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Vos Silverwood of the Nameless Company


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Vos Siverwood, strongheart halfling male Sorcerer 9 (Mystra)
S10, D16, C16, I14, W10, Ch20 (22)
Fort +6(8), Ref +6(8), Will +6(8)
Att +4 melee (+5 sickle 1D6+1D6), +7 ranged (1D4 sling)
AC: 17 (bracers of armor +4, dex) Hit points: 52
Home region: Cormyr
Skills and Feats: Spell Focus Evocation, Greater Spell Focus Evocation, Extend Spell, Craft Wondrous Item, Improved Familiar Concentration +12, Craft (Sculpture) +10, Knowledge Arcana +7, Spellcraft +7, Languages Draconian (+2), Search +5, Spot +5
Languages known: Halfling, Common, Elven, Gnomish, Draconian
Spells: DC16 +spell level, Evocation Spells DC 20 +spell level
Spells (6/7/7/7/5) 0/Detect Magic, 0/Read Magic, 0/Prestidigitaion, 0/Light, 0/Mage Hand, 0/Detect Poison, 0/Resistance, 1/Shield, 1/Magic Missile, 1/*Repair Light Damage, 1/Reduce, 1/Ex Retreat, 2/Invisibility, 2/**Snilocks Snowball Swarm, 2/**Life Bolt, 2/Mirror Image , 3/Fireball, 3/Fly, 3/Protection From Elements, 4/Polymorph Other, 4/Stoneskin
Equipment: Bracers of Armor +4, Cloak of Charisma +2, +1 Flaming Sickle, Vest of Resistance +2,
Boots of Levitation, Ring of Warmth, *Belt of Many Pockets
Scrolls (at 6th level) Mount, Melf’s Acid Arrow, and Dispel Magic. Scroll at 1st level: Identify X3. .
Sling, 10 bullets, bedroll, small tent, 7 days rations, waterskin, wineskin, 1 bag caltrops, flint and steel,
Traveler’s outfit, components, Personal journal, ink, quill. Bone scroll tube. 4,750 gold pieces worth of gems, 175 gold, 35 silver, 20 copper. Head of an Iron Cobra (trophy), holy symbol of Mystra.
And one bottle of “Old Tom Nobbins” fine wine w/80 gold.
 *Tome and Blood, ** Magic of Faerun

Circe, Homunculus Familiar tiny construct HD:9 Hits: 26
Init +2, Spd 20 ft, Fly 50 (good),
AC 20* (touch 16, Flat-footed 18)
Atk +4 (1D4-1 plus Poison), SA poison
S8, D15, C-, I10, W12, Ch18*
Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +6
Granted Abilities: Range 1 mile, Creator can see and hear through the homunculus,
Alertness, Improved Evasion, Share Spells, Empathic Link, Touch, Speak with Master
Skills: as Master’s, plus Dancing +5 **
POISON (EX); Bite vs Fort save (DC11), Initial damage: Sleep for one minute,
Secondary damage: sleep for another 5D6 minutes
CONSTRUCT: Immune to mind influencing effects; poisons, disease, and similar effects.
Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage.

*Circe’ has a +2 Ring of Protection for a heart. See her special construction below.
** see her construction, below.

