Vigwyn's The Transmuter's Last Touch [IC]

Vigwyn the Unruly

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The party speeds into action against the new threat. While the cleric attends to the wizard, Zazz sheathes his rapier and draws his dagger, taking aim at the nearest kobold.

[sblock=OOC]Zazz: Move action to sheathe rapier. Move action to draw dagger.
Lazarius: Delays.
Aust: Casts cure light wounds for 2 + 2 = 4 hp. Lazarius raised to 4 hp.

Lazarius: I had you delay until after being cured. Go ahead and post actions for the round now.[/sblock]

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Laz grabs for one of the potions on his belt shoving Aust away from him... ' go help ZAZZ aust... forget about me.. I'm fine!!!" the wizard barked as he tried to get the priest off him and stop wasting his healing on him as he downed his potion.....

[sblock=Action This Round]Laz will down one of his 1d8+1 CLW's potions, stand and cast Shield if he has time.... if not he'll save it for next round...
CLW's Pot. (1d8+1=7) (rolled it to save you time... I dunno really WHY I did this... seeing as you're rolling for me... but I'm sleepy so meh... blame it on that LOL)
HP's at 11 by my count..... so 11/13 for combat info[/sblock]

Vigwyn the Unruly

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Lazarius takes advantage of Aust's healing prayer. He fumbles around for a moment as he retrieves a potion. He pops the cork and quaffs the potion in one gulp, feeling terrific as the healing power flows through his body.

The kobolds yip and yap excitedly, and Zazz recognizes the noise as Draconic curses and threats. The two let another pair of arrows fly, but they both miss their marks. As this attack is unfolding, another kobold sneaks out through a small, well-hidden tunnel in the south end of the barricade. This new kobold also has fiery eyes and a fiery mouth.

The rowdy dwarf gets a running start and takes a flying leap at the 10-foot rubble barricade. He slams into the detritus with an oof! He scrambles and grasps desperately at the debris, but his stubby hands can't find purchase. For all his struggles, he just slides back down to the stone floor.

[sblock=OOC]Lazarius: Retrieves potion as move action. Takes potion as standard action. Raised to 11 hp. Still prone.
K1: Attacks Norbrit 12 + 3 = 15. Misses.
K2: Attacks Zazz 8 + 3 = 11. Misses.
K3: Moves.
Norbrit: Moves and attempts to climb. Climb check 7 + 0 = 7 fails.[/sblock]


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"Norbit, take the one to the south." yells Zazz, stepiing forward and throwing a dagger at the first of the kobold archers.

[sblock=Combat Info]
AC: 17, HP: 5/14
5' step east, Attack K1
Dagger +5, 1d4+1 (crit 19-20)


"Argh!" Norbrit screams, obviously frustrated at his failed climb attempt. His frustration is short-lived, however. When he sees the fiery-eyed kobold emerge from the wall he can't help but grin as he sets his axe and charges straight for it.


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OOC: I didn't get time for the shield spell Vig?....

Laz grumbles softly as he sees the kobald slip from the south tunnel and raises his loaded crossbow.... taking carefully aim and waiting his turn as he fires apon it.... hoping to fell it so he can get his spell off next round... (of course this depends on weather I got it off last round and Vigwin just missed it heh)


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Aust moves to Zazz, and begins praying again. He then touches the elf with the same faint blue light, and says, "Time for us to help our little dwarven friend, before he bites off more than he can chew."

[sblock=combat info]Ac 17 Hp 15/17
Cure Light wounds 1d8+2
Cast Cure Light wounds on Zazz[/sblock]

Vigwyn the Unruly

First Post
Zazz moves in closer to the barricade to get a better shot at the nearest kobold while still leaving the dwarf room to charge. He throws his dagger expertly, but it bounces harmlessly off a battered old endtable making up part of the barrier. In the meantime, Aust sends his deity's healing powers coursing through Zazz, making him feel as if he'd never been wounded at all.

The kobold laughs and spits a yipping invective at the rogue. It follows this up with another arrow from its crude bow, drawing yet more blood from Zazz. It laughs again and disappears behind the barricade. The other kobold poking up from behind the barricade also fires an arrow at Zazz, but misses badly.

The wizard struggles to stand up, levels his crossbow, and sends a bolt slamming into the chest of the kobold at the south of the room. The kobold chokes up blood, staggers and falls against the wall, and slides to the ground, leaving a streak of blood on the wall behind him.

The party barely has a chance to note the death before another fiery kobold crawls out of the tunnel and starts to move menacingly toward them. Norbrit sees his chance and charges. He brings his axe down wildly on the monster, felling it easily next to its comrade.

[sblock=OOC]Zazz: 5' step E. Atk K1 11 + 5 = 16. Misses (AC 15 + 4 Cover).
Aust: 5' step E. Casts cure light wounds. Heals 8 + 2 = 10 hp. Zazz raised to 14 hp.
Lazarius: Move action to stand up. Atk K3 11 + 4 = 15. Hits, Dmg 7 hp. K3 at -3 hp and dying.
K1: Atk Zazz 20 + 3 = 23. Crit roll 1 + 3 = 4. Hits (no crit), Dmg 3 hp. Zazz reduced to 11 hp. Moves.
K2: Atk Zazz 9 + 3 = 12. Misses.
K3: Stabilizes (95%). Stable at -3 hp.
K4: Moves.
Norbrit: Charges K4 17 + 7 + 2 = 26. Hits, Dmg 8 + 3 = 11 hp. K4 at -7 and dying. Norbrit -2 AC until start of next turn.[/sblock]


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Laz takes this oppertunity to load another bolt into his light crossbow.... and once noticing he's in relative safety.. he casts apon himself shield to help defend himself..... looking about he'll take aim at the kobald behind the baracade and waits to make his shot hoping to time it just right for next round....

HA! one down.... *casts* more to fell though!" the mage exclaims as he loads his crossbow once more and takes aim behind the barrier


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Disappointed that his dagger missed its mark, and seeing no target in view, Avaxasir moves to recover his thrown dagger. With dagger back in hand, the elf puts his back to the barricade and moves to follow Norbit into the tunnel.

[sblock=Combat Info]
AC: 17, HP: 11/14
Pick up weapon, move
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