I've been a DM for years now, but a feeling I have fairly consistently is that I never have enough time to prep, even when I'm only running a game every other week. I know part of this is because I am pretty much incapable of running an adventure as written, but I'd like to figure out what I can do to make more efficient use of my time for game sessions and what things I should prioritize.
Here's a breakdown of what I consider for every session, with the items in each category being ranked by the importance I give them from most to least.
Are their certain resources available in physical media, apps, DM's Guild, etc that could help with some of these? For example, is there a source with pre-made fantastic terrain I could pepper into combat encounters, or a source with adventuring relevant uses for each tool proficiency, or a source with formulas for magic items? For NPC detailing I've already attempted making a collection of tables on ChatGPT from various sources, with mixed success.
Here's a breakdown of what I consider for every session, with the items in each category being ranked by the importance I give them from most to least.
- What opponents seem interesting to me and will seem interesting to my players as well?
- How do they fit into the story?
- How could I customize monsters to make them more unique for an encounter?
- Can they meaningfully challenge the party? For example, is there an opponent that imposes saving throws I could use against the heavily-armored artificer?
- How could the opponents synergize with one another and behave tactically?
- What is the combat encounter area like? For example, are there elevation changes and pits to help keep ranged attackers away from melee attackers?
- Are there any interesting terrain features for PCs and enemies to avoid or take advantage of, such as magic circles that boost AC or bubbling cauldrons that could be tipped over?
- Could there be a mid-combat complication, such as a large fire breaking out?
- Who are the NPCs the PCs will interact with?
- Which NPCs will the PCs interact with briefly, and which ones will need more detail?
- What motivates the NPCs?
- Which NPCs know each other, and how do they get along?
- Do they have any secrets? For example, do they have an Infernal contract with a devil that they're trying to get out of?
- What can the NPCs be doing to make the world seem more lived in?
- What sorts of things could I have enemy NPCs say in battle?
- How can the NPCs be used to forward the plot?
- What interactions between NPCs could PCs witness, such as overhearing guards talking to each other while the party is sneaking around?
- What locations seem interesting to me, and which will seem interesting to my players?
- What can I do to portray a certain mood and feeling, such as for a dwarven city or a mote in the Astral?
- What can the PCs use their skills to do?
- What can the PCs use their tool proficiencies to do?
- What events could the party see, such as the sights in a bustling city?
- Is there any non-threatening flora or fauna the party might find interesting?
- How can I organize my resources to make easier use of them (such as references from multiple source books)?
- What new magic items that I could homebrew would I and my players find interesting?
- How can I organize everything I've prepped to be easily accessible at the gaming table during a session?
Are their certain resources available in physical media, apps, DM's Guild, etc that could help with some of these? For example, is there a source with pre-made fantastic terrain I could pepper into combat encounters, or a source with adventuring relevant uses for each tool proficiency, or a source with formulas for magic items? For NPC detailing I've already attempted making a collection of tables on ChatGPT from various sources, with mixed success.