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The Creation of Circe’
My ultimate vision for Vos, is an eccentric golem master maker. His golems are to be works of art.
Circe’ is the work of a driven artist. The Monster Manual shows Homunculi to be ugly warty things. Not so with Circe’…She is to be a beautiful half elven peasant girl of about 20 winters; 18 inches tall, with bat wings. I discussed the idea with my DM. I wanted to build her as a sorcerer and artist would-not as a logical, methodical Wizard. I wanted a Charisma of 18 instead of the original 7. So I was allowed to go about the creation in this way.
First, I made a “Sculptor’s knife. It’s identical to the Knife of the Boyer page 162 in the Magic of Faerun book. The sculptor’s knife adds +10 to the Craft sculpture skill. Since I had a skill of 10 already, I was allowed to make it. The goal was a master craft sculpture, skill roll of 30.
Secondly, I bought an auxiliary membership in the Waterdeep Mage’s Guild. For the price of 510 gold, I set up a lab on guild property. (The guild was amused at the creative antics of the diminutive sorcerer.) The membership allowed me to buy the scrolls necessary to make the homunculus. I also bought several potions to add to the mix.
Thirdly, I went about acquiring the unusual materials. Waterdeep is an excellent city for oddball components. Based on a picture in Volo’s guide to Waterdeep, I purchased a stuffed pixie. It was the skin I wanted. The hardest part was getting the hair of an elf. But at a wigmakers shop, I saw a sun elf sell her long golden hair. 100 gold brought all that I needed.
Next came the alchemy. An apprentice with 10 points in the alchemy skill at the guild was eager to help me. She had aided the creation of homunculi before, but never like this. The normal ingredients went into a black kettle. Additionally, in went the pixie skin, the elf hair, a ring of +2 protection (set where the heart would be), a potion of Eagle’s Splendor, and a potion of Love (both to bring the charisma to 18), and of course, the donated blood of my sorcerer. The concoction was boiled down to a clay-like consistency.
Next came the sculpture. My first roll was a 28, just short of the goal. But no spells had been cast, so a day later, I tried again. I rolled a natural 20! How sweet that roll was: for a mastercraft work skill of 40!
Then the spells were cast from scrolls, and the Homunculus came to life! A beautiful thing, the guild marveled at her creation-Vos had won the respect of a skeptical assembly. The guild asked for, and got the Sculptor’s Knife. And a new fad with creative and artistic Homunculi is now sweeping Waterdeep.
Resting for a week, Vos spent another 100 gold at a doll maker’s shop, for mastercraft clothes for little Circe’.
Then came the final step. Secluding himself in the lab, Vos meditated. He is not able to put into words, just what he did. But Circe’ became a familiar that day. Her range increased to a mile, her life became even more tied to his. Vos says she became “alive” that day. And indeed, she seems to be more than just a construct. She now possesses personality quirks, and an independent spirit. (The manual says a familiar becomes a “Magical Beast” after accepting its new status, so Circe’ became more than just a construct). She smiles, she seems to love music, and will dance to the delight of bards everywhere. Vos has no such skill. And this worries him. He wonders if some part of the pixie is still there. He has cast Detect Magic on her, but he sees no necromantic aura. He even bought a scroll of Detect Undead, and saw nothing. But he has come to accept her quirks, and the two are very close-just as master and familiar should be.
Vos is quite protective of his little charge. And he will not take her into a fight. She will either stay in the “Familiar Pocket” in his belt, or she will stay outside any dungeons he enters. As a consequence, Vos rarely enjoys the Alertness feat benefit except when he is camping or in town. When she spies for him, he casts Invisibility and Stoneskin on her.


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Vos Silverwood, Member in good standing in the Nameless Company.

Vos was born into a family of sculptors in Suzail, Cormyr. The family specialized in funerary sculptures, but also would carve the occasional golem. Vos learned to sculpt in wood stone, clay, and then, the family secret: the lost wax method (Its not so secret-it’s a clay sculpture/wax mold/bronze casting method. A number of artisans in Faerun use it.). Vos grew to love golems at an early age-he helped a War Mage build a stone golem out of marble for the capitol. Vos was entranced when the mage made it come to life, and walked it to the castle.

When Vos started to manifest magical abilities, a halfling elder declared him a sorcerer. The community had never had a sorcerer before, and Vos was sent to a local wizard, but was rejected. What wizard can train a sorcerer? At home, there was no place for pyrotechnics in a sculptor’s studio. So Vos ended up in the Cormyian military. He was a caster of scrolls, and cast a Detect Poison for his commander’s every meal. Even here, there wasn’t much room for a halfling sorcerer. Vos was more of a mascot, than an aide to the war against the goblins.

At third level, Vos left the military, and became an adventurer (the campaign started at third level). He fell in love with the deep woods of Cormanthor, the former elven court. More importantly, the halflings of the Dalelands were welcoming to a sorcerer-they had seen his type all too often. Here he met the halfling wizard, Tumble-Toes: so named for his habit of tumbling through his opponents (two levels of rogue)! The two remain good friends. Vos aided in the construction of two Wood Golems for the council of Batteldale.

Batteldale is also where Vos met his adventuring companions: The Nameless Company (or just the Nameless). A dwarven cleric, Torin Ramble. The Cleric/bard of Elistree: Vanessa, a half-drow of great beauty. The human ranger/thief, Janner. The Enigmatic elf archer Caldyr (a straight wizard, who bends all his magic to his bow), And Iggy, a human fighter.

The Nameless company has since made a name for themselves; clearing out Ghostholds in the Dales, and working for the city of Phlan on the Moonsea. They have acted as caravan guards on a run between Iriaebor and Scornubel. They adventured up the coast to Waterdeep, where they are now wintering (the DM has a series of winter in Waterdeep adventures), in a rented villa.

