Vigwyn's The Transmuter's Last Touch [IC]

Vigwyn the Unruly

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Zazz closely examines the door and finds nothing out of place. The door is unlocked. No sound penetrates from the other side.

[sblock=OOC]Search 4 + 6 = 10[/sblock]

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"After you, dwarf." Zazz lifts his sunrod high and brandishes his rapier, an steps into line behind his stout companion.


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Laz stands half lit from the torches and lanterns in the room he watches over the rogues and dwarfs sholders as they examine and then wait to open the door... he has his crossbow ready just in case...

" ready when you are my friends" the mage exclaimed and smiled as he waited for the pack to move on into the next room or hallway...


Norbrit moves to the door and nods at Zazz. "Scared, Elf?" he asks with a grin. His eyes on Zazz's instead of the door, he opens it blindly and maintains his gnarled grin.


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Aust stands behind Laz with his sword and shield drawn. He taps Laz with his sword lightly as if to say ready, and to give a neverous twitch to the wizard.

Vigwyn the Unruly

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Every breath is held as Norbrit releases the wrought iron latch and opens the door. The heavy wooden door slowly swings forward with a muted creaking sound to reveal...

...another hallway. The construction of this hallway is similar to the first. As the party moves deeper into the catacombs, though, the underground environment becomes noticeably chilly. And as fresh air is left behind, the smell of must and mold creep in. Here and there a cobweb dangles from a wall or the ceiling.

This hallway travels about twenty feet before opening into an oddly-shaped chamber. Here the ceiling reaches a height of fifteen feet. The most obvious feature of this room, seeming to step from the wall itself, is the great stone figure of man in a billowing cloak. This bas relief statue depicts a hooded figure bearing a grim expression and holding a broadsword with its blade facing down. The other hand is held at arms length with the palm facing out, as if commanding you to halt. Though the sword is held in a non-threatening manner, its mere presence out of the scabbard adds a clear warning to that command.

To the right of the statue, another hallway leads out of the room. You can see about 15 feet down this passage before it becomes a staircase travelling further down into the catacombs.

[sblock=Aust]You clearly recognize this figure as depicting Soleth. Given that Soleth is the god of peaceful death, you are not surprised that a burial place built by his followers would include such a figure to warn off trespassers.[/sblock]


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As Laz passes the depiction of the man with the sword he extands a hand running his fingers of the magic worn walls and admires the finely chipped stonework. He looks about a bit on the walls and floors for anything out of the ordinary, well more so than normal when adventuring...

[sblock=Skill Checks]
Search Check (1d20+5=22)
Spot Check (1d20+4=17)
If you need more rolls as we stroll through let me know Vigwyn....[/sblock]


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Aust kneels down in front of the statue, offering a small prayer for safe passage deeper into the catacombs to get rid of the infestation in it. He then stands up and looks around at the group watching what they are doing

Voidrunner's Codex

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