Vote For Your Favourite TTRPG Podcasts (ACTUAL PLAY Category)

It's time to vote! We took nominations, and now we'll find who was your favorite tabletop RPG podcast of 2021 in the ACTUAL PLAY category. Every year on the Morrus' Unofficial Tabletop RPG Talk podcast, along with this website, we hold a giant poll to find out what are the most favourite tabletop RPG podcasts of the year. The voting is divided into two categories -- TALK, and ACTUAL PLAY --...

Who was your favorite tabletop RPG podcast of 2021 in the ACTUAL PLAY category?

  • Ain't Slayed Nobody Podcast

  • Awfully Queer Heroes

  • Dames and Dragons

  • Dice and Desire

  • Dice Drop Evolution

  • Dice Shame

  • Explorers Wanted

  • Find the Path

  • Grizzly Peaks Radio

  • Many Realms

  • New Game, Who Dis?

  • Not Another DnD Podcast

  • Questward

  • Red Moon Roleplaying

  • Roll for Intent

  • Roll For Romance

  • Roll to Save

  • Rude Tales of Magic

  • Spout Lore

  • Sweden Rolls

  • Tabletop Gold

  • Tale of the Manticore

  • The Billowing Hilltop

  • The Effekt AP

  • The Magpies Podcast

  • The Old Ways Podcast

  • Theatre of the Mind Players

  • They’re A Super Geek

The results of this poll are hidden until it is manually edited by the user or site admin.

It's time to vote! We took nominations, and now we'll find who was your favorite tabletop RPG podcast of 2021 in the ACTUAL PLAY category.


Every year on the Morrus' Unofficial Tabletop RPG Talk podcast, along with this website, we hold a giant poll to find out what are the most favourite tabletop RPG podcasts of the year. The voting is divided into two categories -- TALK, and ACTUAL PLAY -- and each years, two podcasts win and enter the HALL OF FAME. Once a podcast has entered the Hall of Fame, it is no longer eligible in future years.

This poll is for the ACTUAL PLAY category. ACTUAL PLAY podcasts are podcasts where the podcasters play an actual tabletop RPG for your listening enjoyment. Last year's winner in this category was The Unexpectables which is now in the Hall of Fame and not eligible.

The TALK category can be found here!

Why isn't my favorite podcast on the list?
Did you nominate it? If so, let me know ASAP so I can add it. If not, that's why your favourite podcast isn't on the list! Only shows nominated during the nomination phase are eligible.

Closing Date
This poll will be open until Friday 17th December.

To Vote
You need to be logged in to this site to vote. You may vote for up to 3 entries.

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Well, that was fun
Staff member
And polls are closing, folks! We're recording the podcast in a couple of hours, so the results will be announced tomorrow!

Voidrunner's Codex

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