I'm fine with that. If you don't think that this is a good idea, I'll just stick with the Greatbow Proficiency. Thanks!
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First Post
Breaking these guys down..

Insight - Hantra Tanara, Human Psion (Telepath), LN
Shayuri - Thorn, Tiefling Specialist Conjuror, NG
stonegod - Eladra, Jaebra Warlock, CG
ethandrew - Unnamed, Gnome Illusionist, NG
Voadam - Voadam, Aasimar Wizard 1, NG

stonegod - Eladra, Jaebra Copper Dragon Shaman, CG
James Heard - Colo, Aasimar “Swift Hunter” Druid, LG
s@squ@tch - Delkat Krotan, Human Cleric of Pelor, NG

Creamsteak - Grimmjack Jaggerjaw, Hill Dwarf “Fighter-Styled” Rogue, LG
EvolutionKB - Simon, Human Factotum, CG

James Heard - Girl, Human Swordsage, LG
drothgery - Ariel Tanara, Human Warblade, LG
Nazhkandrias - Kaelestis the Silver Gale, Human Paladin of Freedom (Archer), CG
gabrion - Landas, Human Crusader

Lorthanoth - Human Hexblade?
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