D&D 4E Wemic 4e FR (PEACH) ^^


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As we are proud to have Wemic as character in our campaign i needed to come up with a version for 4e DnD and i want to share it with you all.

As our campaign setting are the Forgotten Realms used text from the 3.5 Races of Faerun to spice the whole thing up with a great description of the race itself. cudos to the writer!

Included in this PDF are:

  • Racial Traits
  • Description
  • 5 Heroic Feats, 3 Paragon Feats and 2 Epic Feats
  • 2 Paragon Paths. Choose to be a Homeland Defender to protect the lands of your pride or be chosen as an Ancestral Avenger, making sure that the wisdom of those long gone still gets heard.
  • Magic Items [coming soon...]

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I love this PDF. May I host a copy on my Web site?

I'm not a player of 4E, so I cannot comment on the rules mechanics, but may I comment on the flavor text? My personal preference is to depict the wemic as it was described originally, under first edition, that is, more centaur-like than beastial. Centaurs do not have fur or horseheads or hoof-like nails on their fingers. So why do wemics have fur all over and so many beastial characteristics? Me, I prefer a less "furry" and more "classical" wemic. Just my own preference, of course.

Thanks for putting this up!

Cayzle's Wemic Site


First Post
I love this PDF. May I host a copy on my Web site?

Would be great to keep it at one place to not have million different versions in the net as i update it (which is clearly not a "no, you can't" as there is no copyright of my own on that stuff). But, as i said above, all the flavor text ist copyright WoTC. I should make sure to mention that in the pdf *makes a note* or just write my own text. :)

I'm not a player of 4E, so I cannot comment on the rules mechanics, but may I comment on the flavor text? My personal preference is to depict the wemic as it was described originally, under first edition, that is, more centaur-like than beastial. Centaurs do not have fur or horseheads or hoof-like nails on their fingers. So why do wemics have fur all over and so many beastial characteristics? Me, I prefer a less "furry" and more "classical" wemic. Just my own preference, of course.

Thanks for putting this up!

Cayzle's Wemic Site

Well, i think it depends on your personal flavor. The "extra hairy" version of a wemic with the features of a lions head makes it imho more savage and puts a clear difference to the centaur race not only in looks but also in regard to their evolution & civilization. They are a way more savage compared to centaurs. That a typical Wemic just uses weapons he can make and that the weapon of choice is a spear shows that making bows & forging steel weapons is clearly out of their league. They are nomadic and need to focus on things they can produce while beeing on the hunt/protecting their territory. Other things simply get traded if needed.

I just like these life enjoying, noble savages with a proud heart. :D
Not telling anyone which kind of wemic is the right and only one, of course.


First Post
Might be overpowered

I think your wemic might be a little overpowered.

8 move
low light vision
shield proficiency
natural weapons

That's quite a lot. If you changed it to:

7 move

and kept the rest the same, then I'd say it would be more inline with other races.

Otherwise, very nice writeup with a good presentation.


First Post
I think your wemic might be a little overpowered.

8 move

That's quite a lot. If you changed it to:

7 move

and kept the rest the same, then I'd say it would be more inline with other races.

Otherwise, very nice writeup with a good presentation.

Hi Verision,

i actually thought about that and i think i need to make myself more clear about the "Large" as a creature. Wemics are Large in length and not height, so they have the standard reach of any human. Second to that they are not able to use oversized weapons and use human-sized weapons as well.

The movement speed of 8 in combat might be tricky, right. Think i change that to 7 in combat. ;)


First Post
Hi Verision,

i actually thought about that and i think i need to make myself more clear about the "Large" as a creature. Wemics are Large in length and not height, so they have the standard reach of any human. Second to that they are not able to use oversized weapons and use human-sized weapons as well.

The movement speed of 8 in combat might be tricky, right. Think i change that to 7 in combat. ;)

Are you saying it's a 1x2 creature? (a long creature?).
I guess that as long as they are not using oversized weapons, the large portion is probably not an issue.
I think you have to limit the speed to 7 though, or take away one of their other racial abilities, to make them balanced. Then again, if you don't care so much about balance, then go for it.


First Post
Are you saying it's a 1x2 creature? (a long creature?).
I guess that as long as they are not using oversized weapons, the large portion is probably not an issue.
I think you have to limit the speed to 7 though, or take away one of their other racial abilities, to make them balanced. Then again, if you don't care so much about balance, then go for it.

I changed the PDF. ;)
Yeah, its kinda a long creature, but in 4e i only have 2x2 Large creatures so its Large(long) with a reach of 1 (human) and the ability to only use human sized weapons. So thats a bit of a disadvantage when it comes to positioning etc. as we figured out in play so far.

The abilities add up a bit, but 1d4 (non-magical) damage attack with a +3prof is only good til level 2-3 where you get your first +1 weapon and no longer use your claws to grind yourself through your enemies.

Balance is essential, as i want to present the race in way which is playable by not only us, but many folks. :)


wemic links and reach

Thank for the updates to the PDF. I think I'll grab a copy of the PDF just to keep in case, and link to this thread from my wemic site. If enworld ever goes belly up, I'll have the PDF then. :)

[I mean that half seriously ... after almost ten years online, i have lost far too many wemic links due to pages dying. Thank goodness for the Wayback Machine.]

As for reach and size, for what it is worth, note that under 3.5, all large creatures take up four squares, whether "long" or "tall." But large quadrupeds, such as centaurs and wemics, have only a 5 ft reach. They do use large size weapons, though.

Again, thanks!

the Jester

The wemic is a cool old favorite.

But I implore you, please drop the "PEACH" acronym nonsense. It's not appropriate here- we examine and critique honestly whether people like it or not.

Edit: Just reread this post- I didn't realize how snarky it sounded when I posted it. Sorry!

Also, I just noticed that the "Fulgurous Charge" ability says it's an eladrin racial ability- should be wemic.
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