D&D 5E Warlock/Cleric Best of all Worlds


The tingling means it’s working!
Heavy Armor. Shield. Martial weapons. Healing. Fireball. Invisible familiar. For the player who wants it all: the Warlock/Cleric.

One of the major features of the Warlock is that it gets all spell slots back after a short rest, and those slots are maximum potency. The downside is that it only has 2 slots (until very high level).

One of the major features of the Cleric is that it "knows" every single spell on the Cleric list, plus domain spells. Unlike the other classes, which have to choose a limited number of spells to "know" with the rest of the list inaccessible.

Multiclassing allows the character to use Warlock spell slots to cast any spell known, including spells known via other classes. And allows casting of Warlock spells using spell slots gained from another class.

The Cleric/Warlock, then, has greatly expanded utility and versatility.

Str 14 (13, +1 from Heavy Armor Master)
Dex 8
Con 12
Int 8
Wis 16 (15, +1 from Human)
Cha 16 (15, +1 from Human)

Feat: Heavy Armor Master (+1 Str, DR 3 vs nonmagical weapons)
Future feats: Wis bump, Cha bump, or Ritual Caster (Wizard) for even more versatility.

Class progression (with minimum details, so as not to violate copyright)
Cleric 1 Tempest domain (alt: War)
Warlock 1 Fiend patron
Warlock 2-5
Cleric 2-15

Power peaks at 10th level (3rd level Warlock and Cleric spells) and is eclipsed by single-class casters in the high levels. In my experience most games are played in low-to-midlevel, and that's where this shines.

Fun tricks:
1. 3rd level Inflict Wounds (5d10 damage) delivered by invisible familiar, twice per short rest.
2. Casting "noncombat" spells like Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Augury, Speak With Dead, Zone of Truth, Sending, and such and being able to regain that slot in 1 hour.
3. Two 3d8 + 3 heals per hour will let the party quickly recover from battle.
4. Bestow Curse delivered by invisible familiar, to give Disadvantage on the appropriate saving throw on a followup Hold Person or similar lockdown spell.
5. More uses per day out of party buff spells such as Bless or Crusader's Mantle (if War domain).

[Edit--start with Cleric to satisfy Heavy Armor Mastery. This feat isn't necessary for the build, but it *is* a decent feat.]
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Michael Morris

First Post
Heavy Armor. Shield. Martial weapons. Healing. Fireball. Invisible familiar. For the player who wants it all: the Warlock/Cleric.

One major problem. clerics receive spells from gods who do want their cleric's patronage. Warlocks receive their powers from entities who likewise want their patronage. Thematically it does not work. Trying to make it work requires proceeding in defiance of the very flavor of both the classes. It reeks, and I do mean reeks of base munchkinism of the highest order.


First Post
I've considered the same combo. I wonder what you'd lose by just taking a couple levels of cleric (maybe only one)? That gives you per-encounter, scaling heal spells, but they scale much faster through mid-levels and then you start to get more of them. Plus you do get high-level spells.

Paladin is another promising multiclass - level 5 smite twice per short rest at level 12 is crazy.


First Post
One major problem. clerics receive spells from gods who do want their cleric's patronage. Warlocks receive their powers from entities who likewise want their patronage. Thematically it does not work. Trying to make it work requires proceeding in defiance of the very flavor of both the classes. It reeks, and I do mean reeks of base munchkinism of the highest order.

Not necessarily. A fey warlock who is also an Oath of the Ancients paladin makes perfect sense, and a "render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's" mentality goes a long way with multiclass clerics. ("My soul belongs to Corellon, but my blade is yours, my lady.") You just need a god and patron who get along.

Michael Morris

First Post
Not necessarily. A fey warlock who is also an Oath of the Ancients paladin makes perfect sense, and a "render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's" mentality goes a long way with multiclass clerics. ("My soul belongs to Corellon, but my blade is yours, my lady.") You just need a god and patron who get along.

Not happening in my game, and I'd imagine most games. Gods are very jealous beings.


Not happening in my game, and I'd imagine most games. Gods are very jealous beings.

Ok. That is a perfectly valid house rule but a house rule none-the-less.

On topic: Are you taking heavy armor at level 4? Because you can't take it at level 1 if you start with warlock since you won't have heavy armor proficiency yet. Another issue is that you are going to have a weak constitution saving throw and that is going to make it very difficult to keep up any concentration spells so you might want to invest in war caster or the resilient feat.

I had been thinking of going fighter 1/warlock 19 for a pact blade warlock to pick up the armor, the constitution save and the fighting style but cleric 1 might be a good alternative.

Plane Sailing

Astral Admin - Mwahahaha!
Ok. That is a perfectly valid house rule but a house rule none-the-less.

On topic: .....

in what way do you think this is a relevant contribution to the topic? Clue: it isn't. You are trying to shut down another commenter with that statement, and we don't appreciate that. Please don't do that.


Michael Morris

First Post
The "fluff" on both the classes makes it pretty clear that their magical abilities are outsourced. Combining the classes requires ignoring that background. Mechanically it will work, the game is written that way so the DM can freely change the fluff around. But the default assumptions of the game make it pretty clear that this particular combination isn't going to go very far at many tables.

But I suppose if you feel the best magic item is whatever gives the most plusses, and the best background is whatever gives the most plusses, and the best class combination is whatever gives plusses it makes sense. I just find that sort of play, straining the rules well past their breaking point, to not be very fun.


But the default assumptions of the game make it pretty clear that this particular combination isn't going to go very far at many tables.

Repeating your words doesn't make them any more true. That is a general rule. Besides you are in the "Character Builds / Optimisation" forum. If you are not interested in these matters, look elsewhere.

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