D&D 5E Warlock/Cleric Best of all Worlds


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So by that logic, I guess my idea probably isn't possible. It sounds like the inverse of what I'm describing where the warlock is pledged to the god, (tricky spider god) and the cleric would espouse the ideals of the god (stories, tricks, pranks).

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Dessert Nomad

So by that logic, I guess my idea probably isn't possible. It sounds like the inverse of what I'm describing where the warlock is pledged to the god, (tricky spider god) and the cleric would espouse the ideals of the god (stories, tricks, pranks).

Pretty much the opposite? I can't see why a god would object to you doing what he wants by two slightly different paths that he endorses. I wouldn't have a single being granting powers by both routes since I think warlock-like pacts are for lesser entities like demons, fey, celestials, powerful spirits, weird old ones, and so on, but if one did then I can't see how serving one god would offend that god.


Depends on how he’s gaining his power. Is he channeling it or learning it? Perhaps his god allows him to channel some power, and outright teaches other powers. I’ve always viewed that as the main difference between the two.


First Post
One major problem. clerics receive spells from gods who do want their cleric's patronage. Warlocks receive their powers from entities who likewise want their patronage. Thematically it does not work. Trying to make it work requires proceeding in defiance of the very flavor of both the classes. It reeks, and I do mean reeks of base munchkinism of the highest order.
A Cleric with patronage to an angel. Think of how Catholics often pray to St Peter, but have belief in God and Jesus

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