D&D 4E Viability of a flatter math 4e campaign?


Frankly, just give out +1 every 3 levels and be done with it.

You could do that, and generally it'll work out fine, although then you'll have some levels where PCS increase hit by +2 at once, due to ability score increases. I've moved the numbers around a bit so this doesn't happen, and also included a progression for heavy armor that obviates the need for the clunky masterwork mechanic.

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First Post
You could do that, and generally it'll work out fine, although then you'll have some levels where PCS increase hit by +2 at once, due to ability score increases. I've moved the numbers around a bit so this doesn't happen, and also included a progression for heavy armor that obviates the need for the clunky masterwork mechanic.
Yep - the advantage is basically that people will remember it. I certainly would avoid having it line up at 21 if I could arrange it, though, true.

It's fairly common for people at L21 to get:
+1 Enh (+5 Weapon)
+2 Stat (+1 all stats and +2 epic destiny)
+1 Feat (Expertise)
for a 4 swing in one level.

If they're Avatars of Io they can potentially get +6 out of that level :)


First Post
Yes, after running about seven 4th Ed sessions or so I carved out the 1/2 level bonus to all character's and monster's Attacks, Defences and Skills like a cancerous growth, game runs so much better (monsters a threat over a wider range).

Inherent bonuses are also good.


General question: do you guys feel that "flatter math" is important if you never play past heroic tier? It seems that the primary complaint is that enemies aren't scary in paragon/epic. Or that it doesn't fit verisimilitude.

If one doesn't play past heroic, or worry about verisimilitude, would this an issue?

For me, using Higher level monsters sooner is more exciting than keeping lower level ones around.


General question: do you guys feel that "flatter math" is important if you never play past heroic tier?
My feeling is that if you're only playing in Heroic you wouldn't need to worry about making changes.

Check out [MENTION=463]S'mon[/MENTION]'s post 9 upthread.


First Post
Not sure if anyone else does this but I pick a monster of the appropriate level, stats, and with interesting attacks. Then I pick a couple more and build encounters that are balanced around whatever templates are suggested.

At the table, I change the names of the creatures attacking and what they're doing to fit the battle. It seems to work just fine. If I need to make adjustments to make the fights more difficult or easier, I do it on the fly. Basically the lazy man's way of doing what you're asking.

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