What are you reading, Septembre 2018 edition

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Plato's Republic;
The Cambridge Translations of Medieval Logic;
AD&D Oriental Adventures;
Werewolf: The Forsaken;
Vampire: the Dark-Ages;



Finished Wizard of the Crow last month, started and finished El Flaco, and View from a Pedestal in the same month

Working on JIm Butcher's Brief Cases, and the latest Longmire came out today, so that's next...

Finished William Dear’s The Dungeon Master. It’s a great window into the beginnings of the Satanic Panic. William Dear, while definitely quite a bit self-aggrandizing, is surprisingly non-judgmental.

By now we all know how the story ends, though the book does a good job of investing the tale with tension nonetheless. But one thing that struck me, when Dear was talking about Dallas’ eventual suicide, is that he listed out all the ways his organs were donated, the people they saved.

Now it’s onto lighter fare, with Diana Wynne Jones’ Howl’s Moving Castle. Looking forward to reading the book that the excellent movie was based on.


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
Started Terry Pratchett's "The Wee Free Men". Didn't get a chance to get too far but I'm liking it.

Still also reading the Vorkosigan Saga, but that's a reread. Actually, I'm early enough in it (considering the number of years these were written over) that I'm at the 3+ read for where I am in the series reread.

Finished Howl’s Moving Castle. A lovely tale, with plenty of surprises for those that have only seen the movie (like me).

Next up is Martha Wells’ All Systems Red. After reading so many 800+ page books, fast reads are a treat.


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
Since last check in, I finished LMB's Cetaganda, ready the next Vorkosigan story after that Ethan of Athos, and around both of them read Pratchett's The Free Wee Men.

Ethan of Athos I read more for completeness. I like Elli Quinn, and it's not a bad story, but it misses the spark that makes stories about Miles (and Cordellia) so breakneck. Ivan stories have their own charm. Ethan as a character doesn't lack charm, but it doesn't excite me the same as the others.

Also it's right after Cetaganda in the internal chronology but it was written 4th (of 31) while Cetaganda was written 15th, and in that time the people of Cetaganda got their own character ibnstead of beign "just another place", but that character is not really present in the earlier-written Ethan of Athos work.

But hey, it's in an omnibus.

The Free Wee Men on the other hand I greatly enjoyed. First time reading it, first Tiffany Aching novel. i do greatly enjoy the witches of the Discworld, and this was a great take on what it means to be a witch. Plus it had a cameo by Nanny Ogg and Granny Weatherwax that had me cheering out loud (COL?!).


I just started a serial killer thriller by Ted Dekker called Adam. I've read several of his thrillers before and he's pretty reliable - he doesn't hit it out of the park every single time, but with only one or two slightly-below-par exceptions he's usually very entertaining. And for fifty cents at a library book sale for a book that's already intriguing two chapters in, I think I'm getting a pretty good deal.



Just started an anthology edited by Lee Child called Matchup... Two authors, one with a famous male character and the other a female character, are paired up to write a short story starring the two of them.
I'd only ever heard of two or three of the characters/authors and hadn't read the books, but I bought it just because Jack Reacher gets to meet Temperance Brennan, who are possibly two of my all-time favorite characters.

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