W3: The Eidolon (Bront Judging)

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Ah, yes. I had missed that.

Lori spent some time running through various languages, and trying to listen for a ship's response. Mostly, it takes her a long time to hear the sails and planks combining to make a voice, but when she realizes what to listen for, she can hear it very clearly.

However, apparently, the Majestic doesn't like talking. It simply says "Go Away."

But Lori doesn't give up, and continues to "chat" one-sided with the ship, earning her strange looks from the crew. She's a little unnerved when, flying over a river below, the ship suddenly speaks - "To take a bath, to swim, to end it all..."

The ship suddenly drops abotu five feet, before Graff says, angrily - "no." like one may say to a misbehaving dog.

The ship rights itself, and carries on it's course.

After spotting the Eidolon, Lori occasionally hears the ship "Mutter" to itself, but only when she's intently listening for it. The mutterings consist mostly of "Replace me. My child's misbehaved. Will they escape? Should I help? But no, Graff promised me..."

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ooc: I'm becoming more and more convinced that Wik is a fan of Robin Hobb. ;)

T'Ranis unfurls himself from his meditative stance and checks over his crossbow, making sure it is in a state of readiness. He's more than half convinced that Graff is crazy, and probably both ship in the bargain. As a stranger here, though, he's not sure if its limited to them or if they merely express more clearly the strangeness of the peoples of this plane. He studies his companions carefully, measuring their reaction to Graff's ravings.


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Lori tries to comunicate to the ship that she'll do her best to ease it's pain, but they must catch the Eidolon.

Lori will ponder the idea of releasing an elemental binding (Knowledge check cycle please :) )


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Patlin said:
ooc: I'm becoming more and more convinced that Wik is a fan of Robin Hobb. ;)

Ha. You caught me. I really should have gone the whole nine yards, and thrown in a living figurehead, eh?


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Releasing an elemental is easily done. There are plenty of well-known ways to do it. Simply destroying the vessel or dragonshard that holds the elemental shoudl do it.

Only, the problem is, it seems the elemental is bound within the ship itself. How do you destroy the ship to release the elemental? Also, from what Graff has stated - would that work? The Majestic is not just an elemental that powers a hunk of wood; the Majestic is a unique, sentient creation, apparently - more than just the sum of an elemental and wood. "Releasing" the elemental would, essentially, be killing the entity known as "Majestic".

Lori thinks that releasing the elemental might be tantamount to assisted suicide.[/sblock]


Wik said:
Ha. You caught me. I really should have gone the whole nine yards, and thrown in a living figurehead, eh?

ooc: Perhaps we should add one. Anyone have a significant investment in craft skills? Shipbuilding or woodworking, perhaps? Maybe having read her books is making me even more nervous than the indications so far would warrant... but T'Ranis is still upset with the lack of escape route. If it wasn't for T'Ranis's alignment (LN) I'd be looking for a way to free the elementals. As it is, he's looking for a way not to go down with the ship.


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Patlin said:
ooc: Perhaps we should add one. Anyone have a significant investment in craft skills? Shipbuilding or woodworking, perhaps? Maybe having read her books is making me even more nervous than the indications so far would warrant... but T'Ranis is still upset with the lack of escape route. If it wasn't for T'Ranis's alignment (LN) I'd be looking for a way to free the elementals. As it is, he's looking for a way not to go down with the ship.

Henh henh henh. :)


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One thing I feel like I should mention: from here on in, railroading is over with and done. I have an idea of where things will go, but I plan on throwing in a bunch of encounters based on how you behave. So, for example, adding a living figurehead (and tondrek could probably do it!) is an option. Expecially in the next few scenes, there are a few goals you can set for yourself beyond the main ones.

Just figured I'd be putting that out there.

As for an escape route - that might be a good idea. :)

(P.S. for those who don't know what Patlin's talking about - Robin Hobb's story deals with two sentient sailing ships, more or less chasing one another. I actually didn't notice the similarity until Patlin mentioned it, but now that he has, I realize I probably stole the idea subconsciously. Anyways, the ship the good guys use is a ship that was known as "man-killer" and has gone quite insane. Just thought I'd put the knowledge out there.)


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OOC: I've read Robin Hobb, and if Majestic is ANYTHING like Paragon...uh oh. :) And if these ships are made of the bodies of dead dragons...man, should she sue you for royalties!

Shadow is a little worried, as he really doesn't have good relations with House Lyrandar. (Remember the Airship Incident in his background? Consider this my declaration that it's public.) He is growing steadily more worried and will secretly search for an escape route.

He will also attempt to garner information on how these ships were lost to Lukaas, and try to be nice to Kiela (who appears to be his best chance of gaining information.)

Gather Information:1d20+1=12

He will take 20 on his search check, and clandestinely inform the others in his crew what he has discovered, via mindlink(s), both about Lukaas and any escape routes.


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Shadow knows nothing about Lukaas. He has absolutely no clue who he is, but the name does ring a bell..

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