What Are Your Unique Items?


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Been wanting to drop this one in somewhere, remembered it after watching the movie that had originally inspired it...

Pytor's Blade: A blunted ceremonial blade bearing the motto "mors mihi ultimus vivendi casus", the blade is found in a Sylvan glen protected by a group of pixies sworn to the cause atop a grave. The tombstone is in the shape of an elfin-looking child dressed in rags standing atop a crocodile, smiling and holding a table clock with a hook dangling off of the clock's handle.

The blade can only be taken by a child or one whose innocence is unquestioned (Vow of Chastity or proof of chastity). In the hand of a child the weapon imparts some of the knowledge and traits of its carrier, a powerful Knight of Spring who protected children who found themselves in the Feywild. The crypt itself holds the body of the Knight, perfectly preserved at the age of 13, and protected by powerful wards that will change any who attempt to defile the grave.

The blade itself is a +1 Merciful Short Sword that allows the wearer to fly at their base land speed (good maneuverability) as long as they may maintain concentration upon a happy thought. The weapon is able to change into any metal besides cold iron, and cannot be used to harm fey. The item is blunted and treated as a bludgeoning weapon unless it is called to action.

Any creature who has harmed a child or taken innocence unwillingly calls to the sword's true nature. The Sword is blessed by the Lady of Spring and the Goddess of the Hearth. The sword can call forth 1d3+1 of the Lost Children, the remains of Pytor's child soldiers in the battle. Treat these creatures as small-sized Crypt Wardens who carry Simple Weapons. Each is dressed in rags like their leader, and will serve no other purpose than to defeat the threat at hand.

The blade also changes in the hands of the wielder, taking on aspects of a blade affected by the Holy Sword spell. Due to its unique blessing a Vow of Peace is not broken when Pytor's Sword is wielded against a creature who has broken the Vow.



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Gauntlets of the Blood God-
No stats whatsoever. These were given to a player by his request (I honestly cannot remember when why or how I gave in), but needless to say I quickly destroyed them. The wearer could manipulate blood of any living creature by will. So he could boil, froth, freeze or move the very blood in the veins of any creature. I hated those things.

Dark Stone Ring-
This particular ring was given no name other than how I first described it to my players. It had no apparent affect to the player it was given to, but later he realized that he was unknowingly loudly spewing a steady stream of preaches to Orcus, the Demon Prince of Undeath to everyone around him. After getting the ring off (at the loss of a finger), the players had the most fun slipping the ring onto different figures in this campaign, notably rival bureaucrats.


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Not my creation, but I'm currently playing in a high-powered D&D campaign (3.5 gestalt + boatloads of free feats + ample gold allowance for status, connections, and fancy equipment) where one of the characters has a full-body tattoo that secretes black lotus extract, in addition to a few other benefits. Quite a potent benefit for a monk...


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Lets see here...

The Three Brothers - Three greatswords forged at the Forge of Souls, each with their own flavor of doom

The Two Sisters - A pair of rings that are related to the swords above (Both sets created in the First Age)

Amulet of Dreams - Allows a user to enter someones dreams

Book of Blood - Inflict horrible damage upon yourself, bleed on the tome, gain bonuses! :)

Heart of the Phoenix - Be reborn on death

Ring of the Twins - Create a pair of clones of yourself and control them

That is just what I have written down where I can easily find it. There have been plenty of fun items over the years of gaming. ")

hmm... for a 2E campaign, I gave one character a 'rod of sniping' (apparently developed by a cowardly but powerful mage) which cast an uber-big Magic Missile, but only at a fairly long range (minimum of 100 yards, IIRC)... handy for outdoor use, less so for the dungoen...

The Red King

First Post
I gave my PC's a few pieces of chalk that will work like acid but only on stone. They have gotten them out of a few tight places.

Also, I stole the idea for the Possible Sword from China Mieville's The Scar.

El Mahdi

Muad'Dib of the Anauroch
I had a Gnome Beastrider (2E AD&D) that saved up his coppers and had a Horn of Ventriliquism made. Worked the same as the spell, but was a permanent magic item.

It found some creative use in combat, but even more creative use for intra-party chaos.:devil::D


In my 1E campaign, the players found one pair of 'gauntlets of chaos'. This was based on the gauntlets of ogre power, but the to hit and damage bonus randomly varied with each attack. Rolling poorly gave negatives to hit and damage; rolling well could bump up the to hit and damage to strength 25 equivalent.

It was cool for about 2 sessions, but we all got tired of the player having to roll for each attack.


These are coming to me piecemeal. My memory is shot.

The everflowing keg of beer. That one has made an appearance and generated a quest in just about every campaign I've run. Was mostly a cool addition prior to turning 21.

I have a couple others encountered as a player and will post those later.

Voidrunner's Codex

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