Vigwyn's The Transmuter's Last Touch [IC]

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Aust draws his sword and shield, calling out to the kobolds, "Lay down your weapons and you'll live through this!" The Elven cleric moves forward to engage any that do not drop their arms
[sblock=combat info]
Ac 19 Hp 15/17
mw Longsword +1 to hit[1d8, crit 19-20/x2 4 lb, one-handed, slashing]
Draw sword and shield, and move forward[/sblock]


Ivellious said:
Aust draws his sword and shield, calling out to the kobolds, "Lay down your weapons and you'll live through this!" The Elven cleric moves forward to engage any that do not drop their arms
[sblock=combat info]
Ac 19 Hp 15/17
mw Longsword +1 to hit[1d8, crit 19-20/x2 4 lb, one-handed, slashing]
Draw sword and shield, and move forward[/sblock]

"The nine hells they will!" Norbrit yells as he continues trying to get through the tunnel to the other side of the makeshift wall.

Vigwyn the Unruly

First Post
Aust draws his sword and shield, and calls out to the kobolds to surrender. Though the cleric's voice is rich, grand, and full of authority, the effort is in vain as the kobolds do not understand his language. Seeing that the kobold at the top of the barricade makes no move to lay down its weapons, Aust moves forward to climb up to it. He makes a good effort, but his banded mail and heavy steel shield hinder his effort. He gets up a few feet, but merely slides back down as several small items dislodge from the piled detritus.

Lazarius recites a few arcane phrases, waving his hand in a circle in front of his body. After a few moments, the air in front of him is filled with a transparent disc of force, shielding his body. With that taken care of, he loads another bolt into his crossbow, taking aim at the kobold still visible above the barricade.

The kobold, seeing what Lazarius had done to the last kobold at which he aimed, decides to make a preemptive strike. He sends another arrow toward the wizard with his crude bow, but the arrow strikes the wizard's magical shield and falls harmlessly to the ground. With that, the kobold disappears behind the barricade.

With all the visible kobolds now dying or having disappeared behind the piled-up wall, Norbrit pursues them to the other side. Moving to the southern end of the barricade, he sees a small opening in the junk making up the wall, just large enough for a kobold. He squeezes his big body into it, though, and begins to follow it through. After a couple of quick turns, he pops out on the other side. Zazz follows the dwarf, making sure to pick up his fallen dagger on the way. Stuck behind the slower dwarf, Zazz finds himself still wedged in the small pathway when Norbrit tumbles out on the other side.

The kobolds on the other side are quite surprised to see Norbrit, to say the least. Against the northern wall lies a the bloated corpse of murdered caravaner, with several daggers sticking out of its chest. This must be the source of the heavy smell of rotted flesh. Norbrit sees that the two kobolds that had been shooting arrows at the group had been standing at the tops of a pair of ladders leaned up against the eastern face of the barricade. They now stand at the bottom of the ladders, with amusing looks of surprise on their faces. Norbrit quickly notes that the fire has gone out of the eyes and mouth of the north-most kobold. But the face of the southern kobold still glows aflame. Turning his attention to the other kobold, standing near the eastern wall, he sees similar flames spring to life in its eyes and mouth, which had been normal mere seconds before.

[sblock]Having moved south, then across the barricade, more of the room is apparent to you now. You see that the southwestern doorway leads to another set of steps, leading up, parallel to the steps you came down. Additionally, Norbrit can see another doorway in the northeastern corner, and a hallway leading to the east from the southeastern corner.

Zazz: Retrieves dagger. Moves to barricade and waits to follow Norbrit.
Aust: Draws sword and shield as move action (really each should be a move action, but I'll ignore it for the sake of getting the round moving here). Moves and attempts to climb barricade to get at K2. Climb check 13 + 2 - 6 - 2 = 7. Fails.
Laz: Loads crossbow as move action. Casts shield as standard action. +4 to AC for 2 minutes.
K2: Atks Laz 10 + 3 = 13. Misses (AC temporarily 17). Moves.
K3: Stable at -3 hp.
K4: Fails to stabilize (78%). Loses 1 hp. K4 is at -8 hp and is dying.
Norbrit: Moves through barricade.
Zazz: Finishes move, following Norbrit.

OK, for next round, I want posts from Aust and Lazarius only at first. Then after they go, the kobolds have their turn, and then everybody can post again. That way, the kobolds always go last in my updates, and everyone can post after knowing what the kobolds are doing.

FYI: Nobody who is currently to the west of the barricade can see any of the kobolds currently to the east of the barricade. K1 and K2 looks like they are in the same position they were previously, but are in fact now standing on the floor, whereas before they were each at the top of a ladder.[/sblock]


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[sblock=ooc] I always thought you could draw both as a move eqvialent action, but if you wanted to, then you could have Aust draw his sword and shield as a round, and have him climb this round. I've no qualms about it. If not then I'll edit this to make something[/sblock]


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OOC: I'm going based on the assumtion no more kobalds are visable.... if this isn't the case I'll fire at one visable NOT in melee and then move for the the tunnel to the other side of the baracade....

