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D&D 5E War of the Burning Sky (5E)


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I have a Star Wars game tonight so I can't get my character (if I'm ok :) ) until very late tonight. I am still thinking a pure Rogue but lots of interest in Rogues... maybe a Ranger instead :D

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I did have two questions. Are you open to me using the Arcane Focus: Staff as a quarterstaff?
I don't see why not.

And would you be open to us customizing the personality (ideal, bond, etc...) bit of backgrounds?
Oh sure, definitely.

I'd like to throw my hat in the ring too. Is material from the Unearthed Arcana articles accetable?
I'm not going to give a blanket yes to that, but I'm not going to say no either. If there's something you want, run it by me.
In this case, sure, that looks fine.
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First Post
[SBLOCK=Stat Block and Details]Height 5’8; Weight 145lbs; Hair: Red; Eye Green; Age: 20;
Sex: Male Race: Half Elf
Class: Bard Level: 2
Alignment: Chaotic Good Size: Medium Type: Humanoid
Init: +4; Passive Perception:10
Languages: Common, Elvish, Orc

AC: 15 (Studded leather [12] + Dex [3] HP: 17 HD: 2d8
Saving Throw Proficiencies: Dex, Cha
Speed: 30 ft.
Proficiency Bonus: +2

Str 8 (-1)
Dex 16 (+3) (Racial)
Con 14 (+2) (Racial)
Int 12 (+1)
Wis 10 (+0)
Cha 16 (+3) (Racial)

Racial Traits:
Darvision 60ft
Fey Ancestry

Background: Entertainer
Routines: Singer, Storyteller, Instrumentalist
Feature: By Popular Demand
Personality Trait:I love a good insult, even one directed at me.
Whenever I come to a new place, I collect local rumors and spread gossip.
Bond: I want to be famous, whatever it takes.
Ideal: Creativity. The world is in need of new ideas and bold action. (Chaotic)
Flaw: I will do anything to win fame and renown.

[SBLOCK=Class Features]Class Features: Bard Lvl. 2
Bardic Inspiration (d6) x3
Jack of all trades
Song of Rest (1d6)


[SBLOCK=Skills and Feats]Skills

* proficient

* Acrobatics +5
Animal Handling +2
* Arcana +3
Athletics +0
* Deception +5
* History +3
* Insight +2
Intimidation +4
Medicine +1
nature +2
Perception +1
* Performace + 5
* Persuassion +5
Religion +2
Sleight of Hand +4
Stealth +4
Survival +1

Disguise Kit
Pan flute


[SBLOCK=Magic]Cantrips: Viscious Mockery, Minor Illusion
Prepared Spells: First Level: Dissonant Whispers, Faire Fire, Healing word, Sleep, Thunderwave
Spell Slots:
  • First Level: 3


3 Costumes
5 Candles
5 days rations
Disguise Kit
Pan Flute
Light Armour
Studded Leather
20 arrows

24 gold

[SBLOCK=Back Story]
Andocles, a performer of some modest skill has plied his trade in Gate Pass for the past two years. Before that is was raised by his human father, Andros, himself a Bard, after his elven mother left shortly after his birth.

Caught between two worlds he always felt as if his life reflected that of his beloved city, itself caught between two empires. He loved the freedom of life in Gate Pass and thanked Apollo that this island of independence was still free.

But for how long? One thing he was never short of was information, people told him things. Usually after he had plied them with drink or song. But they told him things. The resistance realised this was a talent they could exploit and Androcles found himself passing information on to them regularly.

But now Torrent wanted to expand his role and he found himself taking the path to the Poison Apple Pub.
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First Post
Y'Gar the Bearkiller

I was going to go for Fighter/Bard, with a warlordish flavor, but it looks like that is covered- so I will go more as a tank (Mostly heavy Fighter, with a dash of Ranger and Barbarian).
Tried to get some ties to the Resistance; hopefully his outcast status and opposition to Leska won't create too much danger. There is also the loose end of his (missing?) sister...

