D&D 5E Vs Vecna battle simulations.

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Relevant stuff for this and future battles: Globe of Invulnerability does not move once cast, even if the caster moves. :D

"An immobile, faintly shimmering barrier springs into existence in a 10-foot radius around you and remains for the duration."

Relevant stuff for this and future battles: Globe of Invulnerability does not move once cast, even if the caster moves. :D

"An immobile, faintly shimmering barrier springs into existence in a 10-foot radius around you and remains for the duration."
Thank you for this, missed that part.


The High Aldwin
Wait a minute!!!

What are my three portent dice? First thing Egar would do depends on these dice. Giving Vecna a low initiative roll so he is likely to go last is important, especially on the first round.

Also, if I have another low roll he would reserve that to stop Dread Counterspell.


The High Aldwin
breaking line of sight with everyone.
This is also incorrect:


I doubt it matters much for the monk, but it means Vecna can see him, as well.

@ MonsterEnvy...I know this will really bog down the simulation, but maybe run it as play by post, where each player runs the char?
But to be fair, I am also happy you running my char.

A couple of comments on my char Arthur:
1. How many Javelin's would he be carrying, given he is in full plate, plus shield, plus long sword.
2. This gets very meta-gamey (which I hate). So a few things:
a. Arthur has no idea of the abilities of Vecna, so will attack with Long Sword until Vecna teleports away after the 1st of potentially two long sword attacks. At that point Arthur will consider using Javelins or spells, but also knows that a Divine Smite with a 5th level spell slot is a huge deal.
b. Does Arthur learn after a round or two, or three, quantities of Reactions and LR's that Vecna has and plan attacks accordingly?
c. Arthur will most definitely close to within 10 feet to trigger the bonus action Channel Divinity Vow of enmity to gain Advantage on attacks. That is likely not the most optimal group move for the 1st turn, but given Arthur does not know the full power of Vecna, he would do that.

Re: Metagaming, a DM has to be very careful, and very tough, with players who will already know this stat block and plan accordingly. I am talking about in a real D&D session.


There will be no magic items, but we will assume that all martial characters have gotten a permanent enchantment on their weapons that let them ignore Damage immunities (AKA I am basically turning off Vecna's Immunity to non magical weapons for this fight, as Martial Characters would probably have one by now anyway).

Why? Surely one of the party spellcasters will be able to help them in this regard?

Voidrunner's Codex

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