Vos has run through a whole series of magic items, scrolls, and wands. His company’s finest hour came at the defense of Dagger Falls. The populace had assumed Vos was just another adventuring halfling rogue. The town was besieged by a hobgoblin army. 200 hobgoblins in banded mail, 80 hobgoblin archers, and 100 goblin irregulars out front. Vos cast Mirror Image, Shield, a scroll of Protection from Arrows, and Fly upon himself. Vos was the distraction-the rest of the company moved out in back to take on the leaders.
Vos flew out and emptied his wand of Ice Storm into the archers. Then he emptied his wand of Lightning Bolts into the hobgoblin infantry (you just can’t capture a fully charged wand!). the towns people at the walls were handling the goblins well, and the leaders were surprised by the Nameless! The army and leaders were beginning to route by the time Vos was using up his last Fireballs (A group of 50 heavy Calvary from Waterdeep helped to decide things!). Balistae and spells had taken all but one of Vos’ Mirror Images. Vos chased the army into the woods, using up his Snowball Swarms and Magic Missiles (Fly at 90’…ya gotta love it!).

The company is now in Waterdeep for the winter. The Magic types are preparing scrolls, and creating magic items for the coming season. Maps and rumors are being researched. Waterdeep is a great town to winter in, so much entertainment: plays, winter festivals, bored nobles, fantastic parties. There is too much to do. Janner, Iggy, and Torin seem content to raise their level of alcohol tolerance. Vanessa performs most of the time. Caldyr is busy scribing scrolls. And Vos is driven to create, ‘something.’

Vos has picked up a personal nemesis. Caelick, a goblin sorcerer who’s tribe was robbed, and all but exterminated by the Nameless company. Twice now, Vos thought he has seen the goblin. Once, briefly, in the woods outside Dagger Falls, and once in Scornubel, where they traded spells! It disturbs Vos, that the goblin called him by name.


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Vos was generated with 4D6, Drop the lowest die.
I don't think I gave his AL. Chaotic Good. He is quite willing to bend the law to acheive a greater good. His teammates to temper his more chaotic whims though.

The other charcters will not be as detailed.


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Torin Ramble is a dwarven cleric of Moradin. 9th level, LG.
Torin got the name “Ramble” for his bad sermons. As a consequence he is an “adventuring” cleric. What he lacks in speaking ability, he more than makes up for in zeal. Ramble HATES evil clerics! He cannot understand those who gave their lives to things from the lower planes. There is no mercy for those who choose the path of darkness.
Torin Ramble’s highest stat is STR:18. He is more of a fighting cleric. If he has a chance, he will cast a whole series of spells before combat. He will gleefully wade into combat. His player will not take levels of fighter, however. Torin IS a fighter. Magic makes up the difference!
As a young dwarf, his childhood sweetheart ran off with an evil cleric. And Ramble has been out to erase their corrupting influence ever since! His highest skill is religion; he needs to know the ethos of his foes.
Torin will actively break any “evil” altars he finds: especially the expensive, ornate ones. He would rather evil be spending its money replacing fancy artifacts, than influencing good folk. Ramble has triggered traps and curses this way, but he will not stop. It’s a real obsession with him. We once had to drag his paralyzed carcass to a nearby temple to de-curse him. At least, he has a mission in life.


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Vanessa, is a cleric/bard of Elistree. She is a half drow of great beauty. The company’s first purchase was a wand of Cure Moderate Wounds. Vanessa is the bearer. She is on her third such wand. As the company historian, Vanessa keeps a journal with passwords, secrets, and contacts. If anyone knew of that journal's existence, thieves would plague the party. Secrecy is her best defense, and she hides in plain sight, singing for her supper at every Inn and tavern we hit. Her signature item is an Amulet of Non-Detection.
Vanessa is never quite sure of just how seriously to take Vos. She always keeps an eye on Circe’ as well. Vanessa is closest to Janner, and the two are rarely apart. Vanessa will leave the company from time to time. She claims she meets at night with her sisters to dance in the woods, but no one knows for sure (and the party definitely is NOT invited).
Vanessa tends to be the most open member of the party, and is always the first to offer help to the poor and needy. She will selflessly use her spells in every hamlet, curing people by day, and singing for them at night. The Nameless would just be another adventuring group, if not for her tireless efforts.
Vanessa has recently come into possession of a magical harp. She is still learning its magic. But it shrinks to the size if her hand on command, and glows with a faerey fire whenever she plays it. All other sounds are hushed when she plays. Once, the whole tavern was filled with sparkling lights.

Voidrunner's Codex

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