Still have somefinal details to iron out (Equipment, etc.) but mostly set.

Y'Gar the Bearkiller
[SBLOCK=Stat Block and Details]Height 6'0"; Weight 205lbs; Hair: Black; Eyes Brown; Age: 17;
Sex: Male Race: Half-orc
Class: Fighter 1/Ranger 1/Barbarian 0 //Level: 2
Deity: Hercules
Alignment: CG Size: Medium Type: Humanoid
Init: +2; Passive Perception: 13
Languages: Common, Orc

AC: 19 (Scale/14, DEX +2, +2 Shield, +1 Defense)(17; greatsword/no shield)
HP: 20 (10+6+4 CON) /HD: 2d10
Saving Throw Proficiencies: STR, CON
Speed: 30 ft.
Proficiency Bonus: +2

STR 16 (+3)(Save +5)
DEX 14 (+2)
CON 14 (+2)(Save +4)
INT 8 (-1)
WIS 14 (+2)
CHA 9 (-1)

>Racial Traits:
-Darkvision 60ft
-Relentless endurance
-Savage attacks

>Background: Soldier +Noble/Criminal (rebel)
Feature: Military rank (includes knowledge of ranks, insignia, and policies/protocol- less actual rank)
Proficiencies: Athletics, Survival; land vehicles, gaming set (dice)

Trait 1: I face problems head-on. A simple, direct solution is the best path to success.
Trait 2: I can stare down a hellhound without flinching (even when I ought to know better).
Bond: I fight for those who cannot fight for themselves. (I will avenge my family, and all the others who have been killed, imprisoned, or dispossessed by the usurper Leska)
Ideal: (Greater good) Our lot is to lay down our lives in defense of others.
Flaw: Violence is my answer to almost any challenge

[SBLOCK=Class Features- Fighter 1]
-Proficiencies: All armor, shields; simple weapons, martial weapons; no tools; STR, CON saves; 2 skills from list (Perception, Animal handling)
-Fighting style: Defense
-Second wind
-Martial archetype: TBD (probably Battle Master)

[SBLOCK= Class features- Ranger 1]
-One additional skill: Nature
-Natural explorer: Favored terrain= Mountains
-Favored enemies (two humanoid races- human, elf)(add language- elvish)
-Ranger archetype: TBD (Probably Hunter)

[SBLOCK=Skills and Feats]
>Skills: (* proficient)
Acrobatics +2
* Animal Handling +4
Arcana -1
* Athletics +5
Deception -1
History -1
Insight +2
*Intimidation +1
Medicine +2
* Nature +4
* Perception +4
Performace -1
Persuassion -1
Religion -1
Sleight of Hand +2
Stealth +2 (Disadvantage)
* Survival +4

>Feats/ASI: None yet


>NONE (?)

-Scale armor
-Longsword (+5, 1d8+3)
-Javelin (x3)
-Dagger (x2)
-Explorers pack
-Travelers clothes (x3)
-Heavy fur cloak (Bearskin, from a slain Inquisitor?)

>A mere fifty years ago, the Shieldbreakers were just another orc tribe in what is now Ragesia- but when Drakus began to consolidate his power, they were among the first tribes to rally to his banner. As the Empire took shape and grew, so did the Shieldbreakers- the chief of the tribe took a human wife and founded a household. Strong supporters of the emperor, the Shieldbreakers were often at odds with some of his other advisers (including, for the last few years, the head Inquisitor Leska)- it was often a matter of conflicting advice or religious doctrine (the Shieldbreaker family had adopted the religion of Athena), but the animosity was real.