Laz snickers softly as it watched the arrow fall to his feet.. his eyes looking about for a possible target and once not seeing any quickly moves for the tunnel on the other side of the room.... his legs carrying him quickly for it as he kept his crossbow trained on the wall in case one of the nasty little reptiles poked it's body over to fire once again....

Vigwyn the Unruly

First Post
The cleric and the wizard both move quickly to the mouth of the tunnel, with the cleric reloading his crossbow and keeping it trained on the top of the barricade as he goes. They run into a bottleneck, though, when they get to the opening. The tunnel was made for the much smaller kobolds, and the members of the party have to squeeze through it. Until Zazz makes it out the other side, neither the cleric nor the wizard will be able to move through the tunnel.

On the other side of the barricade, things quickly go from bad to worse as Norbrit and Zazz find out the import of the fire in the eyes and mouths of the kobolds. The closest one and the one standing near the eastern wall both adjust their positions, then let loose with fiery breath attacks. As the flames beat down on Norbrit and Zazz, they are reminded for a fleeting instant of tiny dragons. Both Zazz and Norbrit are burned by the flames, and Norbrit's wooden shield is weakened a bit by the fire and left with large ugly scorch marks.

The remaining kobold, near the northern ladder, makes a half-hearted attack with its bow, but the arrow dives and merely skids impotently to Norbrit's feet.

The fire goes out of one of the kobolds' eyes and mouth [DM: K2], but that is little consolation, as it still burns brightly in another's [DM: K5]. On top of that, the kobold that just made the hapless bow attack [DM: K1] drops its bow and moves quickly to the spot near the eastern wall just vacated by its compatriot. It stands there for a moment, staring at you and laughing with the characteristic yapping noise of kobolds. You immediately notice that its eyes and mouth start to glow with flame, just as the other kobold's had a few seconds before...

[sblock=OOC]Aust: Moves.
Lazarius: Moves. Reloads crossbow.
K1: Delays.
K2: Takes 5' step NE. Magic breath attack.
Norbrit Ref save 1 + 1 = 2, fails. Norbrit takes 2 hp dmg. Because of natural 1 on saving throw, wooden shield also takes 2 hp dmg and now has 13 hp. Norbrit reduced to 16 hp.
Zazz Ref save 10 + 3 + 2 = 15 (no Dex bonus due to squeezing through tunnel; +2 bonus to Ref save due to cover), succeeds. Half dmg: 1/2 x 2 = 1 hp dmg. Zazz reduced to 10 hp.
K3: Stable at -3 hp.
K4: Fails to stabilize (17%). Loses 1 hp. K4 is at -9 hp and dying.
K5: Takes 5' step SW. Magic breath attack.
Norbrit Ref save 14 + 1 = 15, succeeds. Half dmg: 1/2 x 4 = 2 hp dmg. Norbrit reduced to 14 hp.
Zazz Ref save 4 + 3 + 2 = 15 (no Dex bonus due to squeezing through tunnel; +2 bonus to Ref save due to cover), fails. Takes 3 hp dmg. Zazz reduced to 7 hp.
K1: Atks Norbrit 3 + 3 = 6. Misses. Moves.

OK, now posts from everyone, please!

Initiative order:

Please note: I have a medical procedure scheduled for Wednesday for which general anasthesia is required. So I have to start getting ready for it tomorrow, and will likely feel groggy well into Thursday. Because of this, I will probably not update for a few days. But, I will be greatly looking forward to getting back to the game as soon as possible! :D [/sblock]


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"Scaly, fire-breathing freaks!" spits Zazz, his face distorted in pain and anger. Escaping the confines of the kobold-hole, the elf summersaults along the wall, his rapier coming into his hand as he stabs it toward one of the glowy-eyed foes!

[sblock=Combat Info]
AC: 17, HP: 7/14

Move Action: Tumble +11 vrs DC15 to avoid AoO, moving 3 squares east. Draw rapier as part of move action.
Standard Action: Attack K5. Rapier +6 (1d6+1/18-20)



Norbrit looks at the damage done to his shield, and his eyes go wild with rage. "My axe'll cool you fellas down a bit," he screams as he charges into the little lizards-like group.

[sblock=ooc] Charge K2, cleave K5 if possible. That should leave him standing directly in front of K1 when he's done; his bloody axe and crazy grin should be a sufficient intimidation tactic, maybe at least to throw him off a bit.[/sblock]
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Laz notes the tunnels backing effect and just shakes his head.. he'd feel much better even with his weak arms if he tried to climb the barricade. He wasn't encumbered by armor at the rest were and with this new idea floating about his head he places one arm and foot after the other as he attempts to reach higher ground. He noted whatever was on the other side would never expect it with the others on the ground. The higher ground would surely give him surperiour shooting stance as well with his crossbow he thinks as he climbed as quietly as possible....

[sblock=actions this round] with the crossbow loaded I'm going to try and climb the barrier and IF I have the actions left maybe get a shot off at one of the kobalds on the ground NOT in melee. I dunno if I get an bonus for being on higher ground but I will bring it up in hopes heh.. if I can't get a shot off this round.. if I reach the top Laz will crouch down and take aim and shoot next round...[/sblock]

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