OK, everyone, poll is closed now. The winners:
Squeaking by with one more vote is keeping the standard 5e skills. I was really hoping more people would prefer class/background/culture skills. Ah well. And, perhaps surprisingly, roll under won!
@Lanefan will be happy.
So let's discuss roll under for a moment.
The reason I want to discuss it is because AD&D had a bad habit of not using consistent terminology. There would frequently be +1 bonuses that actually meant -1 bonuses, because the writer was referring to the die roll and not the number to be rolled under. I don't think we should rely on things like -1 bonus because that's a bit counterintuitive for most people who think bonus = plus. If we want to do this, then we should emphasize that the bonus or penalty is to the stat you're rolling under, not the die roll itself. Strength 15, plus your +2 PB, and a +1 bonus from something else means you're rolling under a 18.
We could also possibly never use +/- signs when referring to d20 rolls. "Due to the difficulty of the lock, there is a penalty of 5 to pick it." "This sword gives a bonus of 1 on attack rolls and +1 to damage rolls." A bit wordy, but consistent.
Back to skills for a moment. Some people suggested getting rid of Perception by making it passive only. My own suggestion is that we give every attribute passive "skills" that you don't have to roll for.
Strength: Passive athletics. Objects will be listed with a difficulty number. If your Strength + PB is higher, you can push, shove, lift, bend, whatever it without having to roll.
Dexterity: Passive stealth. You just automatically walk this quietly, even without trying.
Constitution: Passive endurance. Some (not all) physical trials, diseases, poisons, etc., will have a difficulty number. If you beat that number, you either won't be affected or can roll your save with advantage.
Intelligence: Passive insight. If the target's Charisma + PB is lower than your Int + PB, you can tell if they're lying, hiding something, faking emotions, etc.
Wisdom: Passive perception. As per the normal.
Charisma: Passive... charm, persuasion, or deception? Where you can automatically have some influence or lie to over someone's whose Int + PB is lower than your Cha + PB? Dunno about this one.
Unless there are objects, I think the next poll will be on Fighters and, to a less extent, on class format in general. I imagine the basics of combat, archetypes, general abilities, in-class choices, and the like will be brought up while discuss fighters and then get decided later on. Unless you guys think that there's something else I should make a poll for first?