The Shieldbreaker family had two children this generation, an older son and a younger daughter. Y'Gar was raised as part of the warrior elite- it was expected that he would enter the emperor's service, perhaps as a warleader or even one of the elite wyvern-riders. K'Letka was smaller and quieter, but very clever- many thought that she might be sent to the Lyceum Academy, but in the end she was apprenticed to a Ragesia mage with a penchant for traveling. The family's fortunes changed in an instant, shortly after the emperor was struck down. Leska began her grab for power by striking out against those who had opposed her in the past, using her Inquisitors and (false) declarations of treason. The older members of the family were easy prey- they were at home in Ragos when the Inquistors came calling. There was brutal fighting throughout the family compound, but it was a lost cause. Y'Gar, meanwhile, was leave after graduating from his training cadre. He was headed to Ragos, but first he stopped in the small village where his sister was conducting her apprenticeship. Her master had been called to the capitol (as part of Leska's machinations), and K'Letka was minding the remote cottage on her own. She was hardly a threat- only a single Inquisitor was dispatched to deal with her; if Y'Gar had not arrived a mere hour beforehand, the story might have gone differently. Instead there was a brief angry stand-off- and shortly thereafter, a dead Inquisitor. Y'Gar and his sister fled; while they went to Athena's temple first, the political situation meant they could not stay there long. An exchange of messages revealed their parents' fate- and after a brief debate, both of the Shieldbreaker siblings headed off, in thin disguises, to the border town of Gate Pass; one of Y'Gar's mentors had contacts in the Resistance there. Once they arrived, they split up- K'Letka was smuggled out of town, with a promise of safety and continued training (maybe she would be sent to the Lyceum after all, but for security reasons Y'Gar was not told of her destination), while Y'Gar offered his sword to the resistance to repay their efforts for his sister. After a few simple tasks, to assess his ability and his loyalty, Y'Gar was ready to move on to other things- he was sent to the Poison Apple, to put his muscle to work on Torrent's mission...
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First Post
Toby Greenberry
Toby Goodberry grew up in a small outlying village in the forests in the Shining Land of Shahalesti. His life was fairly normal, expect that there were some caves not far into the woods that had always had a foul reputation. Every few years some dark beast or another would crawl up from the depths of the earth and threaten the surrounding lands. It was from these experiences that Toby learned his trades of woodcraft and was taught how to fight these strange creatures from the deep.

Toby was always a bit of a dreamer and a wander also. He loves to explore and see new things. For the last few years he has been working as a caravan scout for those merchants passing back and forth through Gate Pass between the two great nations. He enjoyed this life greatly even though it kept him from seeing his family very often.

Of late, Toby has seen the days darken and fear spread into the lands. Rumors of war and conquest are on everyone’s lips. He recently heeded the call for aid from the wizards of Lyceum. Now, on New Years’ Eve in the great city he is set to find his contract at the Poison Apple Pub, to set himself against the warmongers of the world…

Race: Halfling (Stout), Class: Ranger, Level: 2
Age: 21, Height: 3' 2", Weight: 45lbs, Eyes: Brown, Hair: Sandy Brown

Hit Point: 20 (10+d10+4 CON)
AC: 14/16 (11 Armor +3 DEX, with shield +2)
ATTACKS: Short Sword (to hit +5, damage 1d6+3), Short Bow (to hit +7, damage 1d6+3)
ALN: Chaotic Good
Init: +3, Speed: 25ft
Passive Perception​: 13
Proficiency Bonus: +2, Saves: Strength, Dexterity
Language: Common, Halfling, Ork, Under Common

STR 10 (+0/+2)
DEX 17 (+3/+5)
CON 14 (+2)
INT 12 (+1)
WIS 13 (+1)
CHA 10 (+0)

Racial Traits:
*Lucky (re-roll a 1, must accept this roll)
*Bravery (advantage on saving throws vs. being frightened)
*Halfling Nimbleness (can move through space of creatures larger then small)
*Stout Resilience (advantage and resistant vs. poisons)

