What are you reading this year 2020?

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Eyes of Nine

Everything's Fine
I finished Robert Adams' Stairwell to Forever, and I was glad to be done with it. Hoo-boy, there's a lot to unpack. It's so very 80s, but in a bad way. Imagine if the The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe began with finding a treasure in Narnia, then spent 75% of the book detailing the main characters getting rich selling it in our world and having to defend his wealth from "furiners" and "the guvamint." Just about everyone but the main characters are written speaking in some sort of crude and steI reotypical dialect, and it starts to feel insulting to the people depicted. In general, the book feels very sordid.

In conclusion, it was a trainwreck that I couldn't look away from. Also, I can't believe I read the thing when I was 12.

Next up is Seanan McGuire's Down Among the Sticks and Bones, which is already a much better portal fantasy.
Never heard of Robert Adams, but sounds like a book I can take a pass on.

I did really enjoy Every Heart a Doorway. Just haven't gotten back to that series yet. Trying to catch up on October Daye series first from her. She is PROLIFIC.


I just started a new thriller, Giri, by Marc Olden. It involves a mass murderer in modern-day New York City and a Detective Sergeant assigned with finding the killer. He'll apparently team up with a Japanese swordswoman, if the cover has anything to say about it.



New Publisher
Started and almost finished Monkeewrench last night. I would have finished, but my wife left the light on in the bedroom, so I felt bad about staying up another half hour......I got like 50 books (counting some omnibus books as 10.....) on sale a few weeks ago. Not sure what's next....maybe Mistborn or Aurora.

The sequel was pretty darn wonderful. Like, some of the stuff about what it's like growing up as a twin is spot-on.

I did really enjoy Every Heart a Doorway. Just haven't gotten back to that series yet. Trying to catch up on October Daye series first from her. She is PROLIFIC.

Next up I'm re-reading The Two Towers. It's been a while.


The EN World kitten
So my reading plans got disrupted when my local library informed me that my hold request for the latest Dresden Files book, Peace Talks, had arrived. I picked it up and devoured it over the course of two days.

I won't spoil it for anyone here, but it left me wanting more in a way that was vaguely dissatisfying. As the plot progressed, I kept glancing at the pages left in the book and realized that it wasn't going to delve into the full scope of what was happening nearly as much as I wanted to, which was a tad frustrating. (At the risk of sounding like an entitled fan, that frustration was magnified by this book coming out six years after the last one, where previous books had come out at roughly one per year for quite some time...fortunately the next one is already out, so it's all good! ;) )
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Dirty, realism-hating munchkin powergamer
So my reading plans got disrupted when my local library informed me that my hold request for the latest Dresden Files book, Peace Talks, had arrived. I picked it up and devoured it over the course of two days.

I won't spoil it for anyone here, but it left me wanting more in a way that was vaguely dissatisfying. As the plot progressed, I kept glancing at the pages left in the book and realized that it wasn't going to delve into the full scope of what was happening nearly as much as I wanted to, which was a tad frustrating. (At the risk of sounding like an entitled fan, that frustration was magnified by this book coming out six years after the last one, where previous books had come out at roughly one per year for quite some time...fortunately the next one is already out, so it's all good! ;) )
The reason for the weirdness at the end of Peace Talks is that Peace Talks/Battle Ground was essentially one giant book, and then was split in 2 with a little extra padding to fill out the space.

Any issues you have with Peace Talks leaving you dissatisfied will almost assuredly be ameliorated by Battle Ground.

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