[VtR][Mature] Born into Darkness: Arc 1


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Biggs picks up the crowbar in one hand and the stake that was in his chest in the other, and moves into the next room with an eye out for any real weapons that might be around, like a log splitting axe or something. Also, he looks around quickly to see if his weapons were shipped here as well.

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The Basement of Blackcoat's Mansion
Biggs doesn't see any weapons as he makes his way out into the central basement room.
Inside the vault Biggs can see a number of tiny cells (bars imbedded in concrete really)
The rooms continue to be a mixture of crude cement-work and natural stone.

In addition to the stairs and the bank vault door there is another reenforced steel door deeper on the darkness.


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Hmmm. Where to now? Not the vault, too risky. They shut me in there, forget about it. Up the stairs? Nah. Nice will be up there. And his invisible boy-toy Oscar Meyer Weiner. Steel reinforced door. Blackie might be there. Might be some sharp toys too. Yup, that's the way.

Biggs heads for the steel reinforced door, and tries to open it quietly.


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Cole Braddock

Festy_Dog said:
"Hey Rip, I hope you know where this Blackcoat lives 'cos I sure as hell don't," he glanced down the hallway at the elevator, "And I think we're taking the stairs down a level if we want to use the elevator."
Nope, but I am sure the automobile that is waiting at ground level does.” Offers Cole, a.k.a Rip, with a confident smile. He looks towards the stairs and then back to his new colleague. “After you.


First Post
Archer nodded, "You may have a point there," and after fetching his coat and a couple of things from his room took the lead.

"Oops, didn't see the second elevator. Guess we're fine from here. I'm Archer, by the way," he introduced himself, "LB's nicknames don't seem to be the most flattering things, and it would appear we're working together, so if you have a preference as to what I call you now's as good a time as any."

Archer had a bit of an accent, but where it was from was anyone's guess. He also had a kind of bumbling, harmless aura about him, and poking above the collar of his turtleneck were some thickly applied bandages around his neck. He rocked back and forth as they waited for the elevator to arrive at their floor.

"Oh, while I think of it, you wouldn't happen to know what the date today is, would you?" Archer asked, looking a little embarrassed.
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The Basement of Blackcoat's Mansion
Biggs slinks through the gloom in the recesses of the basement.

The right wall is natural stone, he's probably at the edge of the structure. It's slightly moist. The door is embedded in the left, concrete, wall.

He finds that the steel reenforced door is locked tightly. It seems to have both a key and a key pad, connected to a central locking mechanism with four bars that slide out directly into the concrete.
(i.e. into the top, left, right and bottom of the "doorframe")

In his military days if they'd needed to get through something like this grunts like Biggs would usually call in sappers*.
Or whatever the proper marine term is for a demolition team.[/sblock]


Archer realizes, as he looks at "Rip" that he knows him.
By reputation anyway.

He's the mysterious third man who founded his (former) employer Braddock, Fitzroy and Lamb almost 70 years ago. And Archer is sure this is the Cole Braddock. It's like the man from one of the black and white photographs actually got up off the page and wandered into Archer's life.[/sblock]


Braddock, Fitzroy and Lamb scouted Archer out of college. The company is peculiar to say the least.
Still controlled by the founders and their families it focuses on only one area: providing high quality weapons (and increasingly technology in general) to discriminating clients around the world. Naturally they call themselves "consultants" but as a privately held organization with assets in LRJ (low regulation jurisdictions like Cayman Islands, the Isle of Man, BVI, etc), they answer no outsiders anyway.

The company secretive to the point of is cultishness however in the seven years he's worked for them Archer has noted a number of things
* The company is almost a cult of personality, oriented oddly enough, around the single member who apparently wasn't active (Cole Braddock). Fitzroy, Lamb and their respective descendants occupy virtually all of the higher posts but Archer's never come across anything or anyone directly related to Cole. Until this moment he has seemed to exist only in the same set of black and white photos that adorn the executive suite of every B,F &L office in the world.
* Rumors about Cole are ruthlessly suppressed (the joke is that it's the only way you can get fired). Naturally there are, of course, dozens of them. The most popular and persistent revolve around the idea that he runs the "black" side of the operation: industrial espionage for hire (as opposed to "in the course of business" one of Archer's areas), spycraft, assassination, and so forth. (The idea of a shell-within-a-shell makes great fodder for rumors). Archer himself has never seen or interacted with anyone from this purported "black" side of the business.
* The company operates globally, through a mass of limited partnerships, shell companies and so forth. However legally complex the operation is the actual operations are relatively blatant; the company relies upon lawyers and connections to insure that it stays above the fray.
* Lamb and Fitzroy were both extremely virile men, ruling with an iron hand and active into their nineties. When they passed away recently, one right after another, it triggered a power struggle for control of B,F &L.
*The struggle is between the "old guard", the members of the family who are more traditional, and the "new guard" a handful of Harvard/Oxford educated cousins and junior members who have successfully revamped the company over the past 20 years and are demanding greater control. Not that Archer has seen out-and-out warfare yet.
Somewhat arbitrarily I would say that Archer was hired and promoted within the organization through a program developed by the "new guard" to assess people with uniquely valuable skills. His position was Specialist and he was on the Senior Specialist track (the highest non-management position within the organization).[/sblock]
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