Background: Outlander
Origin: Guide
Skills: Athletics, Survival
Feature: Wanderer (excellent memory with maps)
Personality: I'm driven by wanderlust that led me away from my home
Ideal: Change - Life is like the seasons, in constant change and we must change with it.
Bond: My family and friends are most important to me, even when I am away from them
Flaw: I fear and hate creatures of the aberration type

Ranger Traits
Favored Enemy: Aberrations
Natural Explorer: Forest
Fighting Style: Archery (+2)
Spellcaster: two 1st level Ranger; Spells Know: Cure Wounds, Hunter's Mark
Skills: Nature, Perception, Stealth

Acrobatics (DEX) +3
Animal Handling (WIS) +1
Arcana (INT) +1
Athletics (STR)* +2
Deception (CHA) +0
History (INT) +1
Insight (WIS) +1
Intimidation (CHA) +0
Investigation (INT)+1
Medicine (WIS) +1
Nature (INT)* +3
Perception (WIS)* +3
Performance (CHA) +0
Persuasion (CHA) +0
Religion (INT) +1
Sleight of Hands (DEX) +3
Stealth (DEX)* +5
Survival (WIS)* +3

Leather armor (AC11)
Shield (AC+2), 10gp
2 Short Swords (1d6 piercing, finesse, light)
Shortbow (1d6 piercing, two-handed) with 20 arrows
A staff (1d6 bludgeoning, versatile 1d8)
Hunting trap
Trophy from an animal you killed (an Endercap tooth)
Traveler's Clothing
Belt pouch with 100gp
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Ok I think I'm done, Super Zero. I wanted to tie Kyrrie to Torrent in the story, so I made it that his father knew her mentor from his days adventuring. Please see post 17 for the backstory.


I think I'm finished tweaking as well. I adjusted the bond to reflect my story background and added a blurb about the letter in my sage background. If I get picked to play in the final lineup, I may adjust my prepared spells to better support the team, but that would be it. Let me know if you have any thoughts or notes. Thanks!


Human Cleric of Athena

A stern man of indeterminate age, Kincaid is a quiet agent of his priesthood. He is rather tall and somewhat gangly, all rough elbows and stubble behind his priestly robes.

Character Background

There are secrets in this world that threaten the very fabric of society. Hidden knowledge can unravel the threads on which civilizations have grown, and kernels of long lost truth can bring untold power to those who would destroy the works of ages. In the wrong hands, secrets are dangerous, and that is why Athena’s investigators are tasked with revealing those secrets and then securing them from the evil creatures of the world.

Kincaid is one of those investigators. Brought in to the temple as a young orphan, he knows little of his parents except that they were refugees from the country of Morrus who fled from the Ragesian army. Due to some unfortunate accident, he was bereft of his parents in the city of Gate Pass, and it was there that the temple of Athena brought him in to study. He was a dangerously smart acolyte, eager to learn all that his tutors would teach, and soon enough he had immersed himself in the stacks of research scrolls in the deepest bowels of the temple libraries. His mentor recognized Kincaid’s aptitude and set him on the path of an investigator.

Now great uncertainty fills the air as Emperor Coaltongue has vanished. Perhaps even more troubling to the temple leadership, though, is the fate of the Torch of the Burning Sky. It too has vanished, but the artifact’s power was clear. If it were to fall into the wrong hands, devastation could sweep the land. What’s more, there are troubling parallels between the powers of the Torch and the strange effects that have begun blocking teleportation magic. And that’s why Kincaid has been sent to meet with Torrent at the Poison Apple. When the call from the Resistance came to the Temple of Athena that they had a mission and wanted a representative, the potential was clear. If someone could join up with the Resistance, they may be able to get closer to the source of what happened to the Torch. Revealing the fate of the Torch could be the difference between peace and destruction. Armed with his conviction and years of training, Kincaid set out into the dark streets of Gate Pass to meet with Torrent.

Character Sheet
To follow...

Voidrunner's Codex

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