D&D (2024) Weapon Mastery + Cunning Strike+ Battle Master

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The fighter should have a few more ways to use Action Surge and Second Wind, Indomitableshouldbe much broader, and maybe the ability at level 5+ to trade an attack to do a bigger thing.
The more we keep it simple, the more I like the idea of the fighter being the only class that can raise their abilities beyond 20. Let them reach 22 by level 6. 24 by level 8. 26 by level 12. 28 by level 14. And 30 by level 16. Those extra + definitely mean something for a fighter that can attack two, three, four, or five times.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
The more we keep it simple, the more I like the idea of the fighter being the only class that can raise their abilities beyond 20. Let them reach 22 by level 6. 24 by level 8. 26 by level 12. 28 by level 14. And 30 by level 16. Those extra + definitely mean something for a fighter that can attack two, three, four, or five times.
The only issue there is that many players would feel even more like they “have” to take ASIs even at high levels.

Good lord okay you’re not bothered. Great.

You’re still arguing against just letting the fighter be simple.
I'm bringing up ideas for discussion man. If you don't want to discuss it, that's fine, go to another discussion. It's worthwhile to entertain alternative ways to achieve what we already have, because that's what breeds innovation. Keep in mind you already have your simple fighter for 2024. It's not like our discussion is making it so that WotC is no longer creating a simple fighter. So, if the only thing you're posting here is that we need to stop talking, idk, it's hard for me to understand that perspective.


The simple D&D class can't be a caster because spells are inherently complex.
It's true that you can't pare a caster class down to the simplicity of a champion fighter... but you certainly can pare it down to the simplicity of a warlock. That's one of several reasons I hope they update 2014 Pact Magic instead of going with the mess they replaced it with in the previous packet. Sometimes the players who dislike complex mechanics want to throw fireballs instead of swing a sword.

Ideally, there would be a "simple subclass" for every class, but that's probably not feasible.


Again, it would be pretty easy to put a simple option in a more complex fighter chassis. In the way that playtest gives default spell options for spellcasters, you could do the same for fighters. Have suggested or default choices for the fighter and have those default options be simple (like increased damage, increased crit range, or whatever). Boom, the people that want a simple fighter can have it, while those that want something more can have that, too.

The only issue there is that many players would feel even more like they “have” to take ASIs even at high levels.
I agree, it would feel as though it is the pressured route. Though, there are quite a few tables that still don't use feats, so they wouldn't feel pressured (unless they have specifically stated OneD&D players must use feats). And, on a personal note, I like the thought of making choices during character creation and advancement. In my opinion, there should be trade-offs. But I concede not everyone feels that way.


The more we keep it simple, the more I like the idea of the fighter being the only class that can raise their abilities beyond 20. Let them reach 22 by level 6. 24 by level 8. 26 by level 12. 28 by level 14. And 30 by level 16. Those extra + definitely mean something for a fighter that can attack two, three, four, or five times.
please no.

We really do not need any more ability score inflation.
We had that in 3.5e and somewhat in 4E

hard cap at 18.
maybe some classes(fighter IE can have one score at 20 if they take that ASI at 19th level) can break that rule.

please no.

We really do not need any more ability score inflation.
We had that in 3.5e and somewhat in 4E

hard cap at 18.
maybe some classes(fighter IE can have one score at 20 if they take that ASI at 19th level) can break that rule.
I don't really see how having a fighter be able to have a +8 at level twelve would change the game. They would hit a little more often than the other classes, and their damage would increase by +3. Oh, and they would actually kick butt in athletics, like they should. Now, if you have a dex based fighter, that might cause more inflation than needed. But adding a few extra plusses seems like it would tamper down some of the complaints of the fighter not doing enough damage (even though, in reality, it is on par with other melee classes).

Voidrunner's Codex

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