Vigwyn's The Transmuter's Last Touch [IC]

Vigwyn the Unruly

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The stone feels cool to the touch to Lazarius. This is not at all unexpected in the underground catacombs, and matches perfectly the chill in the air.

As Aust kneels and prays in front of the statue, he is struck with a sharp sense of guilt. This is the still, small voice imparted by his deity, who is not at all happy with this act. Soleth is a lawful god, and his ways are at odds with the god of the elves.

Zazz watches the darkened stairs as his companions go about their business in the chamber. His steady eyes see nothing creeping up from beyond.

Norbrit has examined many stone statues in his time. Most of the dwarven works he has seen are of finer quality (though this statue was certainly carved by skilled hands), but seldom has the message been more clear. The followers of Soleth that built these walls would not have the resting place disturbed.

Norbrit steps back and around to look at the statue from various angles. He steps into one particular spot near the north wall and immediately notices that he has begun to stink horribly. Seconds later, a greenish vapor begins to exude through the pores of his skin. Aust, who is kneeling close by, is nearly overcome by the stench. Zazz and Lazarius, who are somewhat farther away, notice the awful smell, but do not need to fight off its sickening effects. Oddly enough, Norbrit himself does not need to fight off the effects of the noisome smell either.

[sblock=OOC]The smelly effect began when Norbrit stepped into the square marked by the X on the map.

Aust: Fort save 13 + 4 =17. Success.

Everybody took 20 on Search and Spot checks. Nothing out of the ordinary was noticed (except for the stench effect on Norbrit, obviously).[/sblock]


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Despite the possiblity of danger nearby, the good-natured carefree elf cannot help but laugh out loud at the dwarf's predicament. "And you always wondered why I referred to Norbit as 'that stinking dwarf!' Ha, Ha, HA! Now you know."


"What'n the nine hells?" Norbrit holds out his arms and watches the vapor seep from his skin. "Blasted wizards!"

"And you!" he says to Zazz. "Ye know'd this was here all along, din't ye?" He steps toward him angerly. "But ye lemme step into it anywayt, din't ye?"

He turns around noisily, obviously frustrated and a bit embarrassed. "Bah! Bound t'wear off eventually." He huffs as he proceeds into the passage, not bothering to forward the warning that he interpreted from the statue.


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Zazz tries to stifle his guffaws as Norbit heads down the passage, and then begins following his companion. The elf makes sure to keep his distance from the stinking dwarf, though, letting the dwarf get a few paces ahead. Holding his torch high, the elf continues to chuckle as he walks.


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Laz could also not help but chuckle slightly and makes a wide birth around the rather noxious gas..... he shook his head softly at the clumsiness of the dwarf and again tried to round the pack up from the hysterics to move along further into the passage...." come come... show's over my friends.. lets move along please.." the wizard said with a smile and a nudge to each of his friends sholders..

Vigwyn the Unruly

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The party moves to the staircase, giving Norbrit a wide berth. The stairs drop down about twenty feet, apparently opening into a much larger room at the bottom.

As Norbrit is about halfway down the stone steps, the smell wears off. At the same moment, Zazz has begun down the steps and Lazarius and Aust are about to follow. Without any warning, the steps suddenly collapse to form a crude inclined plane. As Norbrit and Zazz slide down to the bottom, concealed metal hooks spring from the side walls along the length of the staircase, ripping and tearing at the elf and dwarf. The two leave streaks of fresh blood on the incline, ending up in a heap at the bottom of the steps, and leaving Aust and Lazarius alone at the top.

[sblock=Norbrit and Zazz]The room at the bottom of the stairs is quite large. Flickering green torchlight from the far end of the room silhouettes a massive, 10-foot high barrier that appears to have been formed by piling up all sorts of salvaged caravan goods (wheels, doors, furniture, steed harnesses, and the like). The smell of unwashed, scaly hides is strong, and a faint smell of rotting flesh also taints the air.[/sblock]
[sblock=All]Due to stonecunning, Norbrit get automatic Search check for the stonework trap: 8 + 2 = 10, fails.
Trap attacks Norbrit 12 + 10 = 22. Hits, Dmg (1d6+1) 5 + 1 = 6 hp. Norbrit reduced to 18 hp.
Trap attacks Zazz 20 + 10 = 30. Crit roll 19 + 10 = 29. Crit, Dmg 3 + 1 + 2 + 1 = 7 hp. Zazz reduced to 7 hp.[/sblock]


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"Bah!" Norbrit again spits his familiar expression as he begins to slide down the ramp. "Oh!" and "Ouch!" and "Blasted Elf!" are all the others can hear as the hooks penetrate his armor and slice through his leathery hide.

Finally he hits the floor and is sent spinning on his back like a defenseless turtle when Zazz crashes in to him. "A fine thief ye are at that, Elf" is all he can say as he comes to a stop.

He stands up to survey the room, and extends his hand to help Zazz to his feet. "'Twas a good'n though, eh Elf?" he asks. "I reckon we oughtta be spectin' more o' those."


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Avaxasir, elf rogue HP: 7/14

Zazz lays on his back for a few moments, trying to will the pain to go away. Taking Norbit's proffered hand, the elf regains his feet as his blood drips from the numerous cuts and tears in his flesh. "That was most unpleasant." Putting one hand on the dwarf's shoulder, the elf tries to regain his composure. "How exactly does a dwarf miss a stonework trap like that?"


Rhun said:
Zazz lays on his back for a few moments, trying to will the pain to go away. Taking Norbit's proffered hand, the elf regains his feet as his blood drips from the numerous cuts and tears in his flesh. "That was most unpleasant." Putting one hand on the dwarf's shoulder, the elf tries to regain his composure. "How exactly does a dwarf miss a stonework trap like that?"

Norbrit bellows. "Traps is yer job, friend." Norbrit gives the elf a friendly wink and a hearty slap his bloody shoulder before looking up at through the mouth of the passage at the others above.

"Ye just gonna stand there or what? Git down here!" he yells. "Might oughtta take it a bit slow."


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Laz shakes his head violently as he looks to his comrade standing with him at the top.... Ohhhh no.... look for the trap release at the bottom! With all that blood there's no way I won't slip and fall down that! the rather stubborn mage shouts down the now shoot-like staircase.... he then looks to Aust to see if he starts to go... if he does he'll cuss repeatedly and SLOWLY start to follow....

Voidrunner's Codex

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